Raphiel is objectively the best Gabriel Dropout girl.
Prove me wrong.
Raphiel is objectively the best Gabriel Dropout girl
But even Raph is obsessed with the real best girl Satania.
I can't, though.
i hated her when she first appeared but she's grown on me. the first part of this weeks episode was fucking delicious. i hope the BD removes that censor cabinet so we can enjoy her delicious milky thighs and panties.
Proven wrong.
Raphiel best girl by far.
I still prefer Satania and Tap, but she's really growing on me.
Scariest moment of the season
I want to taste her boob sweat. She has huge breasts.
Yeah, but can she compete in the big leagues?
She's still miles behind Vigne but she's gotten a lot better in recent times, unlike Satania who's somewhat fallen flat.
She only exists because Satania, she is there to try and cover best girl
>Cutest moment of the season
Is this the opposite day?
Raphi is a good girl! A good girl!
She isn't Gab.
>*all proofs should be posted to one of the other Gabriel Dropout threads.
She isnt satania
Wrong. Vigne counting Gabbus was the cutest moment.
Gab is cuter and more fun.
Official best Dropouts power ranking:
1. Satania
2. Vigne
3. Class Rep
4. Tapris
5. Raphiel
6. Cooking club girls
7. Sensei
8. Coffee Shop Owner
9. Dog
10. Cat
11. Frog
12. Hell fish
9999. Gabriel
1. Satania
2. Vigne
3. Raphiel
4. Tapris
5. Class Rep
6. Cooking club girls
7. Sensei
8. Coffee Shop Owner
9. Dog
10. Cat
11. Frog
12. Hell fish
9999. Gabriel
The only correct ranking.
Official best Dropouts power ranking:
1. Gabriel
2. Vigne
3. Class Rep
4. Tapris
5. Raphiel
6. Cooking club girls
7. Sensei
8. Coffee Shop Owner
9. Dog
10. Cat
11. Frog
12. Hell fish
9999. Satania
Fat bully, I want to protect Satania from her.
>Sup Forums tiers faggotry
This is cancer.
>Gab not no.1
>Satania not below Gab, Vigne, and Raphi
Die, Satan.
1. Vigne
3. Raphiel
4. Umaru lite
>implying Satania isn't the absolute best
>1. Vigne
1. Gabriel
2. Vigne
3. Raphiel
4. Satania
Satania is literally Nene and Umaru combined.
She pisses me off, the weird part is Satania isn't even my favorite.
Actual ranking:
1. Coffee shop owner
9999. everyone else
>tfw you will never marry coffee shop owner
Not fat enough
What's the problem
>1. Satania
>2. Vigne
>3. Class Rep
>4. Tapris
>5. Raphiel
>6. Cooking club girls
>7. Sensei
The future
>8. Coffee Shop Owner
>9. Dog
Not shiba
>10. Cat
Not maine coon
>11. Frog
Not icefrog
>12. Hell fish
Not gyo
Do you guys think Raphiel would have sex with me if I asked nicely?
Best girl doesn't fear frogs.
Only if you make a cute embarrassed face
Official best Dropouts power ranking:
0. Coffee Shop Owner
1. Satania
2. Tapris
3. Class Rep
4. Raphiel
5. Vigne
6. Cooking club girls
7. Sensei
8. Hell fish
9. Cat
10. Frog
11. Dog
9999. Gabriel
Literally wife material
I can't
You are correct
She sucks at cooking though
fuck that devilish bitch. vine all the way
>fuck that devilish bitch. Devilish bitch all the way
Satania exists.
She's my favorite. I like her boobs. Not too big, not too small. Perfect.
where do you fucking people come from?
memetania is shit compared to Raph
No personality
Sadist (literally shit tier)
Thinks her way of bullying Satania is funny (hint: it's not)
Oh, and did I say fat?
No can do, she's been my favorite since the manga
gwen tee
She's the type of girl who is very conservative yet a natural sex magnet, but rejects men politely leaving them hopeful. And she's the type of girl who would do it on the spot if you were his type of ikemen and says "TEEHEE" while telling the story of her abrupt pregnancy.
Follow your dreams, user.
She's just a failed Agiri ripoff.
>posting a gif instead of a webm
Why all you faggots put Tapris so fucking high, when the character is a literally who, with a shit personality, and zero redeeming qualities. Not even her design is good.
Anal angel meme.
Gabu is the best, but I have only fapped to Raphi so far.
Angels > Daemons
Vigne exists, so your last line is objectively wrong.
She exists?
I want to milk her big fat tits
who wouldn't?
>smug cunt who gets off on manipulating others
Literally one of the worst personalities a character can have. She's worst girl. Stop with the delusion. Purple > Red > Yellow > Silver.
webm of this part?
I fucking love that expression combined with the tilt.
Now someone should reverse it after she's done lifting them and loop it that way. Damn, I need to learn how to webm. Maybe this is a good time to collect all Raphi jiggle from this ep.
>fondling her breasts in public
What a slut. I want to be her classmate.
I want to be her.______
I probably should too, I just saved it from a previous thread.
Does this look like a slut to you?
Her personality is what makes her interesting and different to the generic personalities you love so much.
Big fat personalities
is that you blitzkrieg
Is that you, Woxxy?
Raphiel is my personal onahole.