A'ight you little pieces of trash, get in here.
Should we start trolling sluts on the internet the way pic related did?
Some cue lines would be "poor girl, it's cold! Have some clothes"; "doing my part to clothe the needy", "don't worry I got you" and so forth.
What does pol think of this? Feminists would probably eventuqally go nuts over it.
A new way to slut shame
This has potential.
bumping for potential.
No because this would aid the fat slobs who prefer women be covered up anyways
Good idea user, I hope Sup Forums will pick this up, some subtle trolling to redpill the population
Bump, II would usemore condescending words, like:
Oh, what a surprise, animals don't know how to dress (if nigger)
Oh, it wants to get raped by mudshit pigs (if white)
Get creative lads, you only get attntn by being mean to these thots.
I like it. Bump
bump for strong potential.
this is like "its ok to be white" thing, expect them to chimpout
don't be a beta faggot OP this is why ur still a virgin
Slut shaming is important.
I mean when at all possible slut shaming needs to come back in every way, especially in every day life.
Maybe a bit too subtle, kind of lame too.
anyone have the source images? it looks like she removed them from her twitter
my blood starts to boil whenever I think of all the cucks on this board that defended these bitches during Thotgate.
wew, lad
it was really the thing that separated the patrician lewels of #woke from plebs. Sup Forums from kekistanis.
we did good in the end.
I don't think we won. I think the board is lost.
it always has been lost, pissing in an ocean of piss, etc.
just report roasties who post nudes. losing their likes+followers would be far more devastating to them than some lame attempt at trolling
Honestly, Sup Forums was lost during the elections. The whole board culture changed with meme magic. Instead of politics we became a board of memes with a political connotation. And the only reason they have a political connotation is to justify posting memes on Sup Forums. It's not even about politics anymore. That's why we have a million bitcoin threads up. It has nothing to do with politics, but it is 'board culture's now.
Pretend to be muslim and tell them to cover themselves.
I don't know where else to go now.
Look at them pander over an e-celeb that isn't even on the fucking internet anymore.
It was never al about politics as you claim. Believe it or not, the cuck and blacked threads were intensely more pervasive before 2016. If anything the board got more political and unified during the election.
>Sup Forums is a Christian board so Christianity is politics
The mods are just shit, if we're being honest. I wouldn't mind the OP's of these threads being permabanned. The loss of a few hundred idiots would not be a detriment to this board.
Boards will always have memes, there's no way around it. That was more due to the fact that no political events were happening, so we filled our time with shit posting. Now it's about politics inbetween our shit posts.
It is a good idea. Do it to celebrities, but be "nice". Don't call them names. Just photoshop more modest clothes on them. Especially at Awards shows. Give them modest dresses. They will flip. Remember: be nice.
Tipper Gore is that you? Wtf are you doing in Brazil?
>involving racism dooming the whole idea and potentially getting arrested for illegal opinions
Maybe the German. They won't arrest anyone in the US for that. This isn't some Third World country where you get jailed for posting on this internet.
I can't do photoshop, but I can go with the shit they do in SFWP.
If I make a deep learning image filter caled "haralify" that superimposed a burka on women in an input image, would people pay 50 cents for such an app?
Are we doing this or what?
Post some examples.
that's instagram.
>mfw this could actually work
Zmfw they made up a new word for it
Huge potential.
Slut shaming is extremely important for thots as the worst damage for a woman to experience is her reputation. If everyone knows she’s a gutterthot, her girlfriends will socially ostracize her, and men will (hopefully) run an absolute train on her so nature can do what it does best.
No better example than a good one!
So it’s not about the clothes covering them up, it’s about them understanding the gravity of what’s gonna happen to em if they don’t embrace being a true trad thot.
If the shaming is strong enough, the traditional girls will be easy pickings for us chads with a nice harem of oxytocin retarded, confused whores to laugh at (and to keep one in the kitty)
Autists, make it happen
come on guys, it's one hell of a job to dress these bitches up
now look at that, you can almost marry one of those chicks.
not subtle enough
>"poor girl, it's cold! Have some clothes"
It's almost like you guys don't want to get laid
getting laid is easy, we want quality
we just want to #dressathot
No. Women want attention. What you doing this case is you photoshop out the head so that it's just a headless body.
That's why you let them sort themselves out. If you enforce a standard that makes everyone behave well, the ones who behave well naturally don't stand out
Or if you have the skill Photoshop out the face so it's just a faceless mannequin-like body. Your nudity is not interesting
Oh my god. Its so simple its brilliant.
>ayo trex, come on and help me trad this thot up
Dress a thot;
Dress'em up;
Tad 'em up;
Slut out;
What other name can we give it?
bump again, also anyone got a good source of pics to dress up?
seem to be catchy hashtags
> Or if you have the skill Photoshop out the face so it's just a faceless mannequin-like body. Your nudity is not interesting
Bump. Also like the operation hominid idea where diversely cast people are cast as hominids
>man spends 6 gorillion years trying to get womens clothes off
>OP wants them to put clothes on
war with Brasil when?
It doesn't get more degenerate than that nasty whore on Youtube known as Lena the Plug. 1488 now please and thank you.
I like it.
>That's why you let them sort themselves out. If you enforce a standard that makes everyone behave well, the ones who behave well naturally don't stand out
ffs, son that is not how it works
>A'ight you fuckin' stupid idiot.
the way you want it dude
What a degenerate!
This is my favorite nazi
feminism made me do this.
the burqa is liberation for womyn
"poor girl, it's cold! Get in the warm kitchen!"
Y'know, user. I tried my best here. But I am only one man, and that's a lot of thot.
Ayy! Same shit. Different sewer!
better than mine, lol
If you actually want to dox real whores, a lot of less well known pornstars have there real names on IMDb then you can easily find them on Facebook where they often now have families and husbands etc. Also adultwork.com there are a lot of Brit whores on there as prostitution is legal over here and some of those retards have open email addressses with their real names and you can search for 'verification pics that I can view' and many of them, especially the Romanians and Hungarians have their passports viewable. You can then easily find on Facebook
Fucking this. Dress them in burkas to highlight their hypocrisy love of muslims.
A whore is just an an-cap thot. She ain't forcing anyone to have sex with her. Thots target normal, and oblivious men, and take them down with reckless abandon!
Perfect memes.
Actually a great idea.
Not only will be fixing some degeneracy..
it will be highlighting to most people that "something is wrong here"
"why are these women acting like whores?"
-outstanding potential to help some females realize that they should act like ladies.
Paper bag a hag.
This has potential. Especially if you show one that is the original and the other that is drawn in.
Maybe label one Feminism and the other Feminity and show the difference.
Kek. Love how the good side is all white women and the bad side is 75% muh beige future. Maximum triggering potential.
Create Muslim accounts.
Cover them up.
And tell them to stop being degenerate whores. And then this might have potential
>Not seeing the correlation between Christianity, morals, and decency
Fug off fedora tipper
Bump for potential. We can't lose. This needs to be the new IOTBW campaign. It's so simple and yet so revealing when they rage. It fulfills the primary objective of waking up normies by allpwing the left to expose themselves. It's genius.
>You're objectifying womaen's bodies and literally raping them!!!11!!
>Your patriarchal oppression is raping these women by covering up their naked whore bodies1!!!!11!!!
Great idea. Now, don't find real whores, but only college-girls and feminists who act/dress like whores -- and pretend to be proud of themselves for it. Slut shame them. Mercilessly.
Always show both the dressed version of the slut and a real life example of a "nice girl," such as in the pics above.
You have to both shame and point to the way out. These girls are both dumb and slutty.
Pics of the sluts in the pink cunt hats would be great! They're leftist sluts to their missing cores.
Dress them: Shame them.
are you going to raise it by yourself?
>but I'm not pregnant
(looks at watch)
are you going to raise it by yourself?
maybe we could start a secret tox group
photoshop modest clothing onto pornstar nudes? i can see it now...
>if christy had worn this nice sunday dress, war machine might not have beaten her like a common whore.
duuuuude... put her in a nun's habit! hahahaha!
>using their (((terminology)))
OP is a kike shill confirmed
This is probably the 3rd best idea of the year
qualitative restrategization? when you go from r to K.
take tattooed whores and shoop off the tattoos kek
sounds good but it'll become old hat very fast
So brave. So powerful.
I slut shame by asking their number and when it is more than I like, I stop dating them. Women aren't complete morons. If you don't date sluts and talk about how happy guys are who married virgins they will get the message. No, I'm not married, but I am looking. I do not sleep with sluts because that only perpetuates the cycle of degeneracy. They see it as postive behavior if you accept it by taking part. Like children they must be taught. They must have their cultural Marxist indoctrination deprogrammed.
here you go guys, see what you can do with this one. ungoth, thottoo removal, pretty dress, the works.
>>(sry about shit resolution but you can reverse search this famous pic)