>Sup Forums claims Sup Forums isn't one person
>all jews share an agenda according to pols
>all lgbt people share an agenda according to pols
>Sup Forums claims Sup Forums isn't one person
>all jews share an agenda according to pols
>all lgbt people share an agenda according to pols
Jews and LGBTs are actually insect people who are a hivemind
Sup Forums is is made up of humans
Just fuck off you stupid cunt, no one fucking cares. Bitch cunt
>retards use meme flags
>retards expect to be taken seriously after saying retarded things
fuck man, that picture brings me back. sabrina was my waifu back in the 90s.
>meme flag
> op is a massive faggot
Jews are genetically inclined to subvert their host society, so it appears to be collusion.
Use your real flag so we can make fun of you for being Canadian, faggot.
fucking newfags
drop a redpill or gtfo
Said no one ever
The way I see it, some jews share an agenda, some lgbt share an agenda, some women share and agenda, some men share an agenda, the world is in chaos and it's pretty fantastic to watch.
But I'm a gay jew and I post here
>Sup Forums isn't one person
>proceeds to talk about Sup Forums as if it's one person
Good job you fucking retard
There's not anyone here who thinks that all Jews have the same agenda.
The lower Jews on the bottom of the pecking order are goyim to the elite rich Rothschild, etc. etc. jews
They are lambs, there have been a plethora of rapes/murders in Europe from refugees against jews.
Do you think that the globalist kikes are crying their hearts out?
>jews are 2% of the population
>overwhelmingly over represented in every power structure in western society
stop being baited
and the biggest red pill of all
Go away, shoo shoo sliding faggot
Post a thread on pol asking if we are all nazis/believe in gassing the Jews/hate minorities. (The common stereotype associated with pol) you will find a whole bunch of people obviously baiting, some unironically agreeing and most with completly different opinions.
Now go onto Normiebook and ask if we need more diversity, If white power is a thing, etc etc of whatever pol stereotypes the Jews as thinking. And they will almost unanimously respond in the positive to it.
And if you look into the upper echelons of the media and government and find that over 70% of them are Jewish, you start wondering if pol was really ever wrong to begin with.