What did the Wall Street Journal mean by this front page headline?
The Eyes Have It
The ayes have it...not eyes....LOL
These morons at the U.N. stepped right into the GEOTUS’ trap. Most of them will be back in their kebab shops in the year and that monstrosity in NYC will be demolished.
What does a vote saying you dont like America's decision even mean. God the UN is embarrassing.
As opposed to the No(ses) I guess
Was Trump/Haley baiting them all along?
The media is controlled by retards as are most institutions in the world.
God help us all we are witnessing the fall of Rome.
The fuck was the point of that vote anyway?
May as well vote on if it's going to rain today. Meaningless gesture.
It's a dogwhistle to say Haley hates them.
Meaningless gestures are what the UN is all about. That and child sex trafficking.
>America gets made a mockery of on the international stage
>Meaningless gesture
I don't think you understand how much the US damaged its image within the last fortnight. Even the fucking UK voted against the US, which was highly unexpected. Anyone who was betting would have put all their money on them abstaining.
This is what people always forget about globalism. It means you are giving more power to Africans, Muslims, Latinos, and Chinamen for absolutely no reason at all.
There is no reason their opinions should matter when it comes to where the US will put it's embassy.
They can all screw off
Uh-oh! We're in big trouble now.
I don't think you understand how little Americans give a shit about that. We take it as a badge of pride when the UN votes against us. We will cheer when its blight is driven from our land.
>w-we don't care about what the UN thinks!
Is that why Trump is taking names? Because he cares so little? Part of me desperately hope he cuts aid to certain countries so China/Russia can very easily fill the void for a very easy geopolitical win.
Go shitpost somewhere else
I got banned from r/the_donald for pointing out Trump is a heeb lover.
the who?
who cares
"The "Five Eyes" (FVEY) refers to an alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement for joint cooperation in signals intelligence, military intelligence, and human intelligence."
>I got banned from r/the_donald for pointing out Trump is a heeb lover.
You lasted longer than I did. I got banned for asking why there were hourly threads about Israeli News and the poor jews. I saw the subversion creeping in and that was a no no.
In America that's just called Tuesday. We've received international backlash from literally everything we've done for almost 60 years.
Maybe we've decided to just do whatever we want, given the international community's reaction is the same regardless.
Can we fucking get rid of the UN already?
I think it is supposed to be clever wordplay on eye/aye due to the two people in the picture staring each other in hatred. It kind of falls apart when the picture really doesn't portray that as well as they think so they just come off looking stupid.
>Part of me desperately hope he cuts aid to certain countries so China/Russia can very easily fill the void for a very easy geopolitical win.
All of me hopes this
This turn of events could indeed be interpreted by Israel as the international declaration that Israel should not exist, and that the UN is antisemite.
Less logical matters have been declared absolute truth.
>The ayes have it...
the ayyyylmaos have it....
ask me if I give a fuck about what the UN says