What is the difference between a bugman a loser and a soyboy?
Is bugman euphemism for loser?
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I suppose bugmen don't necessarily have a soy based diet
Soybois are effeminate nu-males. Betas, cucks and worms.
Bugmen are generally people who associate themselves heavily with 'geek' culture. More often than not they're soy drinkers as well, but they're the type of faggots that identify themselves by how cool the new iPhone is, and regurgitate jokes by Sheldon off the Big Bang Theory.
By bugmen, I understand that these people are simple automatons.
No self awareness, no self reflection.
See these Chinese headlines about accidents and murders.
And then mix it with the life of insects.
Btw. Spiders have self awareness.
Mostly the hunting jumping spiders who actively hunt.
They are also very smart for their species.
Then we have soyboys.
Where men exhibit a lot of feminine traits which are physically, but also mentally.
And most of these women pol talks about are women who have a huge risk of mental problems.
u so mad kys bugman
No bugmen are often quite materially successful and may or may not be relatively masculine. What distinguishes them is their insectial behavior. They are completely materialistic and care only about securing their little creature comforts.
HE'S BACK! Too bad OP didn't get ROASTED
bugmen can grow degenerate beards and are usually bald from masturbating too much
No, loser's don't necessarily have to be bugmen, and bugmen don't have to be losers. Mark Zuckerberg is a bugman, but I don't think he is a loser.
"loser" implies attempt
Bugmen are basically just urban apolitical hipsters that have retreated to Netflix and materialism.
you faggots need to stop ditching the perfection that is "cuck"
"bugman" doesn't send cucks into a frothing rage
"soyboy" is so easily mocked as to be useless
"cuck" hits them right where it hurts because they know it to be accurate. the word is short, sharp, aggressive, and true.
I thought bugmen were hiv chasers who were pozed. Turns out it's just another term for nu-male. SAD
Bugmen aren't losers, what are you talking about. Look at Silicon Valley. They're the glue that keeps post-modernity together.
A loser's a loser. A soyboy is just a weak and effeminate man.
A bugman is someone disconnected from their culture. They are spiritually and culturally hollow people who fill the void with consumerism and mass media. They live only for themselves; boomers are a generation of bugmen and bugs of course are not gender specific. All soyboys are bugmen but not all bugmen are soyboys.
>the word is short, sharp, aggressive, and true.
This. It’s the male version of cunt.
Soyboy hit the target, hence (((msm))) attention and bootyblasted responses all across the internet.
so half of these are about onions, i don't think the word has had half the impact cuck has.
Is thar Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite?
Feel free to look for yourself after you have your energizing soy chai latte, faggot.
Devoid of culture or sympathy for his countryman. The cab driver from India who won't bother to learn the language is no less important to him than some kid in a trailer park getting his shit smacked around.
It's just another way of calling someone a "pussy," only it's amplified by the fact that they don't have any stigma attached to it.
Not every hipster fuck is a soyboy though. I know one who looks nu as fuck, but is a genuinely hard worker and sincere person.
That's us.
The best thing about seeing us in the news is how completely they miss the fucking point of the site every time.
A decade later and they're still fucking baffled by the idea of an inside joke.
Man I missed you