Stop calling them muslims

stop calling them muslims

calling them muslims allows them to blame their religion for their genetic predispositions, as if a book makes them rapists and murderers; it does not, their GENETICS do.

ask yourself this: there are many white muslims, but none of them go on gang rapes or commit homicides like black muslims (arabs, africans, pakistanis, bangladeshis, muslim indians) do. Why? Because they're not genetically predisposed to violence and low intellect.

Instead of calling them muslims, call them by their race
Instead of calling them muslim terrorist attacks, call them 'black supremacist terrorist attacks'
Instead of calling it islam, call it 'the black supremacist movement'

islam is shit, but we need to stop letting blacks pretend that they act like subhumans BECAUSE of their religion, rather than because of their genetics that makes them incapable of living in a post-industrial society.

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Some arabs that are not religious are based though.

>that post
>that flag

also, secular arabs are almost without a doubt part of the upper class. Just like how 1/100000 of black people are doctors, doesn't say much about all the others.

>Stop using green text


they should go by the country and ethnicity of the criminal but the alt right are dumb tards that dont listen
when it comes to muslim crime in europe its usually somalis moroccans kurds afghanispakis and iraqis over 90% of time whie benagalis indonesians persians central asians turks dont do shit.

its broke third worlders....christian blacks are acutally worse but the DM readers are tards and cant tell shit apart

>pick one

otherwise you a based sounds stupid why does pol say based like a basted egg

>turks don't do shit
they're one of the trouble ethnicities, yes they do
the point is to group them in the 'black' minority so they can't "w-w-well we're good!" when that's entirely fucking false
and turks will do just that the most
pakistanis and (black) turks are almost behind africans, they're that bad
turkey is a mix of ethnics, which is why some areas are "good" but most are shitholes.
pakistan and most middle east black countries are just 100% shitholes

those turks are usually kurds starting trouble cuz they are broke and illeterate...they dont have own country yet so they are called turks but ethincally nope

Sandniggers aren’t technically black, that’s why we have terms like “brown people” or worse, (((people of color))). They’re even worse though because sandniggers attack Christian Whites whereas niggers mostly attack each other. And though the brown skin does genetically predispose them toward violence, they use their storybook about some pedophile to justify it.

that's what I was trying to say
as a solution, just call sandnigs black. Then we use their ethnicity (genetics) to explain the violent crime, not the religion. Liberals and sandnigs can't argue against it, all they can do is get pissed.

Compare white muslims to black ones and ask why the white muslims don't commit violent crime.

another bump

you must be that guy from yesterday larping as nodsie loving muslim with whatever flag don't you?
or maybe you're his boyfriend?
piss off
they are muslim and they do the things they do

I said muslims are shit BECAUSE of their race and genetics
the very few white muslims are shit too, but they don't commit crimes.

Never been to Bosnia and Hercegovina? My family liven next to white nuslims for 500 years, and they rape and murder quite a lot actually.

who gives a fuck what race they are?
muslims are the undermensch of life, no matter what race they are, they have proven this many times over and over. Matter of fact and this is something i personally seen, the converted ones are even worse than the original ones from birth. Even the original ones say this.

And it doesn't matter what you say, it is HOW you said it, exactly the same style as the dude from yesterday.
you are an agent.

A muslim is a muslim, regardless of race.
>Incidents of inter-ethnic violence among the Bosniak (Muslim), Croat (Catholic), and Serb (Orthodox Christian) ethnic groups appear to remain low. Due to the ethnically-aligned administrative structure, even economic issues are overshadowed by nationalist considerations.

try again sweetie ;)

>they rape and murder quite a lot actually
on belgian tv there is a songwriter / pseudo journalist who has made a tv show about muslims, went to each country to talk about the religion.. he clearly fell in love with it. BUT.. when he got in bosnia they told them simply "there is only ONE islam and it is set to conquer the world and beyound"
same thing happenend with the muslims he interviewed in England.
funny how his islamfap turned into a massive realisation pill. his face, that was priceless

>A muslim is a muslim, regardless of race

Ah a sourceless graph. Very convincing.

It's a mix, the mind virus and an inbred brain create the perfect storm. An interesting thing is that if you look at a map of cousin marriage worldwide, the longer the area has been Islamic the more inbred it is, and the more of a shithole it is.

Bosniaks aren't white, they are turks. There's a huge difference.

Notice how the closer to Turkey you get, the more of a shithole the country is?

name of journalist? do you have the video?

turks? they left europe for their faggot sultan, but didnt take their nigger kurds with them...

eastern europe was fucked by western europe powerplay...

arabs and indians are blacks now?
OP confirmed brainlet