Do you understand this special haughty attitude (which is pictured here) that some Americans have?

Do you understand this special haughty attitude (which is pictured here) that some Americans have?

Respect the flag! Support our troops! Stand for the anthem! Lick the boot! Eat shit!

Just think for a second, if you want to kill foreigners for free stuff maybe YOU are the bad guy? It's not patriotism, nor nationalism, nor racism, nor whatever the fuck the Alt-Right is supposed to be. It's just plain and simple evil. And when these assholes kill themselves by thousands it means that justice is still alive in this wretched world.

Why do you even care you dirty eastern European rat

I'm against American military adventurism, but faggots like you make me reconsider.

Can someone post the "alpha as fuck" version?

He's in a wheelchair because he fucked a prepubescent Afghani boy so hard he shattered his hip

There is nothing wrong with respecting the country your were born in.

Being a blackworld mercenary is the best.

White world pussyboys can think what they want.


To be more accurate it should be a nigger with a BLM shirt sitting down and the teacher should be a hook nosed merchant running their hands together while wheeling around their victim.

he wants to battle you in a duel of wits

You mean defending Israel.


>Respect the flag! Support our troops! Stand for the anthem!
The only thing that reminds you of your flag is your post on Sup Forums, ivan. What the fuck would you know about patriotism?

Who`s talking? Italian mongrel wants to tell me what a patriotism is?

>Just think for a second, if you want to kill foreigners for free stuff maybe YOU are the bad guy?
How many Ukrainians have you killed for that fucking peninsula, Comrade?

How fucking high is the body count of your country over the last century?

It's no wonder you find patriotism such an alien concept honestly.

Quite the contrary, if you want to kill foreigners for free stuff you are an asset and a credit to the white race.

Someone cue the Patton speech.

“...let me tell you something. Americans LOVE a fight. And Americans cant stand LOSERS...”

>soldiers go to afghanistan to defend your right to sit down in class

>kills other whites to take their stuff
Oh yeah, the Rooskies are just fucking paragons of white virtue, aren't they?

>muh communism
100 million and growing!

Anyone have the version of this where Kevin says "You mean defending israel"?

Posting the real version of the comic.

>Standing for the US national anthem
The US is built on not paying your dues, so the fact they demand people stand for the anthem is laughable.

Burgers are so fucking retarded.