Senate passed the bill the bill to obtain reparation for holocaust survivors get ready to get fucked...

Senate passed the bill the bill to obtain reparation for holocaust survivors get ready to get fucked, because we can all agree that Trump will sign it.

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>the jew bill is called JUST

I thought this was a joke. I wanted this to be a joke. I want off this timeline Mr. Bones!

What the fuck

Magneto will be pleased

my german family suffered from hitler destroying germany, when will i get my reperations from austria?


Say Hi to the new cuck. Same as the old cuck.

Trump is not /ourguy/




Expect intensifying shilling about rising antisemitism soon.


>everyone is at fault for the holocaust and because of this everyone will pay gibs


>unanimous support
This is such a shame. But if I think about the reality of not supporting it it's not so bad. There aren't really any /ourguys/ in the Senate, that's more a thing for the House.




Every kike will claim a piece of European art. They want to erase everything White.

Also, that jew tat in the article. Why do they all only go up to 5 digits?



Winning everyday

Are "survivors" required to provide proof they were even born before the war?

Pick one.

What's important to understand in all of this is another white administration still refuses to recognize colored suffering and instead give gibs to more white people. For Democrats it's a win-win-win as they get to keep brown people down while simultaneously and publicly showing Republicans only care about poor rich white people while simultaneously transferring wealth to God's chosen people, helping Democrats get the black vote. For Republicans it's a win-lose-win but the success of the Jews lies above all other things, for those who control the wealth control capitalism and apparently the Jews must control all the wealth due to some weird Hiketeia thing they have going on (I thought they were Christian but I guess they are in some weird Jesus for Jews way).

Also where's this bill but from Iranian refugee...? :^)

They should also extend this to their families.
This should be multi-generation thing.
You know every jew living to day are still afraid of holocaust.
It's a real PSTD and every jew for now on needs our money to fight that disorder.

mfw on his second term trump makes all americans pay to third generation holocaust survivors .and germany replaces military service with a mandatory (for ethnic germans only) 4 year servitude to 2/3/4th generation survivors .while continuing the tradition of giving us free military equipment like more free german subs .

They'll all die before it'll help them buy any non-luxeries and their kids who were unaffected by the holocaust will inherit everything.

Germany is fucked!
Pay us Goyim.

1945 - 2017 End of war was 72 soon 73 years ago. Average life span in the US is 78. Highest is Japan at 83. Let's say these people were born at the last day of the war inside a Concentration Camp, they'd be at deaths door. Someone who was 10? Already above average in age, despite having suffered malnourishment etc. What survivors are we even talking about at this point, I know of some who have written books but later turned out as frauds who weren't even old enough to have experienced any of this.

haven't you played assasin's creed , all that shit is passed down in the genes . you need to start paying their kids .

based finfam gets it.

wait. so the US will now police European countries into giving money to jews?

>73 years ago
>Supposedly years of malnourishment and trauma
>500.000 still alive
Even if they were only 1-10 years old at that age. Most of these people would be close to the average age of the country with the highest life expectancy world wide. Seems they have recovered remarkable well from their ordeal that should have wracked and destroyed their bodies in the long term, outliving a great many people with better health all across the globe.

>I thought they were Christian but I guess they are in some weird Jesus for Jews way

>38 "I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father."
>39 They answered and said unto him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus saith unto them, "If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham."
>40 "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham."
>41 "Ye do the deeds of your father." Then said they to him, "We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God."
>42 Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me."
>43 "Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word."
>44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
>45 "And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not."

John 8:38-44

Lol and Germany thought their debt clock was going backwards... it’s just making room for more Jewish handouts.

So, this is what you get for liberating Jews. I hope it was worth it, Burgers.

Terezin Declaration list of States:

1. Albania
2. Argentina
3. Australia
4. Austria
5. Belarus
6. Belgium
7. Bosnia and Herzegovina
8. Brazil
9. Bulgaria
10. Canada
11. Croatia
12. Cyprus
13. Czech Republic
14. Denmark
15. Estonia
16. Finland
17. France
19. Germany
20. Greece
21. Hungary
22. Ireland
23. Israel
24. Italy
25. Latvia
26. Lithuania
27. Luxembourg
28. Malta
29. Moldova
30. Montenegro
31. The Netherlands
32. Norway
33. Poland
34. Portugal
35. Romania
36. Russia
37. Slovakia
38. Slovenia
39. Spain
40. Sweden
41. Switzerland
42. Turkey
43. Ukraine
44. United Kingdom
45. United States
46. Uruguay

>Bill literally named JUST

I don't even know anymore.

Nigs been gettin gibs for 50 fuckin years - Reparations paid in full .

>lefty faggots hate Trump and will complain about anything he does, even if he's not the first to support it
>Trump is doing his hardest to support Juice and Israel

Oh my god. Will the leftie faggots finally start hating Juice and start denying the holohoax?

Do you see your own flag moron?

First, you mock us because we surrendered after one month and collaborated with the nazis. Now, you saying we wuz allies and shiiiiieeeet ?

If Trump pushes hard for israel and da jewwwwsss - Lefties will be against him and thusly will be against the jews - So we can call the leftists nazis and anti semites . And giving the jews what they want seems to be like giving an addict EVERYTHING they want . Unlimited drugs . jews be fucked soon .


There was a study performed on slightly over 30 people, ALL AROUND THE GLOBE. The study found that while of the same religion, holocaust survivors had different genes than those who did not bear witness to the holocaust. DIFFERENT GENES!

How could you possibly explain it? People all around the world, DIFFERENT GENES, SAME RELIGION! It's quite the impossibility I'm sure you're all aware, especially considering that THEY CAME FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD! Yet those who suffered that cruel, tramatic event (and survived!) had similar genes to each other YET different from those, OF THE SAME RELIGION, HALF WAY ACROSS THE WORLD. OF THE NEARLY 30 PEOPLE IN THE STUDY THE RESULTS WERE THE SAME!

You can't counter this, the science is all there. Just read this article in Scientific American (Yes, THAT journal)...
Trauma is inherited, and the descendants of Holocaust survivors must be compensated for all time.

Ask me how i know you're an iimmigrant

>you mock us because we surrendered after one month and collaborated with the nazis
Just bants for the lulz


Immigrants actually believe that they helped France win the war.
We all know France (and Arabs even less so) wouldn't have done shit if it wasn't for the good Anglo-American goyim.

We must create an excuse for leftists to be against Israel and the idea of the holohoax.

They've gone against gays before and they call niggers that aren't on their side "coons". They just need an excuse.

Jews want 65bln$ only from Poland alone, but we're in a good position, because we've signed deal with USA in 1960:

But few years ago Kaczynski told he will pay these reparations if Jews will help him to obtain 1 trillion$ reparations from Germany...

So now western cucks do you understand why we changed PM and why are you so fucking desperate to stop this judiciary reform?


Oh look, jews are trying to extort money again

>JUST act

That ink is absolute shit. I'd sue the artist senpai.

>germany getting too strong again
>forming an EU military
>trump does this to drain money out of europe to keep them subdued
brilliant desu

Shut up leaf

>Why do they all only go up to 5 digits?
Once you gas the first 99999, you can start reusing digits. German efficiency.

Hiw can you get reparations for something that didn't happen? I don't understand.

Obamaleaf outta nowhere.


Palestine is the answer





They love showing those number tattoos. Why did they make such a permanent identifier if they were just going to kill them?

Trump will declare war against Germany.

>>>The JUST act

Did the US cause the holocaust? Why should they pay for reperations?
Also, how do I become an american holocaust survivor?

Tfw zog will always control our government

Well you just had to think about that before opposing Trump's Jerusalem move. Now Eurocucks will pay (((them))).

I began to dislike Trump because of the embassy issue. Now I fucking hate him.

>the guys that control the Federal Reserve
>ever losing

I hate this country.

Fucking Boomers. Undoubtedly whatever magical "assets" don't exist will be paid for with US tax dollars, because Jews aren't supposed to work after all. We're supposed to sow and reap while they sit like an effendi and eat.

>We control all of the worlds money supply
>Gib more.

Holy fuck.

This is an Obama era policy. Trump won’t sign it

Screencap this

my mon was a russian nurse POW and escaped from the train to the death camp. Her back was scarred up from whippings. needless to say I am a mess. Think I could get paid?

good thing Argentina is irrelevant then.

Is she hot ?

lol in 1943

Almost as irrelevant as the average American voter. Almost.

Wow 10 people will get a few bucks.


You know those numbers tattooed on jew arms match up to names and country of origin in Nazi records. An effort to cross-check information needs to be made to ensure some jew just didn't mark their own skin with a phony number.

>Germany should send more money to the US.

I have a feeling they might get told to fuck off since Germany is already paying harm all pensions.


This can't be real

i found a sweet deal on leaf blowers maybe we can get them all one of them. sry.

Can this bill help a Goyim Like myself get the money Germany owes my family for seizing a 500 acre farm in poland?

"in the case of heirless property, the provision of property or compensation to assist needy Holocaust survivors, to support Holocaust education, and for other purposes"

>support holocaust education
>for other purposes

Scientific American isn't a scientific journal It's pop science. The same nonsense that appears in newspapers.

"claims for United States citizen Holocaust survivors and United States citizen family members of Holocaust victims."

>Holocaust survivors and United States citizen family members of Holocaust victims.

Yeah 10 people, you can as well await 6 million in queue.

>Trump passes tax bill that Europeans are saying could cripple their economy or at least put them at a severe disadvantage competing with the US.
>Trump makes controversial move of US embassy to Jerusalem, knowing Euros will chimp out and we'll have an excuse to start defunding programs that benefit Europe at the US's expense like NATO
>Trump will pass bill helping Jews sue the shit out of Germans for Holocaust gibs.
All this time we thought Trump's main target in the trade war was going to be China... instead he's going straight for the EU... the absolute madman!

Reminder that you can't cremate a body in 10 minutes.

The gas chambers are a myth, just like the myth that Nazis made soap out of human fat (from Jewish concentration camp prisoners). The soap accusation was later debunked by historians but was repeated by some Jews well into the 1990s. Even today you might find some people repeating it as fact, such is the power of stories that are believed on faith rather than evidence. Other accusations never caught on to the same extent because they were simply too unbelievable.

"Holocaust survivors" admit that they heard rumors about the gas chambers from other Jews before even arriving at a concentration camp. Thus if a Jew lost a loved one during the war, they simply assumed they had gone to the gas chambers. Even after the Allies investigated a camp and determined it was not a death camp, Jews who had been there would repeat the story because they felt they were doing a good thing for the "victims". Insodoing the myth is reinforced without a shred of truth or evidence.

Gas chambers did exist, but were a life-saving measure to exterminate Typhus-spreading lice in clothing. That's why eyewitnesses often include details like haircuts & showers (life-saving pest deterrant measures). Despite these efforts, Typhus (aka "camp fever", "ship fever", etc.) resulted in tens of thousands of deaths in the camps - possibly 200,000 by the end of the war going by Red Cross reports. That's why the camps needed crematories. But those deaths weren't planned, in fact the Germans tried to prevent them, and total nowhere near 6,000,000.

You can hear directly from Jews, and learn more about the improbability of the story, why the numbers claimed to have been killed in gas chambers at Auschwitz is scientifically & technically impossible, in the following video. Watch it & make up your own mind.

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

He's going after all the yuropeen sweat and slave shops that make all the garbage for Walmart and costco.
>Holocaust Discussion With David Cole & Mark Weber - Montel Williams Show
>The great jewish lie holocaust truth exposed breaking news
>David Irving - The Biggest Lie
>Holocaust Hoax & Zionist WW2 Lies Exposed

>The Holocaust Summed Up in Eighteen Seconds

>The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear

>I Was Sent to the Gas Chamber But it was Full: Irene Weisberg Zisblatt

>It Was Real in My Mind

>Spielberg's Hoax - The Last Days of the Big Lie

>One-Third of the Holocaust - Dean Irebodd

>The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax - Eric Hunt

>David Irving - Talking Frankly

>David Cole in Auschwitz full documentary 1992

>David Irving - Hitler, Himmler and the Homosexuals

>David Irving Examines The Holocaust

>David Irving lectures on the holocaust and other lies of WW2
>"6 million Jews" allegations betwen 1915 - 1938
>Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles
>Did the Holocaust really happen?


>me mum was whipped
>needless to say, I'm a mess



