When they will stop?They are blackmuddin also the Iliad where Achilles was blonde with blu eyes.
He was the son of a Nymph and not of a nigga!
They are blackmudding also Greece
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess Sup Forums was right, we Greeks really aren't white.
How do you feel about this. Even in the Iliad he was describe as blue eyed and long blonde hair.
Pol talk a lot, but it doesn't know all, you were white.
>He was the son of a Nymph and not of a nigga!
Straight up ignorance, a lot of Greek heroes were described as light hair and eyes, which makes sense as the timelines coincide with the doric greeks moving further south from up north and settling on the Islands.
we are BLACK
This shit is so fucked it's funny. Everyone looks at this and and knows it's wrong but pretends otherwise.
On a more serious note nobody fucking cares, we don't watch BBC here
if anything, this is working in our favor because you're drifting further and further from all the anti-white propaganda (since we're not perceived as white)
so it's a win/win
Have you read the Iliad?
Imagine a show about slavery where the slaves are all white.
David Thelfall is an englishman
>using selective images to stoke your own insecure racial hatred
>Filmed in Cape Town, South Africa
Well how are they going to hire white people in a place where there are no white people left?
Of course they have to make heroes people of color, white people will be critically endangered soon enough and then who would be able to relate to these stories?
Yeah, imagine the butthurt of the goatfuckers and niggers!
They are not the victims anymore.
However this happened, there was a time where Muslims enslaved many european.
All Europeans should be offended by this, as in the Classical-Romance tradition the defeated Trojans went on to establish the various peoples of Europe: Aeneas - Romans, Brut - Britons, etc.
I say we must also start using the slavery card (400 y to the ottomans) in combination with the BGC. Then we wait for the gibsmedat flows.
His Achilles' Heel is that he's black
That's a very nice idea actually. Not to mention go full reparations mode on the krauts
This is why I hate the mod community in video games.
You should ask the goatfuckers and country like Quatar or Saudi Arabia.
>"Ayo brotha.Tha Gods be jealous of us niggaz.They'z be jealous because we dyin' an shiet,because we might be whacked any minute."
I always thought this quote was "Our patience has it's limit!"
There you go
nice. History Truths is another good channel
Big Black Cock channel who would have guess.
Ancient Greeks were not wh*Te though they were Black
There is actually a very easy and basic excuse for this:
>the character was white, but the actor playing them is black
You know, like in ancient Greece actors that played women were actually men, and how in the days before cheap animation people who played monsters were dudes in suits. Oh no, they didn't find a real alien, its just a chick painted blue, bawwww. Its an actor. The actor is different from the character.
I don't like it either, and I want them to change it, and its very easy (probably easier) to find a white guy for the role. However their excuse is easy and very robust. The actor is not the character. The actor is black, the character is not.
Save your bullets for some other time, there is a solid defense on this.
Modern day Greeks are as white as ancient Greeks
Shut up and go back to your goat.
This will certainly tank, no?
Just how good are the entertainment industries doing with their little inclusive projects?
Greece was right at the axis of East/West/African trade. A direct neighbour of the later Persian Empire. It also had ties to Egypt more than once. So pretending that there weren't black people in Greece or that they weren't part of Greek society is just absurd. You people are only taking offense to this because most of the lead roles aside from Agamemmom who has his wife stolen are played by blacks.
Egyptians weren't black...
Many of the shows are doing just fine. There's some exceptions such as the casting Idris Elba as Roland in the Dark Tower but overall most people don't care. It's only a fringe group that gets outraged over this.
Havent seen many Black Greek chimps though
i call bullshit
using males to play female parts is a result of the backward social norms. Using a white person in black face to play othello or some other ethnic minority is done as a last resort in a time when you could not find a good actor of the right race.
In an expensive tv production they'd easily be able to find actors of the right ethnicities or similar ones.
You don't need to shoe-horn in jarring, totally inaccurate ethnic diversity.
And this was clearly done in because of some liberal agenda to insert black people into everything even when it makes no sense for them to be cast.
The closest Blacks were in Ethiopia and even then they wouldn't be classified as negroid, they have Caucasoid skull for fucks sake
*they had a Caucasoid skull
Why do they always use a west african person to portray this? I get that they want to make european history get blacked, but why is it always some dude from west africa?
Ethiopians are black you honkey subhuman
why do you care chocolate bar flag man
Because it bothers me deeply that everyone thinks west africa is the only thing that exists in Africa. There's also east africa, south africa, north africa, madagascar etc. All of these are pretty diverse places with tons of black people too, why do they specifically target a west african person each time they want to put some black guy in entertainment? It bothers me cause now everyone thinks africans all just look like west africans (nigerians, ghanians etc) but that's not true at all.
so, germanic/nordic?
Fuck off unscientific faggot, we are caucasian not white
All these nigger remakes TANK hard. Ghos' Bussas. Fantatstic Fo'. Plenty more I can't remember
no that's propaganda
we are blessed by KARA BOGA
dark tower was more garbage than the garbage I take out every night
probably one of the top 5 worst movies i've ever seen (i've read the books)
>Soros acquires a large portion of Netflix
>Suddenly, DIVERSITY!
but Soros is a good jew, he dindu nuffin
>in the series gyasi plays Achilles (above)
Using selective intelligence to form your own reality
They do not see any differences
Caucasian and white is not the same thing. If caucasian was the deciding factor for whether you're white and black then 90% of the planet would be white.
Diversity isn't a bad thing in my opinion, but it isn't pretty diverse when they pick the same guy from the same country from the same culture each time. Seriously, stop portraying west africans as the only 'true africans'.
Lies lies lies. There were no niggers in europe after the war. My nan told me you had to go to the circus and pay a penny to look in a tent to see a nigger sitting on a chair. Next to the monkey tent. No wog nothing. Lies lies lies. That is all this is. Plus no one but a dirty coal burning whore wants niggers today. They are as useless now as they ever have been. Worthless shit skins. As if you would put them in an army. I wouldnt have them boil an egg.
Because nowadays the surest way to get your show or movie noticed for awards is to hire an actor named M'wenaa B'Longo
>Next to the monkey tent
>Next to
I dont get it
Isnt this "cultural appropiation" according to the snowflakes?
So a white american cant dress up as a mexican but we have to see niggas playing as valkyres in Thor and niggas as greek soliders.
Mind - fucking- blowing
Why though? I consider it pretty racist desu, the whole point of diversity roles was to combat racism by giving people from different backgrounds a chance at being actors, but when it's the same black dude then it's just as racist as putting a white face each time as the main role. Also nowadays people don't know about the huge amount of diversity in africa because of this bullshit, because they keep portraying the west african people as the only thing in africa. It's racist, it's discrimination and it needs to stop. More east african, north african and south african actors are needed, enough west africans.
educate your ass what white race is
"white race" doesn't exist
there are three racial categories, caucasoid (or europid), negroid (or congoid) and mongoloid
also why the FUCK would anyone want to be considered white if he could avoid it
nothing comes with it but burdens and cuckery
Ethiopians are caucasians too, you might as well consider them white as well.
Good thing nobody watches this shit.
Being white is nothing to be ashamed of, don't listen to the jewish propaganda.
I saw a show on Jewflix called "Meet the Trumps" where they chronicle the Trump family's past as immigrants. Fucking hilarious how Libshits have a hard time understanding that there's a Yuge difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant.
Did I say that it's shameful?
Ahahaha black are winninhow, does it feel you white shits y’all think your safe? you think your culture safe? Nah nigga we gonna black wash everything you white bitches love. Santa clause is black now, Jesus is black now, Egyptian is black now, Europe is black now, King Arthur is black, every Greek and Norse god/goddesses is black. God abandon you cumskins heck god is black too...Ahahahahahahaha bow down to the true alphas/kings you bitches.
>also why the FUCK would anyone want to be considered white if he could avoid it
nothing comes with it but burdens and cuckery
(((The BBC)))
Whats your point exactly?There are a lot of blonde Greeks today
Yeah. Nothing about shame.
The burdens are what the SJWs put on whites currently, and the cuckery is genetic (just look at western Europe, northern Europe or America lmao)
did I mention that western-northern Europe were also uncivilized barbarians up until 600AD?
Meanwhile the Greeks and Romans created western civilization in 400BC
I hope you get my point now.
A lot of women you mean.
Blonde men are something like 3%
> Implying ancient Greeks didn't have contact with the African continent.
Do you have proof Achilles wasn't black?
That girl's hair is dyed blonde. For fucks sake, are people really this bad a telling if a girl dyed her hair? You can even see the brown hair streaks.
>Modern Greek
more like a hellenized Balkanite lmao
Yeah, genetic continuity has been proven. If we're not black now we never were.
Not that I care about how a fucking ANGLO channel portray us kek
>hellenized balkanite
you mean a turk? :^)
>The burdens are what the SJWs put on whites currently
Just ignore them. SJWs also want berbers and north africans kicked out of their homes in north african countries cause 'dey not tru aafricans, tru africans only look black, they're arabian colonizers'. It's best to just ignore ignorant people.
Did you black wash our sci-fi movies as well? Niggers were over-represented in planet of the apes: I was furious.
Oh no the brainlet Greek is trying to start a genetic argument with me again
How cute. Considering average iq in your country is around 90 whereas it's 97 here.
1 58.2% Nogay + 41.8% Algerian_Jewish @ 5.19
2 53.7% Nogay + 46.3% Ashkenazi @ 5.36
3 51% Cyprian + 49% Afghan_Turkmen @ 5.76
4 59% Nogay + 41% Italian_Jewish @ 5.79
5 59.5% Nogay + 40.5% Tunisian_Jewish @ 5.8
GREEK RESULTS (play a SOAD song while reading this)
4 52.2% Abhkasian + 47.8% Lebanese_Druze @ 4.75
5 54.9% Georgian + 45.1% Lebanese_Christian @ 4.75
6 93.2% Armenian + 6.8% North_Ossetian @ 4.9
7 92.8% Armenian + 7.2% Ossetian @ 4.91
8 92.6% Armenian + 7.4% Adygei @ 4.93
How does it feel to know that you're descendants of hellenized cucks?
>ignore them
I've always ignored them, I'm not white enough to affect me :^)
>a forum as a source
stay mad Greek rapebaby
You're not black either. Greeks resemble levantine people and arabs more than black people.
What is Spartakus? Ok there are also niggers and shitskins but most are white.
>a Forum
results were taken from personal genetics results of Turks. My curly haired, hooked nosed, genetically inferior rapebaby friend.
here's a Youtube video (you like them) of a TUrk
In the comment section, a guy asks for his gedmatch kit no
Guess what
results are
1 50% Lebanese_Muslim +50% Nogay @ 2.316665
etc etc
I know average Greek iq is around 90, but please shut the fuck up when an educated person is in the thread. Also do not post half balkan mutts to prove anything. It proves that Balkanites are more Greek than your kind lmao
Also why are you even a greek nationalist? you do realize you're subhuman right? like you're literally genetically inferior to me or any othe race in the world. Are you trying to be the new ikibey?
The Right should make the following biopics to show the liberal hypocrisy and make them go apeshit:
>Mansa Musa I, starring Tom Hanks.
>Tupac, starring Zac Efron.
>Notorious B.I.G., starring Jack Black.
>Dr Martin Luther King, starring Matt Damon.
>Rosa Parks, starring Cara Delevigne.
>The life of an African Slave, starring Channing Tatum.
Yeah but all women are white as the snow. Fuck this shit. I would have giving them that if we would see shitskins, spics and east asians but there are only niggers, male niggers.
Relax man. Greece has done more good for the world than you.
also in the comment section there's a half uzbek and half armenian and he comes up as 25% c. asian and 10% Greek lmao. This company's calculators are a joke and i actually know why Greeks like it, they're mutts and they want to feel better when someone reminds them the fact that they're hellenized Balkanites, Armenians, Anatolians etc
We resemble meds, (same with Italians and Spaniards) we're our own category, a category that was formed by the enviroment we inhabited
* We used to speak Albanian and call ourselves Romans, but then Winckelmann, Goethe, Victor Hugo and Delacroix told us, "no, you are Hellenes, direct descendants of Plato and Socrates" and that did it. If a small, poor nation has such a burden put on its shoulders, it will never recover.
(Nikos Dimou, New York Times, June 2009)
* When a Greek's identity is in question, they can never accept the facts as they are. The Greeks lack the capacity to comprehend reality. Every Greek has an exaggerated opinion about Greeks.
(Lord Byron)
* There is no continuity from ancient Greeks to modern Greeks. Modern Greek identity is a fradulent one built on myths.
(Secretary of Greek Ministry of Education, Professor Thalia Dragona)
Let him be, he can't cope with the fact that he's a rapebaby and his country is being overtaken by KURDS