How do we get white people to "be fruitful and multiply" so that we aren't replaced by other races?
How do we get white people to "be fruitful and multiply" so that we aren't replaced by other races?
By not being a shut-in virgin like most Sup Forums users are.
Stop the Jewish propaganda machine
We don't necessarily need more whites, we need less browns
"white people" are already mongrols. What's your obsession with white skin?
pretty much this
its not us, the sjws and the kikes and the left singled us out
this is what happens
Put contraceptives in their gibs.
Answer the question. Why do you like white skin so much?
Implant them with emotionally-responsive chromatophores.
everybody likes white skin better, again, i personally dont care, but see tinder statistics...women, of all ethnicities, prefer whites
why do you like whites?
since there is a singled out attack on white people, its obvious they are going to form an identity around it
Be the change you want to see user. Make a marriage work and have many white children. If your life is happy, people will emulate you.
>everybody likes white skin better
Woah nice argumentative skills there. No wonder nobody takes Sup Forums seriously with comments like this. Fuck off.
You don't need to, as long as you have strong borders and don't let non-whites in. Doesn't matter if they're at the gate and outnumber you a million to one, just sit there with a heavy machine gun. Bullets are cheap, and they're not armed forces coming at you. If they are, then the fun starts.
want to see the numbers, use google you retard
"everybody likes white skin better" is not a reason that people whose skin is white are superior to those whose skin isn't white.
Name 1 successful black society
i am sorry if reality hurts you, its not me, its every country everywhere
even brown countries view the clearer tones as superior
and why do you think women buy WHITENING creams? people want to be white
you hate us cause you aint us
Because my dad had white skin, why else?
You think white people are superior because their skin is prettier than other races'?
That's not a valid reason.
Would the kids end up fucked up psychologically if I had five between five different women?
You have lots of a children with a woman who won't leave you, and raise them to do the same.
>not a reason that people whose skin is white are superior to those whose skin isn't white.
nobody is saying that you fucking retard
OP is saying whites should be fruitful? whats wrong with that? you FUCKING RACIST!!!
AND numbers dont lie, sorry, we arent necessarily "superior", we just do better!!!
sorry ;)
Meme arranged marriages back into existence.
Lower taxes and tax breaks for married couples and number children of at least second generation residents
Also better divorce rules as not to fuck the man and revision of laws of marriage
That is certainly most functional
Women are overly protected and given mere slaps on the hand
Taking advantage of the one thing women cannot control: Their maternal instincts. Once you can trigger this, you will get a family.
Story time, theres a guy I know probably age 45 or so about 20 years older than me, he has lots of kids, white kids. How many you ask? Eight. And no I'm not meming, he and his wife have been having kids from their mid tentives until about three years ago (pretty sure they only stopped because she couldn't have any more, would not surprise me if they kept going if menopause didnt exist). So I tell my girlfriend about this couple and their eight children and she comes out with exactly what you'd expect "WTF THATS INSANE HOW COULD YOU COPE WITH THAT, IM NEVER HAVING CHILDREN"
Now I told you this because its important to highlight how the idea of having children repulsed because of the insanity of this couple and also general media portrayal of family life. How can you reverse this? Its quite easy, you expose your partner to the babies of others. Some kind of activity which involves you, your partner and a couple (or multiple couples) that have had children recently. She will see the baby, get all clucky and you will almost need to prise the child from her grip when its time to leave. This works, instinct to hold and care for a child, you expose her to a child that isnt hers and before you know it she will want her own.
We're expecting our first soon.
>Never having child
To be fair she meant not having 6 gorrillion children
No, she meant children full stop. She used to go on forever and ever about how she wouldn't because of the physical pain and physical complications. The maternal instinct overrides any prior reasoning be it fear of the pain, financial anxiety or muh career.
Goods advice. Also don't let her get a pet. Pets are surrogate children. Parasites that look and act like human children to some degree
I have three kids, it's nice
Serious about the chromatophores. It would be a tool for self-insight and communication. The occasional neurological anomaly will inevitably learn to lie with their colors, but for the most part it'll be a great honesty buff. Best part is, it will encourage a kind of facile emotional connection between people that will make relationships easier to start and maintain.
We don't.
We just need to curtail immigration policies.
White people on the whole are sentient enough to realise that rampant breeding akin to the numbers rathole nations such as India, China and those cisterns in the middle east pump out is unsustainably insane and wholly ridiculous if one wants to maintain a harmonious society that doesn't burn resources and run out of ample livable space at obscene rates.
The reason white, western nations have established clearly superior equilibrium and a harmonious state compared with the aforementioned shitholes (which in turn makes us desirable nations to migrate to) is because for the most part we don't adopt the rampant fucking these simpletons do. It really is that simple. We're a little more socially responsible. Or at least, we were, which has rendered our nations far more desirable, among other reasons.
White people are breeding. Always have, always will. The problem is that we're shitting in our own nests by importing these cheap animals en masse without considering the long term effects combined with a lack of balls from our sock puppet governments to stand up to their scaled superiors who instigate such policies.
End the imports. There's too many and it's fucking things up. Anyone who doesn't see this has rocks in their fuckin' head.
Crud, phone-posting changed my IP. I forgot about that. Pls don't ban.
Oh fuck i forgot to mention this. Either flat out say no to them or make up some excuse, either way no pets
sterilise all the niggers
Don't imagine people with swirly colorful skin. Instead, imagine having a star of color in the palm of your hand. It'll give a new meaning to all manner of idioms. Kids would love it.
Other variants come to mind as well. Imagine replacing the skin of your middle finger specifically with chromatophore-skin. Show 'em how you really feel!
You're going to need electromagnetically shielded cities by this point, bro.
not fucking men over in divorce and ending welfare would fix everything
No. You need more whites. The future belongs to demographics. This country literally will not let sny white people in. Start fucking and impregnating every white woman you see
beause my skin color is better than yours, so shut the fuck up