>rape is about power
Where does this meme come from?
Rape is about power
>the emotionally damaged person is capable of determining what it's about
Yeah I don’t get it
I would think it’s because they’re horny and want to rape something
Pretty sure after there 15 minutes are up they’re over it and don’t feel like raping again for a few minutes
From the truth
>objective truth
>where did this meme come from
people who have never raped nor been raped
It's about release
t. Rapist
susan brownmiller: against our will.
that's where it comes from. that's where it was made up.
>Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape is a 1975 book about rape by Susan Brownmiller, in which the author argues that rape is "a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear."
Well that sounds completely reasonable, surely it takes a woman to tell men what they think and feel.
God I hate women.
People who cant get fucked
> rape is "a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear."
thats totally not insane feminazi babble
I mean, it's true. Rapists get off on the helplessness of their victims. That's the major thing that drives them, not the actual sex act which you could get anywhere.
Susan Brownmiller is jewish according to wikipedia
Yeah, no surprises there
How come its usually married in already powerful positions?
You really think low iq brown rapists think beyond getting da pusy?
This, I've not raped before but rape is by far my greatest fetish I can hardly even get off from regular sex unless I'm very dominant in the situation and have complete physical control but even still I must fantasize of it being rape
Everybody enjoys having power over someone else. It's not an iq thing.
>I mean, it's true. Rapists get off on the helplessness of their victims. That's the major thing that drives them, not the actual sex act
parroting radfem bullshit does not turn it into not-bullshit. for one, the profile of rape victims statistically matches sexual desirability. steven pinker completely destroys this line of thought in 'the blank slate'.
>which you could get anywhere.
so, troll?
Case closed. Lock her up boys
No, not if you're a fucking Lilly who likes getting plowed in the ass you don't.
>Everybody enjoys having power over someone else. It's not an iq thing.
the implicit assumption (note the 'ass' part of assumption) here is that since the drive for power exists, therefore it's the only reason, so it applies to rape as well. It's not like people have other drives, like sex drive etc.
I'll accept that power has anything to do with rape the first time a 'rapist' forces his victim to perform military marching exercises instead of oral sex.
Come on bro, not everything is black or white
You could get sex by simply paying for it, even if you're an ugly bad smelling sob.
>Come on bro, not everything is black or white
nothing is black or white, but that's the way we reduce the infinite complexity of the world to a finite one such that it can be the subject of communication.
so take your trite talking points, mr. progressive, and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. this bullshit about 'things being not black or white' is simply a leftist debate tactic, trying to convey the 'you are so simpleminded you think things are black or white, but look at meeee, how sophisticated I am, admire me already' usual leftist message. I call it rabbinitis, the wish to be admired for one's intellectual accomplishment like hasidic jews admire their rabbis. somehow this attitude became a prominent feature of leftism, I can't understand why.
(just kidding. I understand the 'why' perfectly.)
but is its, the act is about power. the social status is irrelevant tho'
That's like saying theft isn't about the desire to have. It's about the thrill in being sneaky.
Is this what real autism looks like?
I didn't even consider the possibility that she wasn't.
>Where does this meme come from?
Dumb women who don't understand male sexuality.
some thefts might be such as (there are thrill stealers and kleptomaniacs) as also some rapes might actually be connected to gettting off by the wrongness of it or some sexual power trip. but not all in both cases. saying all rape is just a power thing - is a feminazi propaganda to demonize men as has been shown by quotes in this thread.
Rape does have some aspects of control (power) as a factor. However it is far more about lust than power / control.
Proof: The more physically attractive a woman is the higher her chances are of being raped. Some hot 19 year old college girl is a hundred times more likely to get raped than some 58 year old grandma...
Proof: If it were truly about power then it would involve SLAVERY instead of just rape.
Proof: Men know that they can lose their job, their family, and do prison time making them lose much of their power. They still engage in acts of rape in spite of the high risk of these future losses of power.
I also want to add that raping a woman is the greatest compliment a man can give to her.
In his act of rape he is stating the following, although not so elegantly:
"Your beauty is so great that I can simply not resist it. I am willing to do whatever it takes to be with you. I am willing to risk losing my job, my family, my freedom, and my life to be intimate with you. This is all taken on that small chance that you will not reject me after the fact, and will feel the same for me..."
A much sweeter sentiment than any flowers or card ever sent. Far more romantic than pulling out a chair for her.
Pretty murky argument. Consensual sex can be about power, and both parties don't necessarily have to get off on it. I can think of times where I got no satisfaction from sex, only agreeing to it because 'what the hell, why not?' She called all the shots, made all the decisions, the only thing I had to do was comply. Thats not rape, it was just bad sex for manipulative reasons, purely to satisfy someone else.
To argue the power side, just for the sake of argument.
Etymology of rape comes from raptio "to take" = power. Not necessarily sexual, but we've reserved the word kidnapping for non sexual taking of a person. This concludes that rape is about power.
For the perpetrator, rape is about getting your dick wet - power is irrelevant.
However, rape has two sides. For the victim, rape is very obviously about power, and about being overpowered.
The feminists like to meme about power because they believe the victim's perspective is the only correct one.