The Collapse

What will/could cause it, and what will average, most-common society look like afterwards?

There's not going to be one, at least not a cataclysmic one like people think there is.
Sometimes it'll be good, sometimes it'll be shit. But by and large civilization and society will survive.

Thanks for the reassuring doubles. Makes sense.

(((They))) will insure that the TV will always be on, no matter what happens.

Would you consider that to be for the best, given the circumstances?

The collapse will not be worldwide.

The collapse will happen when enough countries in the world collectively decide to break the US by destroying the petrodollar system.

If they can become energy independent, they no longer need to trade for USD to buy oil.

The demand for USD will collapse and the USD will no longer be the world reserve currency.

Without this status, the US will be unable to pay its debts and maintain its militaryz

The entire system of the west would collapse.

TLDR; remove oil reliance/dominance, the west collapses.

China will break Comex by forcing delivery on fractional gold futures markets. China is running straight up physical gold markets and the West has a gold pricing system where there are 200 paper ounces for every physical ounce. This will happen alongside a dollar crisis

It sounds like oil companies would have to be in cahoots with the government, and the two would have to secure supply, for a system like that to be maintained...

emp or catastrophic electromagnetic pulse. society will look as if 18th century.

That's horrifyingly feasible. I didn't realise.

>US will be unable to pay its debts
That'll mean collapse for the US creditors not the US, especially if they are energy independent

>TLDR; remove oil reliance/dominance, the west collapses.

Which is why the US has invested in such a large military and controls the largest blue water navy. As long as the US controls the trade and can bully countries into using USD the crazy scheme can be maintained.

Most of the US debt is owed to itself.


>Most of the US debt is owed to itself.

Surely the def of 'not in debt' then

If the debt is called at a time when USD falters (aka, in a time of hardship), it will be unable to pay out and government will be unable to fund itself. US public trust in its government will disappear and the collapse will be complete.

From a historical perspective there have been several collapse of civilization over the course of human history. The last being the "Black Death" aka Bubonic Plagues from the mid 1300s to the late 1400s. The plague reduced the population of Europe by 2/3.

Prior to this the fall of the Roman Empire and the climatic disruptions during the "Dark Ages" (536 AD-1100 AD). The Western Roman Empire was conquered by the Germanic Tribes, ending a 1000 years of Roman rule in that region. Plus around 536 AD there was sever climatic disruptions (created by Volcanic or Asteroid Impact) which cause the temperature to plummet, glaciers to advance, an crops to fail. It wasn't called the "Dark Ages" for nothing. The lack of food lead to sickness and plagues ravaged the area for the next 500-600 years. Europe did not recover until the 1100s.

>return of patriarchal role
>fuck the poor
>stable system and colonial trade routes
>Italy does well
>Britannia is not shit
Seems good to me

If its a CME it depends on where the earth is positioned at that moment. If the central point is the pacific then we will recover quick, if its Europe or NA then not so much

Now if we go back to 12,600 & 11,800 years ago during the last "Ice Age" there were a series of asteroid impacts on the North American Ice Sheet which vaporize large sections of the glaciers causing massive flooding. There two dates 12,600 & 11,800 correspond with Melt Water 1A & 1B which raised the seal level 300-400 feet wiping out any an all coastal civilizations.

Ancient man like modern man builds cities on rivers near the sea. Those cities and settlements are now 400 or more feet under water.

Plus when you account for the weight of all that water filling the ocean basins you get another 600 foot drop in the ocean floor. Place like Atlantis were sunk during this even.

This event is also know as "The Great Flood" or Noah's Flood.

Tbqh I was looking for the first post just to say “niggers”

The US is too big to fail, it's in debt to China and the ME who lend the money conditional that it is spent in their markets or to buy influence. Without the US/West China and ME would collapse and have no power or influence.


No, I think that's a meme personally. Something like that will self-correct when plebs who can't get a job don't have money to buy the shit that's automated.

ur mom is automated

>being impolite on the internet


There was civilization back then, at least on the level of advanced city states. The indus river delta being one place