I was fine with his kids being literal jews. I was fine with him bombing Assad. I was fine with the embassy drama. But this is starting to get really annoying and I don't want this ZOG cryptokike abusing our nation for the benefit of (((them))) anymore. This is the fucking USA not ISRAEL ok?
I was fine with his kids being literal jews. I was fine with him bombing Assad. I was fine with the embassy drama...
Other urls found in this thread:
But obama was so b-bad
If Trump is such a kike bitch why do they always call him literally Hitler? Maybe they call him Hitler to force him their direction. Call him hitler and he has to do something for the kikes to prove he is not literally Hitler.
hi jew
5D cheese you dumb moron
Leave God Emprah alone!
the power of vaginas is too damn high
Why is some random jew so important?
>why is it important that our laws literally don't apply to kikes
>t. trumpfag
This is actually 90,584th dimension upside down atmospheric checkers and Trump is O U R G U Y
F I R S T***
***second after Israel
What? I am saying that Trump is the kikes bitch but why do that still call him Hitler. Strange for someone like Trump who has bent over backwards for Jews to still be called Hitler. Obama was practically anti-Israel but had Jews defending him all the time.
r u cool with trump giving wall street trillions in tax cuts forever
Fuark I would regret voting for him if I did right about now
Should have voted Jeb!
What was the purpose of pardoning him?
Israel First.
Israel First.
Why didn't you give Jeb! a chance?
I bet none of you even know what the case is about, you just saw orthodox jews and started chimping out.
>whats wrong judeo-tyranny?
>just suck wet rotten shit out of a jew's hairy, pimply, blistered asshole and be grateful
What are you talking about? It's obvious, our laws shouldn't apply to Jews!
>our laws
t. Mehmet Dizisi
>makes a thread about the guy
>nothing but a bunch of morons screaming about the jews instead of discussing whats going on
You may have a point.
>This is the fucking USA not ISRAEL ok?
Oh sweet summer child.
He wasnt pardoned.
One rule for the poor, another for the rich.
The rich man was given a poor mans sentence, so President Trump saw that this was wrong, and interviened to make America Great Again.
>nazi and communist flags giving infantile answers
Why am I not surprised?
technically a communtation of the original senetnce i believe. rather than a full out pardon.
I'm a Cruz missile now
Fuck drumpf
And the supposed "centre-ground" gives...no answer.... no rebuke, just mocks because deep down they know they support the corruption.
Yes really.
See, none of you guys even know what you're talking about.
Go google his name and read the article before you comment.
Do you realise how bad shit like this makes us look?
Any leftists, zionist or jew can dismiss you within a second as an uninformed fool.
This is not helping the cause.
Kikes aside, the judge met with police and prosecutors 7 months before his arrest to discuss prosecution strategies which is collusion. She also had a husband who had stocks in the prison she put the detained illegals in to make extra cash. This federal judge was a corrupt figure with a history of abusing her power so it’s a good thing her sentencing of kike was undermined by the president otherwise she would keep getting away with shit like this. We have a corrupt justice system and this helps cut out people like this power high bitch who thinks she’s superior for having a vagina.
Sholom also was targeted by the leftist Jewish newspaper company ‘Forward’ because of his conservative views and refusal to unionize.
PETA also didn’t like him and targeted him as well but fuck these pussies, they are socialists that hate the free market.
The dude might have been the literal merchant meme but it’s clear what was going on behind closed doors. The state tried to bankrupt and seize this dudes business Marxist style which didn’t work in the end. If they can push a 27 year sentence on a first offense Jew imagine what they could do to you.
Yeah it's better to have man hating, family despising, feminist judges holding the power of life and death over our populace and sentencing fathers to 27 years in prison for minor crimes.
Go away MIDF.
I asked for an answer and all you give me is “rich vs poor” jargon.
As long as he triggered you dumb stormfags its ok.
>the amerimut meme proven true once more
> If we don't let the Jews do what they want feminism wins
Lol at you
You do realize that "conservative" Jewish views basically mean anti-goyim and pro white genocide? This guy belongs behind bars
>uninformed fool
I’ve been absent for the last week so excuse me dickhead.
Maybe this will make/pol/ think a little bit on how world really operates.
There is no good/bad guys in traditional sence. Just different groups with different interests
I wasn't talking about you personally, sorry if it came over like that.
>"Dumb stormfags'
>Prefers shiksas to his own women
He spent 8 years behind bars. Read the links or google the case.
>haters gona hate
Alright you’re right, sorry I misread that I just woke up and i’m kinda pissy.
Don’t apologize for his ignorance.
If you think rich vs poor, i.e. a basic divide in class inequality is jargon...then thats a lack of basic education. If you cant understand that the criminal is a memeber of the capitalist class, that his crimes were based on exploitation of workers and you write it off as jargon becasue it doesnt fit with what you wnat to hear...well thats up to you. ignornace is bliss , right ?
Obama releases countless hardened nigger criminals held in federal prisons, Trump pardons one Jew, suddenly its the end of the world.
Should have been 88 years for his anti-white business dealings
Kys k*ke
"It's cool when Jews employ 100s of illegal Mestizo immigrants, as long as they support our BASED Greatest Ally!"
>Trump’s action neither vacates Rubashkin’s conviction nor relieves him of other restrictions concerning his sentence, including supervised release and restitution. So why did Trump do it?
>According to the White House, because Rubashkin’s 27-year sentence, while warranted, was too harsh relative to crimes of a similar nature. That view was supported by legislators in both parties, including Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, and three former U.S. attorneys general.
>Rubashkin, 57, ran what was America’s largest kosher meat-processing company: Agriprocessors in Postville, Iowa. The company’s facilities were raided in 2008 under accusations of immigration violations and worker exploitation at a time of increased enforcement of illegal labor during the Bush administration. In 2009 Rubashkin was convicted of 86 counts of federal bank fraud related to loans to the company, said to be part of a complex accounting scheme to pay workers off the books.
>Supporters (including the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Orthodox Judaism) have long argued Rubashkin’s sentence was considered severe compared to cases such as Enron’s Jeff Skilling (24 years for fraud that cost shareholders $11 billion; later vacated) and WorldCom’s Brenie Ebbers (25 years for a multibillion-dollar accounting scandal).
>Meanwhile critics have pointed to allegations from hundreds of undocumented immigrants that Rubashkin fostered a hostile workplace that included 12-hour shifts without overtime pay, exposure to dangerous chemicals, and sexual harassment. (A jury acquitted Rubashkin in state court of 67 misdemeanor child labor law violations in 2010.) Former workers could not testify about the alleged exploitation as Rubashkin was not tried in federal court on immigration charges.
So what exactly am I missing? Looks to me like this guys belongs behind bars.
One Jew can do more damage than ten thousand niggers
>using shiksas in 2017
excuse me, we lock filth like that up in israel
> Obama did a thing so that makes Teuno being a new fuck boy ok
You guys ever get tired of saying the same shit? Trump is a bitch boy to the Jews. Fact
Shut up you antisemite, imprisoning Jews is racist. Remember the 6000000000000 who were turned into soap??
He sold fake kosher. How is that anti white?
>bringing in usa hunder of illegals
>millions of evasion
Your people seem to be genociding yourselves pretty well these days without Jewish help. And the judge in this case is what Merkel would be if she wore the black robe. No thanks.
We enjoy watching you finance the rape and enslavement of your own wives and daughters by the Muzzie hordes. We enjoy watching your police arrest you for speaking out against your enslavement on the Internet. Your country is dogshit, your people are dogshit, and the end culmination of your entire genetic legacy on this earth will be an example to others of what not to do if you want to survive. Why do you fags even come here and pretend anyone cares about your opinion? You are a fading race of grumpy feminists and commies. Just crawl into a corner somewhere and die already. No one will miss you.
I literally don't know
Give a me a logical explanation as to why this was done, otherwise shut up.
Any other candidate and it would have been far worse. Fact.
You people behave as if he betrayed you somehow, like he was pretending to not be openly personal friends with Bibi.
Like it's a bad thing to be happy there is a ringtwing pro jew president instead of a far left pro jew president. You'r not making any sense.
Good summary.
Why did Trump do this ?
Jewish conspiracy ? NO
Hes a buisness man looking out for Buisness man ...elected for buisness, giving tax cuts to buisness
>financial fraud, including bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering
>immigration violations
>worker exploitation
that's all fine in your book?
>Only Germans and meme flags masquerading this as a big deal...
And threre is one group which wants to see world burn
>This is the fucking USA not ISRAEL ok?
The question is not "will a Jewish pawn be elected?" The question is "which one will be less bad." And the answer to that question actually matters.
G*d I love the sound of k*kes squealing like little piglets in the morning
This really made my day
Sholom literally did nothing wrong.
Stop being so antisemitic, or you'll be reported.
>pardons a merchant
>everyone is outraged at this and the merchants crimes are suddenly in front of the world press instead of him silently serving his time
I'd never even heard of this Jude and his merchant tricks until Trump pardoned him....now that's interesting
Savage, but fair
How about the Murifats in prison for 1 gr of weed
So upholding the law is not a big deal. Is that it? Then just say it.
You still need to explain regarding
Thank for actually taking the time to look it up instead of just running your mouth.
>too harsh relative to crimes of a similar nature
Other people with similar crimes got far less.
Trump upheld the belief in equality before the law. And only after being pestered about the case from both parties.
That's it.
>financial fraud, bank fraud, mail & wire fraud and money laundering.
He supposedly laundered $27 million and got a $31 million fine, there’s your justice. A 27 year sentence for a first offense white collar crime isn’t justice, it’s an overstep of judicial power.
>immigration violations
Nearly 90% of agricultural in this country is done by migrants many of which are undocumented. Plus it was under the Obama administration and in the height of the recession. If every other business does it why would they send a 600 man team to raid this jew’s business in particular.
>Worker exploitation
The only solid case for that is him breaking child labor laws. That isn’t a strong case since the workers had fake identification.
If the corrupt conduct committed by the judge okay with you?
I doubt it's 4D chess. It just has that effect anyway because of the Kek chaos magic shit. Trump shilling for the Jews has the potential to turn people against them on a record level.
>So upholding the law is not a big deal. Is that it?
It is, that's why Trump commuted his sentence.
Commuting is not pardoning.
He is not declared innocent.
He was and is punished for his crimes.
The only thing that happened is that his sentence was reduced so as to be equally harsh compared to people commiting similar crimes.
holy shit
it really pays of
There were also reports of a meth lab: consumerist.com
>1 gram of weed argument.
> that flag.
You’re either a euro fag or an AI Nigger. Either way you don’t know how laws work in this country.
>.....of course Trump is just defending fairness and equatlity before the law...how could we be so blind....
Now list contributions to Demorats
he was supposed to serve 14 more years in jail
Great argument commie.
I wonder why you fail every time.
Democrats didn't cut mega corporations tax rates
Thanks for the information dude, this is exactly what I needed.
Schlomo wasn’t “pardonned”, his sentence was commuted, meaning he got out of prison early. He’s still a convicted felon, and is still required to pay reparations.
If you look at were the illegal immigrants he employed came from, the countries seem to match up with people on the list of human traffickers that was just released by the White House. A number of politicians also had asked for his sentence to be reexamined that he may have had “connections”.
Squealing about what? We win more, you lose more every day. Not sure how my gloating over the extinction of your people is a representation of my despair, but whatever makes you feel better.
You have a child's view of the law.
Senetncing isn't done simply in a you did crime X therefore you get time Y.
People are often punished far far harsher to set an example to others.
Trump is not sweeping the USA judicial system of disproportiante sentencing..which would be fair enough. He is commuting a fellow buisness man because he is a member of the same buisness community Trump is in power to defend.
Praise le kek join me in /ptg/ so we can support our based president netanyahu and his minion drumpf
Yes, it's quite sad.
u must be new
kill yourself shill rat
enlighten us and explain why he deserved to be pardoned.
That faggot Sheriff Joe shouldnt have been pardoned either. People in power that abuse should never be pardoned. How can a sane human support drumph?
Allegedly there was reports of a meth lab but reports later told after the raid that there was no evidence of that. There could have been a drug operation but I don’t know who to believe since both sides are so goddamn shady.
Actually i’ve been on here for years and it gets on my nerves sometimes that they just open fire on jews instead of pointing out what actually happened.
>enlighten us and explain why he deserved to be pardoned.