Holy shit how buttblasted can an administration be over kissing up to Israel? Let it be known that trump chumps are the biggest brow nosing goyim on the planet right now.

Zionists are unmatchable, Achmed and nothing you can do about it. Now stop being a coward, take a plane to Syria, join ISIS/ASSAD/FSA/A shia militia and go fight the Zionists.

I was pretty surprised by how fucking petty and butthurt the US was over this.

>be a puppet of Israel.
>literally the whole world tells you to go fuck yourself
>f-fuck u guys, ur the kikes ;(

I don't see the US or Israel benefiting from this decision. Is the Jew cock so derricious that you'd literally tell the whole world to go fuck itself? Apparently, it is.


The USA is nothing more than Israel's bitch, doing what it's told.
President Kushner was glad 2 help his sleeping buddy Nuttyahoo.

>Riding the UN’s dick this hard.

>Implying ISIS and the FSA are fighting Zionism
Top kek kike

They're a bunch of toothless faggots, Avi.

I just hope the US pulls funding from the UN over this, I want to see that pointless circlejerk of irrelevant "leaders" collapse.

Time to take this board back from the r/T_D faggots.
US needs a new leader now, the question is who's this gonna be?

They all tell their followers they are fighting Zionist proxies. Each in their own echo-chamber. Just because you visit one echo chamber doesn't mean anything.

According to me, they are all the same shit.

it's fucking unbelievable. what a time to be alive.

Zionists are unmatchable, Achmed and nothing you can do about it. Now stop being a coward, take a plane to Syria, join ISIS/ASSAD/FSA/A shia militia and go fight for the Zionists


ISIS attacked Israel though, it's just that Jews are l33t at dealing with terrorist threats

>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
>Kissing Arab ass

no thanks

we're not even through the first year yet and the whole planet is seething with hatred of the americans. and the idiot burgers you'll find here will tell you 1. that's a good thing, and 2. somehow trying to bribe and extort literally the whole fucking planet is not globalism. un fucking believable.

That's so cute! You actually think your country is consequential on the world stage! How precious!

Not all of us are delusional "oh emm gee! Is da evil JOOOOOOS!" retards.

My only hope is that this will be used as an excuse to cut foreign aid as they threatened to do, which I was in favor of long before all this.

As far as the actual support for Israel, blame CPAC, AIPAC, neocons, and evangelicals. Most Americans disagreed with the Jerusalem call.

>US will remember this
Is UN playing a fucking Telltale game?

UN's resolutions aren't worth the paper they're written on. Why is US so butthurt about this? It doesn't change anything, it's a useless gesture. Should've played it like nothing happened, because it's true.

what, mysterious mortar rounds falling in the middle of nowhere? feel free to provide sauce

america has only been relevant when it has been able to force the world to trade with it. cutting "aid" is a step away from that. "aid" is an investment, as these events in the UN show. trump is misrepresenting it.

>That is what (((American people))) want us to do.

>join ISIS/ASSAD/FSA/A shia militia and go fight the Zionists
>Fight Zionists

>Let it be known that trump chumps are the biggest brow nosing goyim on the planet right now.

How? We oppose Islam, Feminism and mass immigration, and the democrat party that want to push it. We ARE the last bastion of civilisation. Meanwhile, it's the left who support Palestine. Are you some kind of left wing person, or a muslim? People like Obama hate Israel. Right wingers like us support Israel if anything. They're a long time ally of ours. They're literally /ourguys/, and they hate liberals and muslims too, plus they ban people like Soros from their country.

Anyway, PJW was right. Conservatism is the new Counter culture, and it's being led by our memes. If you're not on the Trump train, then you're pretty muych just a ShareBlue shill or you're from CTR.

You need to realise the working of intellectual use, and how to con your enemy. I've seen things you little people wouldn't believe.
Memes so spicy they burned the most notoriously criminal family-tree in America to the fucking ground.

I watched with tears in my eyes as significantly less than 50% of the US population turned into pillars of salt on November 9th 2016.

I've seen a brakeless train traveling at over seven times the speed of light come to an immediate halt at the gates of the White House.

They will tell you it was beautiful, and you will feel proud. But you will never truly understand. How it felt to be on the front lines, shitposting in all directions. The line between man and meme blurring until there was no distinction at all. For a short while, Kek walked among us.

And it was glorious.

Wake up, and understand your enemy. We don't call it post-unironic 90D chess for nothing. It's like Rick & Morty. It seems like a liberal show but it's in fact right wing. You just need to understand it.

The biggest question is - why did we not abstain from that shitshow?

We will have both cities, Jerusalem and Constantinople, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Consider this a warning.

Why are you so in favour of them?

Trump : All presidents promised to make Jerusalem capitol of mother-Israel but didn't do it

Trump : I'm much more edgy and great at deals I'll do it

The world : that's going to start a shitstorm of new wars in the middle east, we will condemn this move and fuck the US

Trump : W-We will be taking names, better vote no to this condemnation.

The world : 128 countries condemn this move and opposed 9 countries, the US and Israel and some islands

Tump : B-but how could you...

Now this political amateur knows why other presidents didn't do it, he's so blind behind his arrogance and "muh art of deals"

Why would Assad and the FSA fight each other, if they were both fighting Zionism?

Why would ISIS apologize for accidentally attacking Israel, and why would Israeli officials discourage destroying ISIS, if ISIS was fighting Zionism?

Be honest: this is really just a proxy war.
ISIS is Israel's player,
FSA is America's player,
Assad is Russia's player,
Shia militias are Iran's player.

The only one really fighting Zionism is Iran - Russia and the US are just having a dick measuring contest.

The trump administration colluded with the nation of israel and mossad to undermine a sitting US president and throw the electorate into chaos, fear, and uncertainty. Jerusalem, expansion into syria, and iran saber rattling are the quid pro quo

>claim to hate the Jews
>constantly back candidates and parties that give tax cuts to rich Jews
>constantly celebrate rich Jews getting giant tax cuts

Cuckservatives make no sense to me

funny the trump dick sucking shills have been mum in this

>buttblasted amerigoys uses snarky insults and projection again

Oh look, it’s this thread again

>go fight for the Zionists.
fixed that for you .
>I don't see the US or Israel benefiting from this decision
it shows everyone how much of a joke the UN is . how seriously can you take an organization that voted to tell a country that they dont like where that country puts their embassy ?.

people believed they should be addressing important pressing global issues but instead they're having emergency sessions about things that are just barely locally news-worthy.

i suspect the embassy move was orchestrated with the understanding that something like this vote will follow . US can now freely pull funding from the UN without objections as the organizations hypocrisy and pointlessness is now revealed .

israel of course benefits greatly from anything that damages the UN as the UN has been a great supporter of terrorism and attacks on israel .
the less funding it gets, the more it fades into obscurity and the less power and influence it has to put pressure on us to stop defending ourselves.


Trump said he was against the right things in order to trick the slightly more educated voters to vote for him. He came in like a wrecking ball too bad the building company is owned by the Jews.

/r/The_Donald shills believe the UN is some kinda of Star Wars federation organization

Back to your cuck shed, Sweden.

lmao are you lost?

> Doesn't know the difference between diaspora kikes and based Israel.

So I don't give a fuck about Israel or where we put the embassy. However, the UN trying to tell my country where we can place our buildings makes me want to give them a giant fuck you. I'm actually glad Trump is doing it now just to spite the UN.

Fuck the UN, and fuck you if you have the audacity to tell an American what he can or cannot do. We're the greatest country ever to exist on Earth and every American life is worth 1000 non-Americans. Fuck you.

>They're a long time ally of ours.
Oh yeah? How they support your interests in the region? You look eager to support their interests, but what they've ever done for you?
Nothing is for free in international politics. Kinda stupid, that a citizen of Poland - country that internationally speaking is known for giving freebies, must educate you in this.
I'm not mad that Trump acknowledged Jerusalem. I fail to see what he got in return. It only purports the existence of powerful Jewish lobby.
It was supposed to be America first, not Israel first.

>based Israel
The absolute state of Sup Forums

Their only projectile guiding system is called: ALLAHUAKBAR

lul this desu senpai

I'v heard of israelis shitting all over american jews.
Tell me why you hate them so I can be a parrot at my next klan meeting.

Anyone can cherrypick anything. Thousands of things happened in the syrian war. I can find you loads of happenings that supposedly "prove" ISIS is an Iranian, or a US, or an Assad proxy. So it's wishful thinking at best and propaganda at worst to say ISIS fights for Irael. Maybe they do, but if they did, you wouldn't know about it.

What is certain is that none of the thousands of young Muslims in Europe joined ISIS and are still fighting for ISIS because they want to spread Zionism.

>Be sovereign country
>Make a decision to move your embassy that was ratified twenty years ago
>According to international law, this is a legal move
>UN makea international condemnation because of a perfectly legal move
>US: Hey this isn't cool lads we'll remember this
The UN is useless

this desu

are you 12? The US tells other countries what to do ALL THE TIME and the US started the UN now they dont want to play cause drumpfy feelings are hurt. Just lol

At the end of the day, Sven, God forbid there ends up being Israeli refugees, because you know who will be taking them in and I don't think they would get along with your current guests.

>t. Pro-Palestine Sand nigger
Sup Forums Doesn't like Israel yes. That doesn't mean we want to hear you sand niggers bitch about a building being moved in the middle of Sandniggersville every hour.

You know, get back there tiger

>Zionist Jews
>Globalist Jews
Choose anons or you can pit them against each other and take one of them out. I say we start Jewing the Jews.

We would take them, retard.

Not that I disagree with you, but it's odd to see you of all countries defending the EU.

1) They're a democracy
2) They're not muslim
3) They don't come to our country and mug, stab, shoot, and blow people up
So why can't they be an ally?

They are weak minded soy boys
Always shit on us
Pro rapefugees
Get free trips to Israel to virtue signal about sandniggers

A Jew without a nation is a sick Jew.

Greetings to the clan from Shlomo

shut the fuck up nikki

We love how hurt the world is by our rediscovered dominance. We love how hurt the world is by our preference for Israel over the communist/feminist governments of the EU and other similar former colonies like yourselves. We love how the recent tax bill guts your economies and bolsters ours. We love watching you continue to kill and rape yourselves with taxpayer funded Muslim cultural enrichment while you call Trump and Israel heartless barbarian rubes. We love watching the destruction of all personal rights by your oppressive totalitarian governments while you insult us for still "clinging" to archaic notions of free speech and the right to defend ourselves with our guns. Your tears are delicious to us. It is why we voted for Trump, and he is just getting warmed up. If you want to stop being faggot socialists and rejoin a free, enlightened humanity, then we can reassess our relationship. Until then, suck a dick.

underrated post.

Kill yourself Turk, I don't like Israel but USA has the right to move their embassy where they please, just as much of a right as Greece does to move their embassy wherever they want. You may not like this move, and I certainly don't, but the UN autistically screeching because of this is just fucking nonsense. Instead of crying because some lads want to move a building, maybe they should consider fixing shit like Sweden or London instead

because allying with them is 100% guaranteed to drag you into many a terrible war, meanwhile theyll never do shit for you. usually there's an exchange in an alliance

>Build a Wall
>Repeal Obama Care
>America first
>Suck Israeli cock daily
Maybe Hillary was the lesser evil after all

You are a grown man sitting in your moms basement with cheetoh dust on your fingers lol you have accomplished nothing

I believe I speak for all Americans when I say "fuck you world""we'll do and say whatever we want just because "

Just because


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>They're not muslim

Muslims are allied of christians against zionists and the modern world.

Only americans cuckservatives neocons hate muslims.

Probably only the Ashkenazi, the sephardis and arabs would be sent to discount america (EU).

Oh wow so it's fine when you guys telling countries waht to do but when a coalition of 130 countrirs says that you are threatening peace process in the Middle East is not?

There has been many times that the UN voted with the US. Stop acting like a child when the UN votes against you once in a while.

>I'm so confused

Holy shit how fucking assblasted do you even have to be. Top kek, m8.

>hey're a democracy

How is that good? As any christian, I see democracy as modern liberal degeneracy.

>US: Jerusalem is Israel's capital.
>UN: Well, that doesn't seem like a bright idea, to make such statements now, when status of region is unclear. And considering how you're the only country that'd an embassy in Jerusalem, stead of Tel-Aviv, we consider it kinda stupid and pointless. When Palestinian-Israeli conflict reaches it's resolution and exact status of Jerusalem and Holy Land discussed, then the decision of Israel's capital would be made. Making such declarations now is unnecessary meddling in the region and problem that is sovereign matter of both Palestine and Israel. So we kindly suggest that you acknowledge Israel's capital, where every other country acknowledges it, to avoid problems and confusion.

>fuck the world
>sucking isreals dick
lol this guy

In ww1 all jewish owned newspapers proclaimed unrestricted warfare totally justifiable, and that americans "will be sorry" for fucking with the jew's greatest ally, germany.


Correct. It is fine when we tell other countries what to do. It is fine because we are better than those countries. You don't like being told what to do? You want to tell Americans what to do?

Get an economy as strong as ours and a military as strong as ours. Until then shut the fuck up.

Perhaps this was all a ploy to cut funding to the UN, which is great.

Also, this agitates the jew and Arab relationship bringing more deaths.

Win win in my book

MIDF pls go.

not an argument.


Beutiful user

The goy must pay. The jews are the chosen people and can do and take anything they want from anyone they want. Glad to see someone is finally making this clear so there is no confusion anymore.

If nothing else it reminded the world of our power to do whatever the fuck we want. It reminds the world that the days of the traitorous king nigger that lets other countries pillage our wealth and guide our policy against our own self interest are over. It reminds the world that if they don't like us, then they can fund their own UN circle jerk and financially provide for their own security. Sometimes it is important to put leaders in their place. The Euros are our lessers, and their impotent rage and resolutions serve to highlight that fact. It will affect how your weak women-run governments approach us and do business with us. You will learn to come to us asking for what you want instead of telling us how it is, and we will give you only what is in our interest to give you. This is just another way Trump is resetting world relations into a more realistic and beneficial framework. The world has been spoiled by American generosity for far too long. No more.

It's not a coalition, that's just what your government tells you. It's an empire, we just allowed you to keep your name tags and favorite colors so you wouldn't feel so bad about yourselves.

Ok faggot
>Calalonian embassy to Barcelona
>Basque embassy to Vitoria
>Galician embassy to Santiago
and maybe Moors embassy to Cordoba just for the lols

d-d-d-don’t support Trump fellow goys! You’re not a ZIONIST are ya?

If you’ve been confused and demoralised by shills, listen to Trump’s devastating tax cut victory speech, and read what the EU said about it. Pic for context

(((THE jews))) are terrified of an anti globalist israeli electorate

You’re welcome :)

you keep talking about power but all it proves is we are isreals bitch. They run us you dumbfuck bootlicker

Actually I am a multimillionaire with insomnia. Nice try.

ima stop you there but ima need the rick and morty copapasta right now

>I can't reconcile the fact that my life is worse less than an American, so here's a shitty meme I didn't make but will repost because much like my nation I'll never create anything of value.

>look mom! Im LARPing on the internet!

Isn't she the one who was constantly going muh Assad?


Bingo, as well as giving Europe a reason to start caring about their own people.

How does any of this points have anything to do with perpetuating your interests? I'm asking for actions not buzzwords. Not every non-muslim, democracy that isn't openly hostile to you needs to be your ally.
American interests. Think about them. Don't ally with every nigger or kike, just because they make nice eyes to you and kindly ask. Ally with anyone, democracy, autocracy, because you share interests with them. And when they stop being useful, dump them.

That's right. The impotent league of nations, they can do nothing! Another guy in history said it best.

>Implying a sovereign nation wants or needs the UNs2permission to move their embassy
>Implying anything the UN says or does matters to real countries
>Implying this wants just to see who deserves aid and who doesn't
Muslim lovers will no longer be getting gibs from the US and that's a good thing.

It seems the battle is not of the "globalists vs the people" or "new world order vs old order" or anything like that.

It's the satanical power of USA+Israel against the rest of the world. It has always been.

Just because

But you'll see our reasons in time