Nigger Hate Thread
There is literally nothing wrong with being black.
Of course not. They can do as they please in their own lands.
tolerant and progressive
We're conservative not racist.
diversity is our greatest strength
nigger lover
If with "we" you mean Sup Forums "we" are a fucking mess.
50% shilling
20% edgy kids
30% happenings
And a 100% to remember you're here forever
You guys seriously need help.. it's one thing to not like someone because of political views but just hating someone because they are a certain race is not even logical.
True. As Long as they can stand on their own feet and not detract from those around them. It's kind of a like living in your parents house. You have to do things their way until you move out and exist independently.
Is this not a troll account?
As long as you don't act like a fucking idiot, but smart blacks are hard to come by these days
What movie is it sir?
In their own habitat, they are harmless. When they are on white mans soil and aided and abetted by the Jew, that’s where we see trouble. Time and time again.
This is why we will always need a civilian defence force of decent law abiding white folk.
What if it becomes police state-tier silly and one set of whites sort out their differences with another set through it?
I don't know just saved it one day.
You are not here to make arguments. You are here to coon for our amusement.
Thanks for admitting you're too dumb to think your own policies through
>In their own habitat, they are harmless.
Oh your so tolerant and brave to have transcended cave-man like opinions such as racism and bigotry I mean you must be super enlightened and intelligent I bet you are a fan of smart shows like rick and morty..please excuse my racist brothers on Sup Forums for they know not what they do...
Those are arrests not reports.
More crimes are reported than arrests are made for.
Stand up and be counted.
Show the world that you’re a man.
Stand up and be counted.
Go with the Ku Klux Klan.
I fucking hate niggers.
If i could kill them all in Spain i would be happy.
Bump for more webms!! Lub cocaine
You know at some point the KKK wanted to hang Italians near Jersey, Mexicans, Irishmen, and Catholics as well?
I always laugh on Sup Forums when one of the aforementioned figures this out
Racist is a code word for one who has wrestled oneself free from the Jew matrix.
Fascinating observation but meaningless. Blacks are disproportionally represented.
Also wth is this a video of a black woman looking confused in a public restroom? If so... why?
I didn’t know that. I like them even more, now.
Even nonwhites because they've had a field day here, if its not certain corporations?
I thought it only took them 6 years to understand how mirrors work. What's wrong with her?
And?? Mohammad hated niggers and enslaved them and he said their heads were like raisins whatever the fuck that bullshit is,.,
fucking niggers
jewish president mauricio machir importing them en masse
>two fuckin' minutes to cut an head
niggers are truly retarded
>One of the largest mass lynchings in American history was of eleven Italians in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1891. The city had been the destination for numerous Italian immigrants.[12] Nineteen Italians who were thought to have assassinated police chief David Hennessy were arrested and held in the Parish Prison. Nine were tried, resulting in six acquittals and three mistrials. The next day, a mob stormed the prison and killed eleven men, none of whom had been convicted, and some of whom had not been tried.[13] Afterward, the police arrested hundreds of Italian immigrants, on the false pretext that they were all criminals.[14][15] Teddy Roosevelt, not yet president, famously said the lynching was indeed "a rather good thing". John M. Parker, who helped organize the lynch mob, and in 1911 went on to become governor of Louisiana, said of Italians that they were "just a little worse than the Negro, being if anything filthier in their habits, lawless, and treacherous"
Share if you find more for the lulz
Not really, he painted a good picture, but he's just a utilitarian statesmen with a hard-on for domination, its why Islam is more commandments than principles
Fuckin rand paul lol
Soft and airy i guess. He knew niggers are brainless stupid idiots.
When 97% of niggers look into a mirror, they believe that they have successfully cloned themselves.
The remaining 3% are the domesticated ones. But they’ve got to shipped back too.
Fuck em
Anti-Italianism was part of the anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic ideology of the revived Ku Klux Klan (KKK) after 1915; the white supremacist and nativist group targeted Italians and other foreign Roman Catholics, seeking to preserve the supposed dominance of Anglo-Saxon Protestants. During the early 20th century, the KKK became active in northern and midwestern cities, where social change had been rapid due to immigration and industrialization, and was not limited to the South. It reached a peak of membership and influence in 1925. A hotbed of anti-Italian KKK activity developed in Southern New Jersey in the mid-1920s. In 1933, there was a mass protest against Italian immigrants in Vineland, New Jersey, where Italians made up 20% of the city population. The KKK eventually lost all of its power in Vineland, and left the city.
UK and Mussolini
>This anti-Italian feeling led to a night of nationwide riots against the Italian communities in June 1940. The Italians were now seen as a national security threat linked to the feared British fascism movement, and Winston Churchill instructed “collar the lot!”. Thousands of Italian men between the ages of 17 and 60 were arrested after his speech.[33] They were transported to camps across the country
No he mean't the Ethiopian head appearance, Arabs used and still use allegory and metaphors to pass something dumb as smart
You make lynching wops and taigs sound like a bad thing. It isn’t.
>love american jewified mutts
>hate real Europeans
ahhh the 56% negrified logic at its finest!
Stop trying to defend m*hammad he was racist sexist and homophobic we'd thrown him in jail for his racism today...
So basically when you're done with blacks, its Latinos and Arabs, all the way up to Day of the Rope Episode 23: Death to Meds and everyone non-anglo, non-germanic? A veritable utopia of Western Europeans and East Asians? That would be cool t.b.h. but I feel not everyone here is up for it
>defending him
If i weren't considered crazy and spoke my mind here I'd pretty much get my life more wrecked, I push it a little with these idiots who want to control everyone's life
>"women are deficient in reasoning and intelligence!"
>"so the Prophet's wives and mothers of the muslims were too"
ragequit or block
you are as retarded as she is
her reflection is missing
also based asians
You guys are officially dumber than the nigger.
It's a prank. She can't see herself in the mirror, there's reflection of her.
It's four stunts pulling a prank for a Tv show (there's no mirror just four actors that look similar).
Alpha Dog
Yes. Arabs first, though.
Thank you kindly.
Good. Greasy wops are absolutely subhuman
Blacks are an example of God trolling the world, so kinda.
>hating something for the thing it is isn't logical
>you can only hate ethereal concepts like "political views"
what if i hate salami? salami has no political views either
And then when whites spread through the galaxy we'll wipe out inferior races all throughout space.GAS THE GREYS!!!SPACE WAR NOW!!!
Its almost like if you actually live around niggers you become racist. Really activates the almond.
Still the best.
Is there a single other pic that comes close to this level of niggerkino?
What the fuck with that nigger? Doesn't it know how a mirror works?
Please tell me that's a photoshop
It's not.
>There is literally nothing wrong with being black.
when i lived in a chimpy neighborhood of a chimpy city if i had any trash i didnt want to pay to have removed id leave it out on the front steps and the dindus would always "steal" it overnight. rusted and busted bikes, broken appliances, dead computers, etc....
if they thought they were stealing it they'd take it. if i put a sign reading "free" on it they'd never touch it.
what the fuck am I looking at?
even our dirtiest stupidest European gypsies don't act like this
If they hadn't lowered the retard IQ boundary, then half the groids would also be on disability as well as welfare and food stamps.
Except "being".
Half the niggers in this country are on welfare and collect ebt. Nothing has changed.
That was good
not even once
why you hate on her? fran genuinely enjoys sucking white dick and swallowing all that hot cum. i bet her hubby ties her to a vaulting horse and hits that black power out of her cute little ass every night.