Why you hate him so much, Sup Forums?
Why you hate him so much, Sup Forums?
Because he's too powerful.
He's a dumb nigger
He literally takes the black side to anything. I mean he is consistent, he will take the black position vs feminists, trannies, muslims, etc.
proud to say.. I have no idea who this nigger is.
He was the worst president in history
He's Racist Anti-White Black Supremacist.
Pretty much sums it up.
Because he's a retard who makes excuses for niggers whilst being racist towards whites
He stands for his people. How is that wrong again, white boy?
sage you fucking idiots
He's your typical shitposter that can't take the banter.
Maybe he is hated by some, but not by me. How can you hate clowns? He is literally a LOL content generator.
Literally Who?
Dis nigga gots a fancy suit n sheeit. He mus no wut he talkin bout. Fuk Wyt Peepo
Isn't this guy some kind of black nationalist? If so, good. I support him. Black nationalists mostly believe in segregation and hate jews..
Because he's a retard whose wrong about everything, plus he's a filthy nigger who lives in a white country because deep down he knows his people are subhuman, just like you
do you remember the time?
top tier troll, he's only spewing shit because he makes money off of it
I don't. He's hilarious. He believes that WE WUZ EVEYTHANG without a single drop of self-awareness or irony. It's magical to see.
Did he ever buy that step ladder?
Ill-fitting suit
That ghetto watch
Racebaiter and whiny bitch
90s Black boy band moustache
General ebony jet magazine pimp vibe
Likely actual pimp
Hypocrite racist fear monger
Generic human dogshit
remember the time that dumb nigger started a WHITE SUPREMACY SUSPECT DATABASE for faggots to "report" wyt pipl on Twitter they "jess knew wuz nazis"?
Remember how Tariq thought this was going to be his big payday and started flaunting it on Twitter and that it was developed by a nig?
Remember when that nig developer was all proud of building this website, but forgot that he put all his code in GitHub?
...........and never changed the password to his database connection?
............and that site crashed within 2 hours?
>Ill-fitting suit
Fuck you guys, he owned Richard Spencer.
Because he is a race baiting, ignorant, aggressive entitled little shit who does damage to whites and blacks all at once while thinking hes doing good. One of the most infuriating people i have ever seen talk online. If he experienced any real racism like his grandparents probably felt, he'd curl up in a ball and cry himself to sleep. He should be lynched from a tree, and I think pol would have help from the more sane members of the black community as well. I want this cunt to be hit by a fucking train.
56% are gonna nig
>Why you hate him so much, Sup Forums?
I do not hate him. He gives us material. Same goes for all niggers. Their very existence and actions are what we us to enlighten others to their nigger ways.
>he owned......
never happened
This faggot isn't capable of any semblance of intelligent argument. All he does is primp like a woman and make passive aggressive ad hominems. Its so tiresome
I still think he's a Sup Forums double agent with that swastika he made last year. He's not even a well-known pundit, and yet he's posted here periodically.
as usual, commie animals would rather people be suffering equally than erryone living comfortably but unequally
>that swastika he made last year
hahaha....forgot all about that
typical nig - incapable of any introspective thought, which is why he's always getting BTFO at every turn.
He's like a pathetic Ralph Cramden trying to hustle for his next easy buck and being too much of a loser to see that its a dead end
Tha fuck you talkin' bout WHYTE BOI??
Who dis?
She’s black, isn’t she?
>She’s black, isn’t she?
its pretty obvious. Adjust your monitors, nigga
My top 3 real niggas list
1. Tariq
2. Lord Jamar
3. Lexington Steele
>3 real niggas list
implying the literal "Tar IQ" is 'real' anything
I have no idea what the fuck is that creature.
Isn't vladtv some wigger kike?
pretty sure thats a nigger, yo
All these buttmad white bois, while you’re here getting mad about black folks the average white women is currently getting fucked by a black brotha, no black person cares what you white mayo eating chucks on Sup Forums think of us cause we out here winning in every way. All the white ladies love us and would lift their dress up in a heartbeat begging us brothas to pound her white pussy, jobs are hiring more blacks than whites, Ivy League College is accepting blacks over whites, y’all whites are paying for all our shit we black folks ain’t never have to worry about spending our own money that means we saving tons of money a year. Man, it’s a blessing to be black.
you only get the leftovers we wouldn't touch anyway
You are right there. I can at least admire an in group preference for your people but Africans (even miscegenation ones like in North America) are the least of all people's.
>dat chimping out
>didn't bring up "WE WAZ KINGS"
>stating false claims already heard a millions times.
>Usual empty threats
>not using the "original Hebrew was black" argument
It's gonna be 2018 soon Jamal, it's time to get original with your one-liners.
Even Africans hate Black Americans.
>we out here winning
>it’s a blessing to be black
whitest LARP ever
He's fucking hilarious. The only thing I wish he would do differently is encouraging nogs to go back to Africa.
black, dumb, not wearing his chains on public and speaks without master's aprove.
Who is he?