Based Poland
Based Poland
bleed it dry
What's that 65%er? Armenia?
>muh EU funds
We should smarten up and understand that these EU funds bring nothing but corruption and dependency.
since when you have anything to say
>Burger education
this is some kind of fucking joke lad
This is the most American post I've ever seen.
Since I'm part of your retarded union
its a bit of an overstatement, you are barely a poor third class member
>EU was founded on the Lesbian agreement
>Portugal's capitol is Lesbian
you can't explain that
Where the fuck did they go asking people here to get that 52% support?!
Honestly, I literally know nobody who want this. How the fuck did they come up with this number?
Fake poll is fake.
armenia isn't even an actual country
I want this though
>tfw no Europe a Nation
Are you trying to compete with the burgers in stupidity?
Finland is the best European country
>Canadian education
Nice source faggot
>burger education
lmao the meme is real
Definitive proof that rapefugee loving has nothing to do with support for the EU.
>t. alboshit in Greece.
That's it! They must have been singling out the pakis and albos and asking them instead of real Greeks. That explains it.
whats that 56% country?
>42 perecent here and we are paying for all this shit
This is so retarded. They have their nice trick were they claim that if we don't pay the others the money to buy our goods this will hurt us. So basically we pay ourselfs the money to produce goods for others.
For once I am proud of public opinion in this country
support correlates with gibs, what a surprise
What did Sweden mean by this? They want a caliphate instead?
>implying I'm a fan of migration
>implying I like Pakis and Albos
>implying a Fascist European federation would be friendly towards Pakis and Albos
Get educated pleb
pleasr burger stop
Quite honestly though, I believe they reversed the results to fuck with us.
>tfw none of my fellow mutts know the country Slovakia.
jesus christ we're doomed
Jesus christ, the absolute state of America.
Just so you know though, when they were asking for a Federal Europe and those who answered yes in that poll, weren't exactly considering a fascist one...
This 52% (though I truly do believe it to be quite a fictional number) are retarded leftist faggots.
Your economy would take quite a dip without the Euro, you support it because then you'd truly have another Reich and puppets.
Federal as in more independence for countries in the Union as opposed to the current centralized system.
If the one thing you know about Armenia is the Turkish genocide, then why would you think Armenia would be hundreds of miles away from Turkey?
Oh wait you probably don't even know where Turkey is
True enough
Fact, truth, enlightened.
I've been in Poland and basically all the highways are being build and funded by the EU
>nordics bottom of the pile in support
I did not except this.
It's Hungary you fucking idiot! Hungary! Fuck!
it is true actually, most of eu funds are put in highways in poland
Dont mess with portugal you nigger. I'll freeze your bank accounts
But federal in EU lingo means the exact opposite of that. It would mean taking independence from the member states and making them federal states like US states.
No you idiot, it means the EU gets formed into a actual state as opposed to the nation sates we have now
Lmao fucking trolled HARD get fucked eurocucks
>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded
>when my id even says foool
The perfect crime
>jokes on them
Also, i don't remember anyone asking us about this.
>What's that 65%er
It's a country that hates your disgusting greasy 56%er face, you fucking mutt.
Sweden the useful idiots
Personally I'd prefer a federal EU. The voters in the East would swing the balance of power to the right.
The eu is there to hold Germany down. Some of our former politicians say it openly, we are to good,and therefore we need to give as much money away as we can and it doesn’t matter if it’s wasted. Of course there would be a short term dip, but it’s a trade of with the long term future.
>EU was founded on the Lesbian agreement
>Portugal's capitol is Lesbian
Oh shit XD
I can confirm. Lisboetas are faggots.
>was going to post iwasonlypretending. jpg
>duplicate file already exist
nice try burger
...right, because Poland and Hungary would support exactly that. Why are you this fucking dumb you pathetic afghan insect?
You give that money because you control our states you dipshit. You bought up all ex-communist states, we're essentially your colonies.
If the Euro disappeared and everyone went back to their own currency, your exports would go to shit.
I've played EU3 I probably know European geography and history better than most of you.
the reason for that is admiration for germans (and germanic ppl in general)
you fucking pieces of shit, we drooled over you and wanted nothing but to be some sort of auxiliary troops in some great empire, and you spat in our face for centuries and now fucked it all up, words can't describe how much i hate you german pieces of shit, not necessarily for thinking we're subhumans but for failing your destiny you fucking trash you're unworthy of your heritage kill yourselves
Federalism is simply the allocation of different jobs to different sections/levels of the government(s) in a geographic area.
You're thinking of confederacy. Confederacy is what you want.
Ask Grease on whats happening in Lesbos. Fuck me, the BBC were hard pressed to find a child there, but they did, one. and some pregnant bint probably knocked up on her boat over
How indignifying is it to find that the greatest country on Earth who you helped create doesn't give a single shit about you? I'm trying to imagine how red in the face you all get - What's worse, Americans literally ignoring you or Refugees literally raping you?
>greatest country on Earth
what country, again?
Migrants are raging because they've been told that every woman there is a lesbian.
>because you control our states you dipshit.
You have no clue. It’s just your nice narrative to blame it on Germany. We don’t make decisions for our benefit, we are less represented int the eu than smaller states per capita and our elite is mostly selected from American think tanks. You are naive. Look at the Stratfor video he is talking openly about this fact.
so Christmas when every other UK channel is saying happy winter instead of Christmas
it's a bitter pill
Molon Labe lad
lol. best post ITT
I didn't vote for Merkel just to have you insult me.
We don't give a fuck. We clearly see the influence of Germany's elites on the rest of us.
Now if the harm they bring upon us is not to your benefit, you average German citizen, is no concern of ours.
We're going to hate Germany for it, and everything that is Germany that includes you.
>Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has increased media control by legal changes
so they are admitting that they want to interfere our elections?
i thought that would be the russians
We don't have to do shit. These guys are killing each other if left alone for too long.
It's been in the news again a couple days back, migrant infighting the camps have left so many injured, forget the number.
They put fire on their own tents and then didn't let our fireworkers in the camp, to put it out.
Suits me fine, they can look at the starry sky now when they go to sleep. I hear it's beautiful if it's not cloudy and raining.
>t*rk detected
they're real and they're whiter than you mohamed
Of course I know the eu throws our money away and will make us even more hated. This is the reason why I want to get rid of it.
Fuck em let them kill each other
You lads stay safe.
America fears a truly united white Europe
because federalized Europe is a good idea, but the current EU government is non-electable which is unacceptable
The fun fact is, these guys had quite a lot of money to leave Pakistan and Afghanistan and make the trip to Europe.
They have actually left their home countries legally, traveled legally throughout Asia and only hopped in the boats when they reached Turkey, so they can get themselves stranded in Greece.
You know, I've seen many of them. They have smart phones too, that's proof that their social status where they came from, wasn't exactly so bad as media makes it out to be.
Now they sleep in the mud and the rain, eating shit and get little to no healthcare. Serves them right.
>You bought up all ex-communist states, we're essentially your colonies.
No, you were just bankrupt. Not our fault.
You being colonies has to do with the huge difference in economic power. It will wear off in the future.
>but for failing your destiny you fucking trash
Wha exactly do you want from us?
Let's post some real opinions on EU and staff
burger I....
You're all faggots by the way, except for us.
This stat here proves it.
Britain pls take us with you
fuck off you poorfag
probably monaco
And this stat here means nobody wants a Federal Europe.
You're all sucking German dick.