> get jewed into building a hideous and gigantic Holohoax """memorial"" right in the city centre
> the absolute state of Berlin
get jewed into building a hideous and gigantic Holohoax """memorial"" right in the city centre
Other urls found in this thread:
>holocaust isn't real and germans dindu noffin
>t. memeflag poster on taiwanese anime website
So you idiots really need to stop making yourself look so stupid
The Holocaust happened
It was horrific
Stop being in denial retards
Looks like a pretty good place for infantry to hide on when siege of Berlin 2.0 begins
They killed more of your countrymen than we did
It was your country that lied about it.
It was your country that made FAKE evidence.
Kill yourself vatnik fuck.
Call yourself a christian and anti semitic don't you know we need them for biblical prophecies for our lord to return.
Its a constant reminder of what happens when you give up your weapons.
they should use that instead of the lego blocks for the trucks of peace
>Not using that space for a rollercoster park
Vadim is right. Germans are the real dindus.
google, what does sesemee cake taste like?
If you've been to Berlin, you will know it's fairly out of the way as far as central is concerned. But that doesn't particularly matter - I really like the memorial. It really emphasizes the darkness and gloominess of a piece of history that should not be removed from the public consciousness. It is quite harrowing that the memorial is often used by children to play games, hide and seek, chase etc. through the jagged and unforgiving concrete blocks that serve as an iconic remembrance to a horrific genocide carried out by Nazi Germany.
It's alright. It's a playground for kids now. Huge waste of space, though.
Of course it would look like a bunch of Merkel legos.
it's next to where michaeljackson hung his baby out the window and hitler was said to have killed himself near by
There's literally a mountain worth of evidence that shows that it did happen but you have people on this website that are just edgy fuck wit's
It's right by the British Embassy in Berlin..really makes you ponder
The holocaust is one of the most well-documented events in history. Here's some links to start getting educated:
You people couldn't even run a nuclear powerplant correctly. You wouldnt even have jet engines without germans. And the first automobile was made by a german. And the first automatic rifle. You russians even based your AK design off of it. You wouldnt be shit without germans.
i agree
I went there a few years ago. To be fair it was pretty fun to run around in.
Combo breaker
Fuxk great point. You convinced me now
>mountain of evidence
You mean this? Too soon?
based nig
When I visited I found it quite disrespectful that parents let their kids run around on the blocks.
In terms of design, it’s impactful, but the concrete brutalist design is not for me.
its intended to be a trophy for white genocide , it was decided it would be more poetic if we put it right under the goy's noses before the genocide is even finished . in the same city where gangs of migrants will be doing the dirty work of ending white homogeneous society and replacing the germans in the coming decades .
you brought this on yourselves krauts.
so there are 6 million of these blocks? would they stop a truck of peace maybe?
Berlin is the shitties city I have ever visited so it didn't realy stand out. Just a funny maze to hunt by bros in
Now it's a holocauster park. Sad.
Could have also linked to CNN.
Fake News Central.
A final punishment from the Jew for standing up to them, a permanent monument of shame.
>american education
There was no such thing as Holocaust in USSR because all casualties were called "soviet people" without pointing out their nationality. There's no data on amount of Jews killed in USSR. Kill yourself, mutt.
If in 100 years we deny the existence of Trump’s presidency will it also become a hoax?
It seems unfair that there aren't Russian and Chinese communist purge memorial temples in Israel. There is a holocaust temple in pretty much every country, even places where the people living there have their own tragedies and atrocities to worry about.
If you want to hunt bi bros, the homosexuality memorial over the road is a good pick up spot. A guy came on to me there when I visited.
yeah, its also the only event in history that requires the laws of physics to be broken in order to be proven that it happened
As far as I can tell, the euthanasia of the disabled happened; but the gassing within concentration camps & the stories of the death camps are a lie.
Why isn't there a Mongol genocide memorial temple in Australia?
Our greatest allys in their full glory! Fuck the Nazis, Mudslimes and globalists, we stand with Israel! #BasedJews #TRUMP2020 #/the_donald
Just got back from the Tutsi genocide memorial temple in Utah. What a powerful message!
I am disabled and can confirm I should have been euthanized.
>have to visit this shit on a schooltrip to berlin
>It's winter
>cold as fuck
>can't feel my feet
>we had to stay there for 1 hour just looking at this
>"atleast the jews were nice and warm in the ovens"
>get suspended for the rest of the trip and have to stay in my warm hotel room while everyone else has to go outside sightseeing in the cold
>best schooltrip ever
explain this schlomo
On my latest trip to Tel Aviv, visited the memorial to German civilians killed in WW2, wow so deep.
We will never forget. We will never forgive. We will stand with the Jewish people against the Germans, Muslims, White supremacist scum. We are ALL born equal (except Jews since their Gods chosen people)
Praise Kek!
Too bad Iran will wipe you off the map before that ever comes to pass
>the euthanasia of the disabled happened
Just like it happens now.
>Got the downs
>Down it goes.
> > get jewed into building a hideous and gigantic Holohoax """memorial"" right in the city centre > the absolute state of Berlin>> Anonymous (ID: WOjyIHK8) 12/22/17(Fri)12:48:52 No.154151638▶ >holocaust isn't real and germans dindu noffin>t. memeflag poster on taiwanese anime website>> Anonymous (ID: pN84AR4w) 12/22/17(Fri)12:49:35 No.154151669▶
> get jewed into building a hideous and gigantic Holohoax """memorial"" right in the city centre
> the absolute state of Berlin
Anonymous (ID: WOjyIHK8) 12/22/17(Fri)12:48:52 No.154151638▶
>holocaust isn't real and germans dindu noffin
>t. memeflag poster on taiwanese anime website
Anonymous (ID: pN84AR4w) 12/22/17(Fri)12:49:35 No.154151669▶ yes
Jews aren't known for their empathy or any notion of fairness
are they all of the concrete blocks that are going to be distributed around berlin to block jihad lorries from christmas markets?
Come join us on reddit.com/the_donald if you want to join with some based pedes' who stand with the Chosen people! Too many antisemetic Nazi/Mudslime scum here at /pol
the amount of plebbitniggers in this thread is astonishing
Did you also go into the shitty bus with the mikePence name generator?
iran has no military to speak of senpai ,
it's just ugly
>holocaust happened
>it was horrific
Choose one.
why do they have to lie about it?
>make 4+ billions of the deaths of 3000 people
not a problem for a kike
>They killed more of your countrymen than we did
by your logic i should go around europe shooting white people
Parkour courses are code for anti-White.
Kys faggot. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans and Parkour courses for everyone.
Indeed, but somehow we get thaught that this is something different now.
>Indoctrinate more students.
your bolshevik bretheren did the next best thing
Top gaslighting Shlomo.
>the euthanasia of the disabled happened
Anyway you look at it this is a good thing.
That's foresight for you. Good luck driving a truck of peace through that, Haji.
Comfy place to be nodding off on heroin.
> parashka jew detected
i've been there. fuck it was boring.
all of you deserve a ride the holocauster
Germ filth. Israel will be a light amongst the nations with USA as its greatest ally, whilst Germany will be in eternal darkness
You don't say? 19000m2 of concrete blocks was boring?
It's real, it happened, my cousin knows a guy who's uncle saw it happened.
Jews > rural and suburban retards