
What do you think about my people?

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I think that it's unsurprising that you're posting from Somalia.


First i was angry because islam. But then when i saw the amount of degeneracy that christianity is bringing to the west i changed my mind

Serbs and Croats who gave it up to be Turks.


I have literally never thought anything about Bosniaks before I read this thread

Is it a brand of electronic calculator or something

people who converted to islam because of taxes, that says enough.

Basically just muslim serbs and croats with turkish genetics

noo, slovenians make those. Bosniaks mostly make burek and other turkish-like food

Fuck off amerishart

actually wrong, Croatia makes capculators not Slovenia. I've made an error

>the Bosniaks

Sounds like some kind of polish jew last name, so I guess you guys are the state equivalent of that

Subhuman muslims stealing lands with the help of the "west", then creating a country no one wants to live in and everyone flees to the "west"

Disgusting Muslims.

Whiter than their neighbors

you get the rope, turk. The land you occupy, turk should be divided among slavbros Croats and Serbs.

stop killing bosnians who left for syria

Some of the most courageous soldiers of the old K.u.K military.

They can be more of Croatian tribes, more of Serbian tribes, but as long as they value purity of South Slavic and Balkan blood above religion of sandnigger subhumans of ANY kind - they are your regular Europeans people
And many are not mudshit

muslims who don't belong in europe

How's it going Zlatan

literally a "nation" formed around the fact they kissed the ass of every conqueror that came here
Croats get shit but 200,000 ethnic Croats fought for partisans...meanwhile, there were more Italians than Muslims in partisan units
that should tell you a lot about their national character

You people made up the military elite of the Ottoman empire. And at pol, we don't like any ottoman cockroach. You are basically white cockroach.

could not care less

The only ones to convert cause they are cuck pussies while everyone else held out

every single Bosniak is Muslim, my Albobavarian friend
if he's not Muslim, he wouldn't be a Bosniak
nations here (re)formed around religion in 19th century...except even in late 19th century most of them still called themselves "Turks" even though they didn't speak Turkish
there's a funny anecdote when Turkish ambassador, Kemalist, came to visit Bosnia in interwar period
so this guy comes clean shaven, Western suit, and he's greeted by a crowd wearing fezes and hijabs, who get shocked when they see Turkish ambassador looking like that

Said the traitor who escped to colonise the sands of australia

hides behind another flag, get fucked roach

>if he's not Muslim, he wouldn't be a Bosniak
there are some bosniaks who denounced their religion tho
you're right about everything else

>posts from Sweden
>hey what do you think about my people, the bosniaks?

Nice argument you have there shitskin pajeet

yes, people like Kusturica, who now considers himself a Serb
and few Muslim Serbs, I don't mind those, but they are very small minority
majority of them are absolutely SEETHING for decades that they no longer have Christian serfs ploughing their land
some in Montenegro recently embraced "Montenegrin" identity, but it's the type of "Montenegrin" who thinks Njegoš was "genocidal" usually, so you can see the schizophrenia of their new identity

yes and there are those who embrace "bosniak" identity while not being muslim (but of course coming from muslim families)

Nation created from mostly Serbs and Croats who converted to islam under Ottoman rule to get benefits.
Pathetic,go back to your ancestral religion and right the wrongs of your grandfathers.

Evo. Ovo.

Go back to your shithole, roach.

PATHETIC animals. Nuke pls.

Bosniak is a completely artificial ethnicity. It's just absurd to base an entire people or culture on the whether or not their ancestors converted to Islam. If anything, it should be a mark of shame.

But genetically, they are of course as European as the rest of the region and be easily rehabilitated as long as they have the will. Like Nemanja (Emir) Kusturica.

Kuristicas are gypsies, though, but you've got a point

The same thing with Pakistan.

Untermensch - the country.


How so?

Having some retarded sympathy for them doesn't make him one.

Yeah, also with the "Turks" living in Anatolia.

>According to the Avdići, their progenitor Avdija Krivokapić, an Islamized Montenegrin, reportedly was honoured by the Sultan for his military service and on the way home to Herzegovina, in Kyustendil, he bought a gypsy and brought him to Plana; this gypsy was, according to them, an ancestor of the Kusturica family.

>Having some retarded sympathy for them doesn't make him one.
which isn't a coincidence, too

meme country and nation you are half croats half serbs and the rest are muslim larpers that should have been gased

Nobody likes you Mujo, as you can see from this thread. Your tragedy consists in the fact that you accepted foreign religion and customs that are completely at odds with european ways of living. You accepting conquerors religion and customs and gradually identifying yourself as them makes you a literal Stockholm syndrom victim. Even though you’re racially european you don’t have that kinship that europeans sense with one another even though they fought against each other for centuries. You don’t feel the common pride in fighting the non-european invaders that is deeply entranched in many european nations and used as mythos to their struggle and inspiration for current generations and generations to come. You don’t really have friends in other countries or at least someone that is symphatetic too you. Because of you losing your old traditions “making friends” with other countries is unlikely since you don’t have common things to share. This situation puts you in self perceived enemy surrounding countries who want to take “your territories”. And with no one too help you turn to your “mother” Turkey, which only reaffirms your neigbours opinion on you as “non-european” europeans or interlopers because of you siding with culturally backward, at odds with euroepan customs and hated “enemy”. Bosnia shouldn’t exist and I pity your tragic existence.

I just think of a failed state with Muslim retardation.

kek, good pasta


basically a cuck country conquered, your ancestors cry seeing their offspring still sucking Ottomman cock

Well, that's just speculation, but it certainly makes it suspicious.

But he doesn't look like one, he's got that South Slavic high-neanderthal-admixture face.

It’s from the previous thread where I wrote this. Just copied it for this one too.

>But he doesn't look like one, he's got that South Slavic high-neanderthal-admixture face.
sure, his family got bleached

Really nice people who actually became a part of society here. Unlike the other idiots from the middle east and africa

Everything you wrote is exactly correct.

The whole thing is just so tragic, it's obvious that a lot of them, maybe even the majority, would like nothing more than to get rid of Islam and return to being Europeans. But there's a huge stigma for them to return, as they'd have to go through another round of being "traitors" to their closest relatives and ancestors.

That's also why Northern Europeans have this idea of them. They're very quick to dump Islam completely when they move from the Balkans.

You're right. A lot of them used to live beside serbs, croats and different religions in Yugoslavia. That and their culture just makes them "blend" easier and better than others. One of my best friends family is from Montenegro, lived in Bosnia, they allowed him to eat what he wanted to and be a "kid" He didn't know that he muslims in his family before he was 13 years old

he had muslims*

They can't dump it here because they don't have anything to fall back. "Bosniak" nationality doesn't exist, they're Croats and Serbs that betrayed their faith. Also Arabs are the only thing keeping that country afloat for muslims (together with the West).

Isn't serbs turkish rapebabies also?

It's a meme mostly, banter between countries. Turks had some cultural influence on them, just like Hungary/Austria had on Croatia/Slovenia.

no nigger, neither is

it's funny because most of the ottoman culture is actually byzantine culture mixed with other middle eastern cultures, just like their vocabulary which is full of greek, persian, arabic and other words

also western turks are basically mongrels of balkan and anatolian ancestry, that's why they're close to us

tbf you all got some great influence from them in terms of your food. fucking love your food

I know, but didn't want to derail thread further from the bashing on the filthy traitors.
In truth the difference for the turks is very visible when you compare them to the turkic tribes of asia.
Too bad they're going islamic shithole again, Ataturk set them up for being a semi-decent country.

I mean the area of BH and peoples that inhabit it, not Bosniak identity. Although backwards and rural they had some exceptional areas during K.u.K. reign. Also Kusturica is a fucking gypsy, he’s not Serbian. And your Montenegrin identity existed long before Tito and his boys started their political nation building so you can’t say that Montenegrins appeared our of nowhere like modern cockh*les
They can behave good and be normal people, but they can’t be a part of society since they are not of Germanic blood, Preben. I swear I hate Denmark so fucking much. It was you to start all the multi-kult cuckery in Germania

yeah, that's sure some positive aspect of culture enriching kek, no joke

yeah you're absolutely right

I thought it was the school of Frankfurt that pushed that in Germany?

Yeah, that's when it's done right and you keep the good things and not that bad things.

Sure sarma and cevapi are great, but hands down Hungary's influence was better.
Islamic influence is watered down though since the main ingredient in the continental parts is pork.

>Hungary's influence was better
what was hungarian influence except gulash and their architecture, which is i great i must say

This often propagated meme is even above the "Spaniards are Arab rapebabies" on the level of retardation.

First of all, children of raped mothers, in essentially all cultures (other than literal slaves) get rid of their illegitimate children, meaning that "rapebabies" will almost never even grow up, let alone breed.

But more importantly here; "Turks" from the Ottoman Empire were at most a couple of percentages Turkish, at most, even at the time of their Balkan conquest as they had been assimilating Greek Anatolians for centuries by then. So claiming that Greek are Turkish rape babies is so extremely dumb considering that the conquerors themselves were just Islamized Greeks to begin with, meaning that the blood of Greeks has been ruined through mixing with Greeks!

And regarding the South Slavs then. It's been noted that there is essentially no difference between Serbian and Croatian genetics, which is extremely strange if Serbs were mixed with Turks, considering that the Ottomans never really conquered Croatia.

Fact is that South Slavs do have a lot of foreign blood, but it's all from other Southern Europeans, which isn't strange at all considering that Slavs have lived in the Balkans for 1400 years now and been part of many empires during that time.

>Sure sarma and cevapi are great
don't forget burek, too

And Sirnica, Mousakka, some nice desserts also. Lokum, Baklava? I don't remeber the names really.

So in general the muslims in bosnia and so on, are actually just slavs who are muslims?

Isn't everything gulas and paprika related to Hungarians?
Cobanac, fis, kobasice. The influence was surely mutual (slavs-hungarians) since Vojvodina and Slavonija, were very close to Hungary, Slovaks and Poland in the north.
I really can't differentiate between croatian and hungarian food, since I'm from Slavonija.

sirnica and mousaka are from greek cruisine afaik

yeah lokum and baklava, also tulumba. every dessert which came from them is great desu

>Isn't everything gulas and paprika related to Hungarians?

>Cobanac, fis, kobasice. The influence was surely mutual (slavs-hungarians) since Vojvodina and Slavonija, were very close to Hungary, Slovaks and Poland in the north.
yeah that's more of a mix, i think it's more slavic than original hungarian. slavs are known to eat a lot of meat

they are just yugoslavs. i am as many would say indifferant to them.

Based as fuck.

Stay strong bros, Serb genocide is coming within 50 years

someone should start exterminating us as soon as possible, so i can seek refugee asylum in Swiss or Germany before the shit hits the fan there too

I though that the ottomans also affected the greek cuisine and that's why they have similiar food.
But yeah, good stuff. When i used to visit my friend i always loved to eat with them


Nobody has argued against a Montenegrin identity, it's just the degree of it that's the problem.

Montenegrins have always had their own regional identity while still being part of a larger Serbian whole. Every people has regional variations, like Scania in Sweden. Scanians are considered as Swedish as pretty much everybody else, but they still have their own history and cultural differences, mostly due to their history with and proximity to Denmark.

Making an entirely separate Montenegrin people and language is a completely absurd modern invention, with no historical precedent.

I don't like lokum, baklava is god tier though.
yes, there are though some arab/turkish immigrants. Qatar and other terrorist countries are literally financing the country. Buying orthodox/catholic land, building mosques funding wahabbi villages.

Frankfurt school was just a fringe element that got it’s high ground in the US. To actually accomplish change you need an act of treason from pure blooded natives. That did happen in Denmark in 1960-1970 and then swept over to Sweden.
Spaniards are traitors that willingly intermarried*

>So claiming that Greek are Turkish rape babies is so extremely dumb considering that the conquerors themselves were just Islamized Greeks to begin with, meaning that the blood of Greeks has been ruined through mixing with Greeks!

Turks already arrived to see a mass of mongrels resulted from syrian, ethiopian, gypsy and armenian blood mixture. You though Byzantine was some monoracial racialist project? Hell no, it was a supercuckshed. Greek animals have interracial couples for saints and rulers there ffs.

Going back anytime soon?

>even European mongrels like Portuguese, Spainiards, Italians
Not quite

I heard that from my friend actually, that alot of arabs are visiting bosnia/croatia.Buying buildings and building a lot of stuff. malls, apartments, mosques etc.

>I though that the ottomans also affected the greek cuisine and that's why they have similiar food.
it was bidirectional like with every other culture they got in contact with. so there is some native balkan cuisine in turkish culture, too

almost every food you mentioned there, and almost everything we balkan people consider 'traditional' cousine is in some form or other influenced by turks unfortunatelly

Didn't know about that. I'm surprised

They are as Slavic as the rest of the South Slavs. They do have a problem with Arabs who helped them in the civil war and then refused to go home, but I don't know how many, probably not more than a few thousand.

Sarmale, which is Romanias national food was also basically taken from the Turks.

what do you guys think of Shias? Are Bosniaks sectarian?

Oh okay, the more i know the better.
Yeah i was told alot of them stayed after the war

Bosnians who are Slavic = cool guys, use Islam more as a political statement than an actual religion, eat pork, drink alcohol and are basically undistinguishable from white christians

"Bosniaks" imported by Alija Izmetbegovic from the ME = subhuman t*rks, ar*bs and other assorted middle eastern trash, spread their cancerous wahhabist shit and deserve nothing short of being buried alive in septic tanks

Montenegrin identity existed as a regional Serb identity

Before I even attempt to reason with you, answer one question. Are you that autistic Albanian immigrant that lives in Russia or are you that radical Russian race purist?

Remember when all this shit in Scandinavia started? Danes constantly used muh multicultural rainbow society rhetoric against the Swedes. Ethnic state of Swedes consolidated around eugenics and lagom was the prime enemy of the Danish media. Do you reckon Sweden had Statens Institut för Rasbiologi? Eternal Dane was outdoing Sweden with flooding the county with the non-Germanic hordes. It was the Danish media before the (((Bonnier takeover))) of the Swedish media to constantly nag about the intolerant Sweden until they changed the perspective in the mid 1990s. What does it speak to you? It's the Nordic essence to be collectivist in the common consent to the publicl opinion, even if it's supreme bullshit. How can the rest of Scandinavia follow your mild recovering? The same way the Danes did - speak up and normalise ethnic unionism.

Now then you can claim that Denmark has stric immigration laws TODAY.

But does it REALLY matter? It’s even worse since open borders heat up ethnic tensions just fine, whereas strict immigration policy can lead to sewage of races. Non-Northern Germanics can settle and naturalize in Denmark just fine. Nothing stops it. Brazil by 2500 or by 2125 doesn't really matter, does it?

The Germanic Genocide is not mass migration and race mixing.

The Germanic Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" American hookers being able to sneak in and procreate.

The Germanic Genocide is 1/32 Jewish or 1/8 Bosnian "Danes" that think they will be allowed to stay or when they claim to be Danish
What is Serb then? Serbofication did a lot of damage to idea of Serbdom and what is and what ISNT Serbian.

I’m Der Ewige Stier the Odin’s Punishment for the Nuremberg Laws

Ok, I will talk about personal experience about the level of extremism inside the Bosniaks. Fortunatelly - we are as slavic as it can be, I am pale, have light eyes, and light hair, and almost all my friends are similar in build and look to me, and we like to drink, and have fun, and most of us think of Islam as a whole as a big joke.
Now unfortunatelly, due to being influenced by Turkish/Arab/Muslim culture, tradition and religion the only way we can have our own identity is to mix whats left of middle-age history of Bosnia (the lilliums, the Ban Kulins charter, the kingdom of Bosnia that had parts of Serbia and Croatia, noting much) and the Islamic/Turkish influence, especially after the last war.
So now - you have people sticking the lillium on their cars (like some of my friends are), but when you tell them that if people who fought for that heraldy and bearings see who is being proud of it they would turn in their graves.
In the long run - I respect our medieval inheritance a bit more but everything became so dilluted.
Bosnia was always very liberal, and I never had any problems, you could drink, swear, or denounce religion as much as you want, but in the last couple of years the politicians and religious leaders are trying to indoctrinate young people more and more.

Gtfo from sweden muhammed

Well thanks for this info, much appreciated.
but i asked if you guys are sectarian...

Keep in mind that much of that "Turkish" food is in turn just imported and renamed Mediterranean food, not even the fucking kebab is originally Turkish.