What does Sup Forums think of Veganism ?
What does Sup Forums think of Veganism ?
Why do you say that ? Has nothing to do with ego
As long as their argument isnt 'my feefees' and 'im morally superior to you' then nobody really gives a shit about it
I put it 2nd to flat earthers, followed by people that think the moon is transparent or is a burnt out sun
you cant be redpilled if you're not vegan
Fuck off faggot
Very true friend :)
>Because the only life that belongs to me is my own.
Plants are alive. They live, eat, grow, breed, communicate and defend themselves.
Find another excuse for being a trendy faggot, you queer.
I don't care about what other people eat (except when they eat humans or something immoral like that). I hate it when they try to make others feel like monsters for not following their diet, those vegans should be gassed imo
it's shit
>being vegan objectively kills less plants because we wouldn't feed them to our livestock as well.
Response, dairy fairy?
>not immoral
I could never be vegan, but I reduced my consumption of meat and eliminated refined grains from my diet. Feels good man.
What. The. Fuck.
Nice ethics
what a spaz
eat what you want but don't try and force your morals on me.
There's a difference between killing and consuming something faggot. We either consume a living thing from the animal kingdom or plant kingdom. We omnivores obtain energy from both, by consuming them. Vegan can understand these concepts can they?
People on Sup Forums seem somewhat intelligent so why dont you keep it that way and go back to Sup Forums with the rest of the subhumans
our entire society is based on forcing morals on each other
soo the "i'm vegan" jokes are true. vegans ARE stuck up airheads jerking each other off about how better they are. this response showed everything i need to know.
Plants don't have brains, nor do they have a central nervous system. They do not experience pain and suffering like animals.
I love soy, fuck dairy and meat.
Kill all meat eaters NOW!!!
Our god and emperor, hitler was a proud anti-meat vegan.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat meat in general. I only eat meat if I'm invited to a dinner party where quality and well-cooked meal is served.
You kill more crops by eating meat because you have to feed up the animals you fucking brainlet.
its mainly a malnutrition. many dont know how to do it correctly and half of their "food" consists of supplements
Sometimes more energy efficient than eating meat
Hard to make taste good
try liver. you wont find any vegetable that contains even half the micro- and macronutritiens on 100g
>You kill more crops by eating meat because you have to feed up the animals you fucking brainlet.
The ammount of food you have to consume on a plant based diet is far more than that of one with plants and meat mixed together. Meat is a nutrient dense food that our bodies can easily digest, while plants on the other hand are much more of a wreck on our system.
>>being vegan objectively kills less plants because we wouldn't feed them to our livestock as well.
>Response, dairy fairy?
There's nothing wrong with killing plants.
Jellyfish also lack a brain, is it acceptable to consume jellyfish?
t. amerimutt
European "men" are soft and liberal in every way. I would rather be a 0% spic/negro mutt than be a domesticated cuckold like the modern Euro "man"
Hey we dont need milk of any kind
>plant based diet
How do you know have you ever lived on a plant based diet ?
You guys going to come up with a real argument or just keep calling names? You are like little children, no, little chimps flinging shit.
With all sincerity, i hope your wives leave you for their bulls and that you kill yourselves shortly thereafter.
Now we have both engaged in the shit-flinging, and no arguments have made any progress. Die, you jewish fucking thread-sliding soyboys.
Yes. It's the only way to gain their immortality.
>live for an extra 3 years
>nice tasty burger.
>stop calling names come up with real arguements.
> your are all like little children.
Vegan is definitely better and will be the future.
Vegans walk in Cain's path.
>How do you know have you ever lived on a plant based diet ?
Its funny how people never answer the Question they are asked its a bit like a politician !
It's gay.
Reckon it's a better diet, but it's incredibly difficult to be vegan and be a normal functioning member of society. Most vegans are jobless virgins or in health professions so it's a lot easier. For the busybody it's a lot more work to make sure you're taking in all the nutrition calories etc you need in a day. Meat is a lot more efficient in that regard. I really don't have a problem with veganism but I've yet, and I know this is a bit of a cliche, met a well adjusted vegan in my life
How do you know if you have not given it a go ?
>What does Sup Forums think of Veganism ?
Vegans are usually big city people with little to no experience outside the city.
These people are the first to go leftist authoritarian because they're confused about their identities.
But how do you know what you say is true if you have not given it a go and its just an opinion with nothing to back it up ?
>Reckon it's a better diet, but it's incredibly difficult to be vegan and be a normal functioning member of society.
Just don't eat lots of sugar and starch (wheat products) and you're fine. Vegans are vegans because they identify with fucking animals they do not know or interact with at all.
OP here not true with me I was raised hunting and fishing in the wilderness but nice try
Looks fun.
Too radical. Vegetarianism is enough.
did he sit on the lion until it died?
How do you know what you say is true if you have not tried it for your self ?
Don't care. Only retards care about shit that other people do.
>meme flag
what a fucking gay thread.
Maybe it not being able to speak and fight back is reason good enough to eat it.
I've given it a shot sort of. I gave up pretty much everything except dairy for a little while - not in an effort to go vegetarian or vegan - but to see how easy/difficult it would be and I came to the conclusion that it's really difficult. My family's culture and really the general culture as a whole is meat based and I don't have time for that shit. I am not neet
Why not be a man and take them on one on one with just a knife ?
based hungarians are hungry and know how to sate their needs
Well stay strong see if you can stick with it its easy once you keep going with it
I also love how my soyboy friend always says "if humans are supposed to eat dairy, how come it makes me fart?". He is Jewish btw.
And we can also survive with violence
Tried being a vegan? All you do is abstain from eating meat. I have tried it.
Farm animals have it better than they would in the wild because they're stupid and would get a disease, injuries or be eaten alive by a predator.
Farm animals live for the most part (when in the rare cases humans are not sadistic) good full lives and get to die in their prime before they get old and can't figure out why their bones hurt etc. Farms are a mercy of profit.
That`s not about fucking animals, that`s about healthy food.
without violence
It isn't easy and you can only stick with it if you have the time to think plan and execute a well-planned vegan diet (pro tips most people have poorly planned vegan diets and they suck at it)
I can't imagine how someone who works a serious full time job (not a meme shareblue employee), has a family and all the responsibilities and ambitions that come with it can execute a good vegan diet in the West
I am actively trying to cut meat as much as possible but that's as far as I will ever go
Vegans are vertebrate-centrist bigots.
Incapable of empathy for any living things that don't have the same nervous system as then do.
Veganism is first of all about animal rights everything else come second to that
Not to mention it is impossible to get every essential fatty acid from plants (despite their retarded claims) and your brain will begin deteriorating after 4 years or so of a strictly vegan diet.
How do you find the vegan at a party?
You don't, they will find you and announce it every 5 minutes.
What about hemp oil ?
>t. Sugar industry
Animal got a lot of rights
That looks like so much fun. Imagine just running down a pack of hogs with a .44 with a laser sight
Not true and the only way to find the truth about being vegan is by giving it a go
It's a lifestyle choice made possible by the fantastically rich society Vegans live in. Dump a Vegan into a third world shit hole and watch how long they stick to their principles. Being a Vegan by choice is the ultimate expression of living in a Privalaged society as one of it's elites.
Mommy took the faggots to the petting zoo too often.
I'm a vegetarian and the limit of what I ever say to people is maybe for your health you may want to switch to cruelty free. I don't preach it but if it comes up in conversation then OK. Other than that I don't care as meat eaters don't try to change what i eat.
Vegans are the fuckwits that want to take away my milk & eggs. That's non US milk BTW as I understand American milk stinks.
>All plants are superfoods
Try surviving on a diet of iceberg lettuce and celery, dumbass.
What about rice you can live on rice and its cheep
So is the paraplegic less of a living being than the able bodied man?
Just because the plant doesn't move and talk doesn't mean it isn't as alive as the cow. In fact, some plants even hunt using intelligent baiting strategies? You're fucking sick for ending their lives vegfag
we have canines for a reason, soy boy
But we dont need milk or animal products to survive
LNA, not DHA. There are specific types of Omega 3s and 6s and multiple subsets below that each function better for brain delivery. The issue is retards thing because they see some vegan advertisement saying "it has all these omegas" that they are fully covered. They are not. They never will be unless you bio-engineer something. If you are to consume algae you would have to intake something like 100 lbs to get the equivalent. But algae is alive/evolved so I don't know if that would even count as vegan.
Basically the brain will eventually atrophy. So, yeah, do not starve your brain.
You dont need girls with big tits either
but they are nice
It's absolutely, unequivocally true. Has the atrophy already taken its toll???
>We are stronger than they are, we do whatever we want, whenever we want, because we can
Literally nothing wrong with this, might makes right soyboy
And you dont think vegans have seen all of these bullshit arguments many times before from many other people. Its just like hearing the same bad joke that everyone knows thats not even funny not very smart
Probably in Texas or the Southeast. Feral pigs are a major problem and cause millions of dollars in crop damages every year. They're tough, mean, smart, fast and breed almost as fast as rabbits. In most southern states you don't even need a hunting permit for them. They are considered vermin.
Takes a lot of strength, willpower, determination and discipline to become a vegan.
Give it a go
This is only conditionally true as Vegans are recipients of living in a fantastically rich society where this is possible. You're Privalaged. The least you could do is stop flaunting it in everyone else's face.
Beware the big titted women beware the gold digger
>please ignore the million of fauna and flora poisoned, killed and displace to grow my veggies
whatever floats your boat