She only dreamed of putting sand dindus & dindus in cages along with their fellow monkeys and cleanse the lands. Beautiful angel didn't deserve humiliation she got. Let' show her support so her work may never be forgotten!
She only dreamed of putting sand dindus & dindus in cages along with their fellow monkeys and cleanse the lands...
Mummy please come back
Baby come back
Please stop with the e-celeb shit. It's so trivial and stupid
Completely ignored this eceleb when she was popular until watching a Mekotur video about her literally 5 minutes ago, that's such a shitty story. Spergy autist attacks someone for sharing wrong views.
Cutest e-girl. Nice and pale. Her only flaw is that stupid nose ring. Overall Lauren Rose is probably a better woman.
>nose ring and choker
>Caring about e-Celebs
Why is this board so pathetic?
>Stranger Things poster
wow that's gay
I would never watch that shit. because of that retarded kid with the teeth. looks like muh nostalgia shit, for faggots who never even experienced the 80's, or 80's movies.
Stranger Things is quite literally "le 56% face" - the movie.
She needs to come back to piss on Krautism's grave
the dropped meme isn't old or anything
Old or not, it's relevant you stupid fucking leaf. Do you really think this woman is any less degenerate than your average slut?
Cmon wtf pol stop with all this normie-tier shit
Oh please most of you faggots were talking shit when she was making videos saying she was larping for beatbux. There were daily threads about it. Now that she's a martyr she's loved.
Why do I get the feeling that this woman might be a massive faggot as well as OP's virginal wet dream?
You faggots are so pathetic. She's clearly an easily manipulatable teenage girl who figured out the more edgy she was, the more attention she'd get from losers like you. She didn't know shit about race and IQ, had to retreat off the fucking internet after she was eaten by her own. Look at her clothes, room, and the mere fact she has 1000 selfies of herself. How fucking blue-pilled can you plebbit rapefugees possibly be? If you really care about WN, or the futures of our nations, watch Jared Taylor and The Alternative Hypothesis. Shill George Lincoln Rockwell and WLP, anyone but 18 year old girls who were literal communists 6 months prior.
Jared Taylor married a Jew and constantly shills for ZOG.
Alt Hype is a homosexual, severely autistic, ex-Marxist weeaboo by his own admission. He's not a race realist because he cares about white people, he's just really fucking autistic.
This burger gets it. Young internet whores latch onto whatever movement will garner them the most attention. Now that the SJW market is too saturated, there is a horde moving onto the extreme right.
She is going to return once she is done with her engineering studies tree said in the video
but muh dick in her vagene
>Jared Taylor married a Jew and constantly shills for ZOG.
You are unironically in this thread promoting teenage women over Jared fucking Taylor. Your opinion is fucking irrelevant you absolute dumbfuck. You disregard an Ivy league graduate who's dedicated his entire life to be a white advocate because he can't play the role of a surrogate girlfriend. Ryan Faulk has literally been fighting for WN and spreading the word about race-realism for almost a decade now, far before it was cool to. You don't deserve saving you fucking nigger.
I thought she was British. Why does she have an American flag on her wall?
Telling people that niggers commit more crimes than white people doesn't accomplish anything. Jared Taylor fags severely underestimate how important the JQ is. Jewish influence is the absolute crux of everything we're facing today. If you're afraid to attack the enemy, you're worthless.
she is half British and Half German
i can´t see the issue of having a foreign flag
wow you fuckwits just lap this shit up huh
>American flag
Isn't she Swiss?
>le beta woman worshipper loser vergin
>you'll never have a qt white germanic styx sister plush gf
y liv
Seriously, I'm starting to believing Plato after watching her videos.
read my previous comment mutt
but she lives in Switzerland, but is not Swiss
You're wasting your time, these are the same faggots who donate to girl streamers on Twitch and will defend it tooth and nail on this board.
"Swiss" isn't an identity anyway since it's split between French, German and Italians
Mutt country
>eaten by her own
>jared taylor
Dude, trying WAY too hard.
>hanging movie posters in your room
>implying not brain-dead
>you can gets art like pic related for 15-30€ in every antiquarian store
>white curtains
>floral bedspread
>cactus shirt
>grayscale sweater
come on, guys. isn't it obvious?
please explain i´m a brainlet
>she will never massage your hair as you massage her precious feet
>you will never kiss her pure pale face as she looks deeply into you with her blue eyes
>you will never conquer a reich of 1,000 years to nut inside her and raise nine aryan kids
Why live?
dude you are literally mentally ill.
Fuck off you braindead moron
lurk more Hans
literally who
here previous videos are archived on this YT channel
just google RageAfterStorm and figure it out user
>red sweater
>2 medallions
how can you guys not see it?
She's so fucking gorgeous. I guess Brit-German must be a good mix because there's a beauty on my uni course with the same mix. God tier sexy accent like Rage, beautiful feminine features and a great body
If only I didn't have full Brit genes, a shame
I don't like amerimutt can we please bring back bear I miss him
even in the most mundane cloth she looks gorgeous
see what you cryptic ass faggot?????
It's not about you, but your kids, you can still give your kids those genes if you really want to.
>french fries phone
I hope she plays some good steam games to make up for it
bitches cant take the heat
she has switched over to a piza cover on this picture
strange i must say. why could that be
Is it really so wrong that I want to merge my genes with hers???
i don't even know who this is. i'm just playing /x/ because all the threads on Sup Forums completely suck right now.
there´s an american flag in the background
yes there´s definitely something strange going on user
>being this much of a faggot
Everyone knows these ladies are cheerleaders for the cause, not the quarterbacks. Like it or not, women have an immensely legitimizing effect for far-right ideas. The mainstream narrative is that only ''angry stupid males'' think the white race is worth saving. So when well-spoken, attractive and sensible women start speaking out in numbers, it breaks their narrative and the woke normies start questioning what is going on. Modern beta men have been effeminated and indoctrinated into thinking that women can't be wrong, so while they can ignore someone like Alt Hype with ''he's a mean racist'', they are conditioned into giving a thought about what women say.
>another youtube thot thread
daily reminder to report and hide these threads
yo, we got any nudes of this chick?? if so show because she's like 9/10.
she sure likes her food cell phone cases
please be female (male)
Half German, half British and lives in Switzerland. Appeasing to US beta orbiters by putting up an USA flag. Only for the sole reason that the USA has the biggest pond of beta orbiters. got it thanks, sage.
Would smash
but what does it mean?
she has a pizza case on this one can you analyze the meaning of all this? please do tell me user
the finish cuck comes right on Queue to white knight the thots
You are part of the problem you pathetic excuse of a human being.
>the face of nu-pol
This place is fucking dead.
it means she's a poser. the only reason to put a case on your phone is so other people see it in your selfies. it's not like you see it when you're using the phone. deductive reasoning would suggest
>Vans street wear
oh great so she can hang out with Leafy now
truly the master race
How much do you want to be she's a slag? Maybe even a coal burner too.
You don't have arguments? KYS yourself.
At what point does she say it ?
go on git you bad hombre
Rage, if you're out there, I want you to know that you're my waifu. God bless you. Open bob show vagene etc and pls come back.
my argument is that beta cucks like you are the enablers of gynocentrism.
feel ya aussie.
>tfw she will never be yours
>Let' show her support
Fuck that. She's just some gash that wanted to make some money and get attention by exploiting the slow rising right wing movement.
shes not even hot
gross meme
She looks like a feminazi with that nose ring.
ugly cunt.. nose ring in her bulbous nose. Might bang face down if I was really drunk.
If money was her sole motivator why would she shut down her patreon after only having it up for a couple months? Why would she throw away a lucrative opportunity when her popularity was soaring? Do morons like you even think about what you're saying or does it all just come from your feelings?
i usually post the best ones first
there´s also some less attractive pics of her like this one
I'm already a married man with a kid on the way, but fuck me does this feel horrible man.
I hope she's doing ok. She's mah 10/10.
why must god do this too us??????? WHY
I guess not. What do you want to say, fifty-six ?
Keep calm brother
She simply changed the name of her channel
You're welcome
shadilay my fellow kekipedes!!! how much have you donated to her patreon today?? i have $150 mommy wasn't happy though, thinking of getting a loan from the nice mr bergstein next door so i can donate more
does anyone know how i can get hrt
it´s a subjective case if one perceives another to be attractive
>didn't deserve humiliation she got.
How is getting insulted by some betas a humiliation? It'd be humiliating to not be insulted by them.
Muh dik
>tfw you'll never have your girlfriend at your side and enjoy the sight of burning communists
>what is strategy
Fucking yellow-skinned moron, she removes her Patreon temporarily to trick idiot cucks like you into thinking she's not in it for the money, then she throws it right back up when all you faggots start begging for it. Go do one, you pathetic waste of flesh cunt.
I love you Jesus