The influx of users (many who aren't white), the marketable utilization of Sup Forums for e-celebs, low effort posting, a drastic shift left on the IQ distribution axis, and the high pace nature of the board has turned this board from a formidable force, to an anonymous facebook.
Daily Reminder Sup Forums is dead
What was the influx of 2015? Dont remember what happened
GG it was 2014
>Daily Reminder Sup Forums is dead
Is it though?
2-3 years ago we hat tripfag trannies (melly) on here and most of you faggets were libertarian or anti government.
I'm quite happy of the state of Sup Forums, all things considered.
That being said I wittnessed pretty much everything else on the internet go to shit over time.Maybe ints inevitable. I try not to think about it.
Sup Forums harbor, gamergate, and the final blow, the 2016 election.
it's a fucking warzone then.
That increase is mostly due to Russians using android as their platform for shilling. They get their IPs by hacking android phones.
>most of you faggets were libertarian or anti government.
There was always a healthy dose of libertarianism, but it was a more informed libertarianism, and almost all were race-realists. Most the posters these days don't really have any political philosophy outside of asking, "should I be for or against this". Syria general was the last real remnant of the board and now that it's winding down, I can't imagine any quality content here anymore.
Hopefully I'm wrong, but I don't think so. Go check out what became of Sup Forums.
Crimean invasion. Again, the increase in numbers is primarily Russian shills.
You mean like this
It is cancer. However, your graph is not accurate and Sup Forums, at least as long as I have been here, has always had disrupters. This is not your safe space. It will never be your safe space.
This is nigger tier damage control
Step up your game faggot
It's called Generation Zyklon.
I'm the cancer that killed Sup Forums from 08-10
Little late to the party
kys newfag
fuck boxxy
>we need to redpill more people
>Sup Forums is dead, because we have too many people here
sounds like people who always want to be part of something special and are mad when it's not special anymore.
Can't wait for the next April fools for Sup Forums to be converted to a Russian chan and all the posts ran through an English - Russian translation tool.
Is this some shit-tier meme, or are you just an exceptionally retarded boomer?
case and point of the death of Sup Forums
>many who aren't white
never was white, always was shite
right, the more people you have the less successful you are, and we can only overthrow ZOG if we're a very small group
Fuck off you dumb gypsy. What do you think the demographics of Sup Forums are? You think even 25% of the board understands the JQ? You going to be assimilated to them now, not the other way around.
I showed up when dailystormer got kicked offline.
yea it's really really hard to understand and you have to make sure that nobody finds out about it
Well duh, what did you expect? The election brought in so much cancer from plebbit.
the fappening brought WAY more people here than gg
middle aged dads who want to see those J-law nudes
Shit had nothing to do with Sup Forums
This entire site a shit m8.
4gag went into the trash in (2014???) when they banned raid threads.
It’s bots that are shitting up the place in an effort to push off the actual interesting discussions, which take a lot longer to spool up than some spammy bullshit bait thread
They’re trying to cultivate a bunch of lonely uninformed nazi larpers who make the perfect strawman enemy for the left, whilst being just as easily controlled and predictable
There’s been some good breads today though. If you haven’t already, watch Trump’s tax cut victory speech and you’ll be in no doubt who is winning
What about gentle community gathering tbreads?