Can we save Jewish women? I don't want to have to purge them, they're beautiful and they have nice milkers. Considering their higher intelligence, shouldn't the Jewish womb be the most desirable for white children? So it's just Jewish men we need a solution for, right?
Can we save Jewish women? I don't want to have to purge them, they're beautiful and they have nice milkers...
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
Hello fellow white man
They can be saved by believing on Jesus Christ.
reminder that jewish women make jewish babies
With rape, but not "rape them and then kill them" or "rape them and then dump them."
I mean, pick them up, carry them off, fuck them repeatedly until pregnant, and hold them captive until they stop wanting to leave.
But think off the offspring they'd have the Jew genetics will still be there.
jewishness is carried in line of the mother. Meaning the child of a white man and a jewish woman is jewish as well.
Can't we just raise them to be white? It doesn't seem like Jewish women are doing anything wrong, it's all the men. Women are just following as usual.
So if all male Jews fucked white women, nobody would be Jewish after 200 years? That doesn't sound right.
You think you can train this ?
gimmie those khaza milkars
Even though it doesn't sound right, that is just how it goes.
Of course the genetics will still prevail, but jews themselves say that jewishness is carried down by the mother.
>Look at these beautiful jewish women, goyim.
>Don't you want to breed with them?
>You can't possibly resist those Khazar milkers, can you, goyim?
on the left you will see a 57 year old male member of a religion organized through its women and also sucking on breasts like even the monkeys you will see on the right are not doing
Jewish grillls >>>>>>>>> wh*te ''women''
sadly I'm G*rman
True Jewish women view breeding with goyim the same way most of pol views
Coal burning. Sex with goyim is something only the most degenerate and lapsed Jewish females would engage in, and then only for temporary lulz in their youth.
One wonders if the breast cancer isn’t more common in those giant tits.
Big titties confirmed for a fetish spread by the jews to make white men want to mix with their women. What do hollywood and porno (aka the jews) constantly tell you a straight man must like, lest be be a fag or a pedo? Bigger and bigger boobs, the biggest boobs. Who has those? Kikes and niggers.
White tits of modest size are the way to go.
Fat milkers are a degenerate kike fetish and only sag more with old age.
all cancers except for melanoma come from a fungus found in the common vagina
Jews are not a race, they are a religion. A dead one, at that
>Jews are not a race, they are a religion.A dead one, at that
The greatest trick the devil ever did was convincing the world he did not exist.
IT IS THROUGH THE MOTHER THAT A JEW IS RECOGNIZED. Since most of the world operates such that the wife and the children take on the last name of the father, it is a perfect way for der Juden to remain hidden. Consequently, these secret Jews, with goy last names, are then (((inculcated)))* into Judaism by mommy and the local rabbi.
they are a race.
are you trying to disinfo on purpose
right from the whores mouth
>Can't we just raise them to be white?
can you raise a nigger to be white?
no. it's genetics
Jesus is a Jewish psyop.
Judaism is in a state of collapse, in full retreat from all the intellectual redoubts it held in the last generation thanks to the fact that all the GenX and Gen Y jewesses all partied with Ecstasy and poisoned the DNA in their egg cells, causing them to produce autistic children.
I know very successful and attractive jewesses that did this, jewesses that had chemistry professor fathers that now have sons that will never be able to read.
Judaism in the west is being destroyed by its own decadence.
pic related == you
this guy gets it
Why must you tempt me Jew?
I thought it was asses because blacks have huge asses. Boobs were the patrician's choice of the white man. It's when you desire excess it becomes degenerate.
this is completely fucking false, Jews misgenate more than any other ethnic group in the States. Totally absurd they don’t want to fuck Jewish men at all. Secular Jews outbreeding enough to end their whole race permenently just like Whytes and Blacks in America. Only ortho jews breed together
>kill all other xenomorphs save the queen who can lay multiple eggs and create more xenomorphs
Nice try rabbi
Beep beep
Milk truck coming through
Or fuck them and kill them.
You can't save the christkillers. They are cursed unless they repent - which they won't.
You can train xeno
Jews have a history of whoring out their women to get what they want
What do you think OP is doing right now?
Have you ever dated a jewish chick?
If you cuck, your enemies (((they))) win. Rape babbies are Jewish under Jewish law.
They trained xenos.
No, but someday I'd like to. I worked at a private Jewish holocaust memorial college and some of the Jewess teens were cute.
Huge asses are disgusting and tacky. It's why black people like gaudy shit.
Firm, tight asses are superior
And then they give birth to male chicken swingers,good job fuckhead
Jews have outbred with so many shiksas it's impossible to tell the difference between Italian, German, Polish, and Russian mtDNA and Ashkenazi mtDNA.
Jewishness as a meme is carried and preserved along the y chromsome, regardless of any laws they might pretend to follow.
Are you people actually serious with the Jew hate or is this just a running joke on here?
What gives?
it's just a joke, but some idiots didn't get it and muslims of course are trying to prey on them
I don't know about the western countries
but I can tell you if an arab says this shit they are dead serious
alse obvious kike is obvious , kike
you do realize judaism is matriarchal and matrilinear ? .
the scheming jewish man is just a facade , the the women that are the real deceivers , combaining a woman's natural affinity towards deception with the jewish tradition of it.
JIDF Alert. Trying 2 get 4 chan 2 be Israel's bitch.
do you usually suck dicks on bar mitsvas or just occasionally?
Roll for Ben
5/6 pls
We could break the jewish race meme with this. I've always found it to be bullshit that judaism is both a religion and race. Its one or the other.
I could take all ford pickup owners, run a genetic test on them, then claim that ford pickup owners to be a race unto themselves based off the unique genetic trends that no other pickup owners share (we have 38,000 alles, it wouldn't be hard)
Any ford owner who converts to chevy or dodge is "self hating" Ford owners collect and support themselves and it eventually snowballs into "their thing" that no other person can take part in without chopping part off their dick off. They use their status to network, make money, and generally fuck with the rest of the world for their own benefit. Eventually, they make ford owners a legit race through bullshit rules that no other consumer group follows. Ford is the "chosen truck" after all. But does that mean we have to support that ugly organization of pickup owners just because the genetic diversity of its origin made super hot womens? I don't think so, I'll stick with my chevy. Maybe I'll eat that ass so good she'll buy a chevy.
My point I'm trying to make is that I want those sweet kazar tiddies bouncing in my face while my dick is creampying (s?) that fat pussy. And you know they have giant meaty vaginas begging to milk cocks.
At least both our groups can hate dodge. Fuck those hard riding, cheap pieces of shit.
dead serious
and on the day of the rope emphasis will be on the "dead"
Id. > JeWz
Jewish women are causing Jews to die out.
Legit question, how can I donate to IDF. They are doing God's work.
Jewish woman are rotten whores all of them
keep them as bumfuck sex-slaves? no preggers no worries about raising little mischlings
dem Khazar milkers!
Jewish women make the best wife's. I like the Goya sluts they know how to run a household and want many children.
I'm currently dating a Pakistani qt, so I know about their hatred of Jews, but what reason would any white westerners have to hate them?
could not be more serious m8
Wait a second
Lurk more faggot
If a jew converts to Christianity, is she no longer a jew?
jewesses only belong in the harems of gaelic high kings, jewish men belong impaled around his ring fort
Convert them to Christianity. It's literally what God wanted.
and thats only the ones with the big jugs
Pick one
Have you ever actually dated a Jewish woman?
They are such fucking shrill, entitled, demanding, neurotic, aggravating bitches in existence. AND you need to conceal your powerlevel.
Oh and when you date a Jewish woman you're effectively dating her whole family. They will not leave you alone.
>If the current situation continues we will lose another 6 million Jews within a generation or two.
Jewish women going to college is literally causing another holocaust.
I've unironically dated 3 Jewish girls.
>racemixing with kikes in 2017+1