The Germanic people are the most pure representatives of the White race

The Germanic people are the most pure representatives of the White race.

However, it is coincidence that they are also the countries that are now the leading importers of Muslims?

Was the GFC in 2008 engineered so that the Germans could become the world's most stable economy in place of the USA?

Other urls found in this thread:

>However, it is coincidence

Second question: No, Germans were smart enough to be ahead of the game on trade import/export. It also helps being in the center of europe. periphery always have it shittier.

Germanic peoples have a genetic predisposition to being cucks and being overly empathetic and guilt-prone. Empathy needs to be bred out for the white race to survive.

England outside of east anglia, southern Germany, Austria, Swiss and south Tyrone aren’t pure Germanic, lots of negroid and med blood, under 50% blonde hair blue eyes, only pure blood Scandinavian descendants are white Germanic

hi varg

Aint it better to slaughter everyone else and enjoy the paradise of empathy? I mean, all you need is in-selector, exclude outsiders from feels and everything will be great.

no they're just cucks

Lowland Scotland is Germanic.

No they aren't lol, celts are though.
>tiny population and have always been on the defensive
>Somehow manage to hold off much larger opponents for hundreds if not thousands of years
>with tiny populations have far more influence per capita than any other european ethnicity
>created the most crucial inventions that we use today e.g phone, tv etc etc.

How can european girlymen even compete with our majesty?

Again, Lowland Scotland is Germanic.


Half the brown hair brown eyed people actually had blue eyes but whatever, this chart completely ignores blonde achievement, probably made by a mediterranean sub human

>knowing basic history is larping
I’m English anyway. If anyone is larping, it’s Lowland Scots wearing kilts.


People always forget that Iceland is literally half celtic

we are just radicals, and now we are radically killing ourselves.

Why do you hate yourselves so much now?

Lowland Scotland is more Germanic than most of England, lowland Scots descend from Anglo-Saxons and Danes who settled and later escaped from William and the Scots language is less corrupted by Norman-French than English

We Germanics ARE the last of Europe.

The French and Spanish are a bunch of Moore rape babies with obvious Semite admixture. Filthy SWARTHY mongrels.

Northern Italians get a pass, but Southern Italians: Moore rape baby semitic scum faggots.

Eastern Europeans... Genghis Khan Asiatic rape babies. Def NOT White

Finns... Uralic Lappish snowniggers. NOT WHITE

Celts... drunk redheaded freckled leprachauns with ugly goblin faces and super MANGINA cuck faggots.

So Anglo-Saxons, Germans, Scandinavians, Dutch, and Danish... we're all that's left.

Time for an SS style eugenics program and fuck everyone else.

well that was the purpose of Lebensborn, regenerate the Germanic race as close to purity as possible (let it be said that even Scandinavians arent exactly like the Original Aryan was, they've mixed a bit as well, sadly theres no 100% pure Aryan descended from gods anymore, but Nordics are a close second). FK Gunther said that non-Aryan Germans (or Germanized celts) should slowly be bred out by Aryan Germanics and that they shouldn't be encouraged to have children, this ofc went against the NS main policy of caring for Germans and most of the heads in the NS were not Northern Germans, so they used Lebensborn instead, which seems like a perfect solution imo: Slowly breed Aryans with Aryan Germans and bring them onto Germany, after say, 400 or 500 years Germany will be as Aryan as Scandinavia.
it is no coincidence, even less of a case with jews. The jew knows that the Aryan is the basis of European culture and thus humanity, if the Aryan collapses (disappears completely or is reduced to a small mass of unmotivated wretches ) then humanity will plunge into anarchy, not to look down on other whites but the truth is it has been the Aryan who has been holding this world together, namely Germans and Brits, and the Germanic component of France which is endangered as well.
After Aryans disappear non Germanic countries will slowly collapse, starting with slavs

English being genetically anglo-saxon is a meme though, the germanic influence on language and culture was huge but the actual genetic impact of the migration was relatively small and mostly limited to the southeast.

That’s not to mention the numerous Nordic settlements across Scotland. Many Flemish migrated to Scotland too, I believe.
This is why people like you should have no say on this topic. Yorkshire is the most Anglo part of Britain with an average of 41% Anglo DNA.

Conquered by Roman (Gauls and Britons) Anglo-Saxons (Britons£, Normans (Irish, Welsh), Vikings (Irish, Briton islanders), english (Irish, Welsh, highlanders), Ulster Scots (Irish) stay mad c*lt

I'd unironically support a policy akin to Lebensborn, too bad nobody has the balls to come out with the idea of selective breeding. In any case outlawing race mixing would obviously be the first step to such a goal. The Roman Empire for instance sentenced anyone found to have a mulatto spawn to an adultery sentence.

>The most germanic part of England is less than half German

That's what I'm saying

>the actual genetic impact of the migration was relatively small and mostly limited to the southeast.
I can't help but think the propagation of these sorts of ideas in the modern day are
>1) meant to erase any sort of ethnic heritage the English people have as a standalone group
>2) meant as some kind of last ditch effort to avert the kikes' thirst for Anglo blood by weakly whimpering "p-please moishe n-no we're natives now s-see!?"

So? I’m willing to bet that Austrians and Swiss have just about as much non-Germanic admixture, but they’re still seen as Germanic countries. The most Germanic you will get is probably somewhere in Denmark.

>I’m willing to bet that Austrians and Swiss have just about as much non-Germanic admixture
even in paternal lineage the Brits put Austria to shame.

>I'm willing to bet that Austrians and Swiss Germans are no more than 40% Germanic in their absolutely most Germanic province

Great, let me know how much

England is a mixture of celtic and germanic, like Ireland and Scotland. On every major DNA test that I've seen, these groups are included in the same category.

The perfect solution for a degenerated Germanic population, shame Britain sided with communists against it

in fact, it is the best method!
i think sterilization should be compulsory to everyone who has hereditary illnesses (or does drugs etc), now people who are sick (except drug addicts) didnt choose to be sick, so they should be given some compensation, allowed to adopt or money, this is not 100% rational but rather sentimentalism speaking, i wouldnt like to die with no children to take care off i suppose.
however fat people and those who are dysgenics willingly get no free pass: fat people must excise at least 2 hours a day (like everyone else) if you are fat you lose your right to reproduce, because ur offspring will be prone to fatness (i disagree that someone who is white just deserves to be saved for being white, look at americans, a bunch of dysgenic subhumans, no thanks). It may seem cruel but its not, in the long run we all win.

its not that no one has the balls to do so, it has been outlawed by the jew like all racial science after 1945, because the jew knew that if Europeans delved too much into those toopics it would inevitably lead to its downfall (also they wouldnt be able to do kalergi with racial universal history teachings) instead they give a lot of importance to topics that dont deserve it, such as exact sciences and everything that derives from it. Literally the "Good goy" of subjects in college.

when you mention this shit even "healthy" people get upset, shows how far the indoctrination has gone!

yes, still it is not to late, but that is not excuse to stand by, I think racial regenartion would also lead to better lifestyles (and healthier). Like in France it would stop the democracyphiles, etc. Well one cant dream

Also English and lowland Scottish y hablogroups are over 60% Germanic, Austria, Germany and Switzerland are lower, some areas on the east coast are over 75%

Not sure about Anglos, but continental Germanics (including Germans) seem to have this aggressively conformist beehive mentality akin to that of East Asians. Workaholic, efficient, honest, but also blindly obedient to authority, collectivistic, narrow-minded as hell and fanatical. The only ones who took communism seriously in the Eastern block were East Germans and North Koreans.

i had forgotten about the mulatto thing in the Roman empire, very interesting!. Seems all big civilizations that came in contact with other races developed a sense of racial conscience which shaped castes systems, too bad this always happened once it was too late. The case system was always implemented when there were not huge gaps between (original)Aryans and non-Aryans, once you mix a first time its alot easier to mix again, and thus was never followed to the letter.

Also why I think the 3rd Reich would have been unstopabble, once they rid themselves of the cause of decay of all civilizations (racial degenration) it would have lasted forever, alot more than a hundred years!

Too bad we never got to see because of the etenral american jewphile


Are you suggesting the genetic data has been manipulated and forged? Maybe small isn't the right word, but the English have been shown to be around 30% Germanic genetically on average. Significant of course, just a minority portion. Cite any study that shows something different and I'll absolutely take a look.

What about the Irish, or Northwestern Slavs, or the Baltic people?

Name 5 historical blonde people. Trump doesn't count yet

This dumb fucking map can't even spell "Flemish" correctly. Most of the English genes aren't even Germanic, they're native to the continent before the Saxons. Also, Walloons are genetically pretty much Germanic.

30% Anglo Saxon, not germanic. Also it's 36%
They are arround 60% germanic, maybe a little above depending on what you consider "western european" to be.

Yet communism first took root with you slavic untermenschen. Bunch of vodkaniggers

>Most of the English genes aren't even Germanic, they're native to the continent before the Saxons

Agreed with everything you said, but the state of the world we’re in now, it’s all just a dream

No wonder why America is full of Mutts. The English are too.

Citations are Jewish

Everyone in the world is a "mutt" you autist. Unless your an inbred from some pacific island.
Europeans have been mixing with eachother forever

Yup. East Lowland Scotland seems to be higher than even the Flemish.
>40% Germanic
That accounts for the specific DNA from Anglo-Saxons settlers which is distinct, even from those who now live in the areas they originally came from. It does factor in any other Germanic DNA.
Yeah, it’s quite underestimated for the Scots. I guess that’s what happens when you are named after a group that settled all the way up in the North-West though.

Differentiating Germanic and Celtic people is so 19th century.

We're all descendants of the Indo-Europeans who were the actual Aryans.

It's not a coincidence. Universalism/openness is the trait that made Northwestern Europeans so successful over the past 1000 years. This is why East Asians aren't as accomplished despite being slightly more intelligent - they are more clannish/tribalistic in their thought.

Unfortunately universalism is now costing NW Europeans their ability to see non-whites for the low IQ, violent criminals they are.

I didn't see your post before I made mine:
But exactly this. Jayman is a great read for anyone curious about what makes NW Europeans so unique.


butthurt mutt detected

you're regurgitating the same shit leftist professors use to push racemixing and immigration

>Differentiating Germanic and Celtic people is so 19th century.
What is the diference anyway? Even in the phenotype I'm not so sure. Is it just language?

Cite a source, an average of 60% germanic is way, way, way higher than anything I've ever seen

Kill yourself, Nordcuck.

Is what I said wrong though? Feelings aside big boy

Lowland Scotland is literally a genetic composition of Alt Clud Britons and Northern Irish Gaels.

Scotland has never been a homogenous population, neither has England.

>Are you suggesting the genetic data has been manipulated and forged?
No I'm suggesting autosomal DNA mutates at a much faster rate than y-dna does, and thus anyone who wishes to shit all over an ethnicity's familial bond is going to do the following:

>play up the importance of autosomal DNA
>downplay the importance of paternal lineage
>make excuses as to why the autosomal DNA trumps the paternal lineage

If you're willing to humor a tidbit of skepticism, then just remember how political science in general has become. You do not get paid for finding things that reinforce the views of old. you gain recognition from tearing down the old ways and shining light on the "new" and the "exotic."

And I'll be damned if shit that basically amounts to this
>kek Anglos aren't even Anglo hahahahahaha
isn't something ((((((((((modernity)))))))))) would ferociously jerk its microcock to.

yeah you can't demean americans when you stand behind that memeflag.

whether shitskin or shill, gas chambers either way

Bait image, but England is basically Celtic.

Because you're looking at Anglo Saxon DNA specifically, not Germanic in general. Reverse search that pic for sources m8

>Lowland Scots descend from Anglo-Saxons and Danes

t. An actual retard

Nice picture

>conjecture on genetic purity coming from a literal Frankenstein country
More genetically distinct than you, Ibrahim.

IE is language group not a race, and they certainly didn't replace locals anywhere in Europe

Celts I would argue are characterized by higher old European admixture as well as overwelmingly first wave IE paternal lineages(R1b), as opposed to Germanics who have not only more steppe admixture but also more eastern(late) IE input(characterized by R1a)

but that said, NW Euros are pretty much the same as 4k years old central Euro Bell beakers, it's almost splitting the hair at that point

it's because they're the best countries to live in

I'm Belgian so my flag would pretty much still mean the same thing
Yeah, Danes and Dutch people have very high rates of genetic purity. You don't. That's the difference.

>Is what I said wrong though?
Yes, leftypol. Most Scandinavians can track their lineage back to the 1200's at the very least. Personally I can track mine to the early 1400's, 100% Swedish all the way back. Just because you are a mutt you shouldn't assume others are, too.

pic also related

Fuck off frenchy muhammed

DNA testing has only existed for a short period of time though, if the results don't match up to 19th century popular conceptions that weren't based in hard science you can't necessarily attribute the discrepancy to some transgressive leftist attempt to deconstruct englishness. It stands to reason that of course the native populations of the islands would continue to account for the heavy majority of the inhabitants' genetic lineage, especially when the incursion of comparatively smaller outside groups happened in brief spurts and invasions, not some sustained migration of millions of people occurring over generarions.

>Germans are a beehive.
Can confirm. German are just super fucking sub-conciously very loyal to the status quo, are afraid of new things or refuse it if it even has a tang of THOSE TWELVE YEARS.

Getting a german out of his comfort zone and think thoughts that wasn't certified A-Okay is a toughie.
Germans are fucking smart, but if you tell someone "you are bad for thinking that and you should feel bad" you start castrating your own intellect.

>unironic shitskin hiding behind a memeflag
Opinion discarded.

all french are germanic.

No, I've been referring to Germanic as a whole, the Anglo-Saxon migration just accounted for the biggest piece of it

Of course, it is not homogenous. It has been settled by both Germanics and Celts alike.
What he said was quite exaggerated but it isn’t completely wrong. There was quite a bit of Anglo settlement in what is now Lowland Scotland.

Germanic people is a meme, invented to destroy Prussian Empire and turn it into Weimar Republic, ruled by anglo-saxons (north-west of gaymonie, also belgium and nederlands). And then destroy it again and kill as much Prussians and Russians in the process as possible, so the reverse process of turning the Empire into weimar nigger-riddened degeneracy fest would not be reversible.

Sweden king (original socialist) has taken his part in taking a heavy dump at Prussians.

Worst mistake of the last 2 centuries in Europe if not of the whole history of human civilization. If Prussian Empire would stay, we would have White Pan-Eurasian mostly-Chistian Super Empire and colonize solar system for a century by now.
Instead we are on the verge of banning the "non-renewable energy", so anglo would secure its rule over the planet for the foreseeable future.

Sulla, Augustus, Alexander, Arminius, Nero

And that’s very just a very few Romans, I could go on forever!

My Grandfather is Welsh and had blonde hair blue eyes WTF?

Care to post liks to evidence Mahmood?

His ancestors probably got ANGLO'D


>Danes and Dutch people have very high rates of genetic purity
Kill yourself, Nordcuck.

kek. WE

Well I just showed you're wrong then.

>let me just ignore all the movement of populations and european genetics real quick
>*uses anectodes*
>hehe take that MUTT

it's just brainwashed libspergs and mainly some kikes importing them and their media running 24/7 racemixing propaganda through advertisement and dating shows

true, but not a valid excuse to cease the struggle!
it is also important to not only redpill people you care about on the jews, but also on race (and in your case not only about the importance of being "white" but rather of being of Aryan blood). You have alot of acomplishments your race can boast about! (even more so if you are British) You'd be surprised how much of it can stick in people when you mention racial hierarchy, at first they will think you are nuts, but then they will slowly (but steadily) realise you are correct (im talking about the most bluepilled out there who wouldnt figure out for themselves otherwise) and there is your grain of sand, not everyone will be saved sadly, so just focus on who you really care and dont waste energy on arguing with retards or thats how i see it at least, you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped after all

> NW Euros are pretty much the same as 4k years old central Euro Bell beakers
by that do you mean Euro Bell beakers were Aryans? I don't think that is correct, the first big Aryan movement toward Europe was around the 10th century BC through the caucasus region, before that Europe was populated by Kinrics(Celts, who DID have Aryan blood but were mixed with mongoloid, iirc the celts were formed by the mixture of Aryans who came from the Urals a long time ago and mongolians that were native to Europe) and mongoloids, NW Euros are mostly Aryan true, but there has been some mixture with galoromans(which IIRC were semitics & celts) and so on. I think this was an improvement over all of Europe, Celtic blood can't really achieve anything all by itself, in fact they were never capable of forming big civilizations and couldn't be governed (Celts were happy to be subjugated by the Romans when Julius Cesar took over, their last 300 years of "freedom" prior to this had been nothing but internal struggles for power and changes in religion/perceptions of the world in a desperate attempt to not decay afaik).
And before an Irish dude jumps at me for criticising celts: you aren't pure celt either, all Europeans have varying degrees of Aryan blood, otherwise their skin wouldn't be fair, even if the original Aryan features have disappeared

hehe take that, MUTT

I probably have one of the strangest surnames. It apparently comes from Eastern Lowland Scotland and has its etymological origins in Old English/Old Norse. But I have also read from numerous sources that it comes from Flanders. I honestly don’t know. Surname is ‘Waddell’.

you are using some rather weird terminology, doesn't sound very scientific to me

strictly speaking, "Aryans" are speakers of some language derived from proto-Indo-Iranian and thus don't have much to do with Europe, especially west Europe

if you use "Aryan" more broadly to describe the steppe-related supposed speakers of an IE language(s) that seemingly expanded during the bronze age in all directions, even in that case we know for a fact that even by the time of Bell Beakers in Europe, these people had mixed extensively with locals, probably mostly with local women given the strong change in the landscape of Y-DNA

so I wouldn't really call Bell Beakers "Aryans" unless you are referring to their linguistic and to a degree cultural affinities

>Transylvanian Saxons
Those fucks don't exist anymore, they pretty much went down in the sink of history after WWII.
Serves them right, they won't be missed, that's for sure.

That is going to change quickly

Nice. From what I can tell mine seems to be Brythonic. Variants are all throughout the Scottish lowlands(supposedly it was first found in SW Scotland near Kirkudbrightshire or however you spell it), Wales, and Cornwall. I'm pretty sure it's taken from the mythical Mabon. Yet in my family tree almost every name ends in -son, and those that don't are names like Clark, Steele, or Mitchell.

What about west slavs?

Mine ends in -ett which I always assumed was Norman as ette in French means little but every website I’ve been too says it’s Anglo-Saxon so I’m not sure, it’s most common in Kent and Tasmania

You can wear Nike tracksuits instead of Adidas.

Celts and Germanic's are almost one and the same, the original Britons were pretty much replaced by continentals long before the Anglo Saxon arrived

yeah I wasn't referring to haplogroup but rather using old racial classifications of the primitive groups in Europe
and yeah, Aryans have nothing to do with Europe, (I was referring to the group of nations who descended from Northern Asia into the Sogdiana and then around all over the world, who called themselves Aryan,Sarmatians,Sakas,etc. ofc all blue eyed and with golden blonde hair)
>so I wouldn't really call Bell Beakers "Aryans" unless you are referring to their linguistic and to a degree cultural affinities
I'm sorry for all confusion then, I thought you meant that NWE have genetically been the same for 4k years. (ethnically, that you meant they did mix, but that they racial bases so to speak never changed or integrated new elements).
And yes like you said by that time the natives have already mixed with the few Aryans that emigrated from Asia, so it makes sense. Sorry I will have to work on my reading comprehension, I apologise if i wasnt all that clear, never got into the haplogroup thingy so I designate groups by the names in old racial literature, never meant to cause trouble

Oh, cool. It would make sense as well as it was Brythonic Celts would lived in the Scottish Lowlands rather than Gaels or Picts.
Perhaps it relates to the Germanic Franks?

>I thought you meant that NWE have genetically been the same for 4k years.
roughly so it's kinda true, I mean, 4k years ago the basic genepool of the area was basically set and in stark contrast with the people who were there in the late neolithic(see )
post bronze age settlements only brought minor changes in the great scheme of things

see pic related as well, the major genetic variation of Beaker people of Britain and central Europe already fell around modern NW European variation

There was hardly any Anglo-Saxon settlement in Scotland. The Anglo-Saxons didn't go further north than the Danelaw. The Brythonic people stopped the expansion of the Saxons before and during the time of Gildas and his writings.

The only Germanic settlement present in Scottish history was by Norwegians who settled alongside and intermarried with the Gaels in the Western Isles and Highland regions.

Lowland Scotland is composed of Britons and Gaels.

Even then this whole discussion of who is and isn't Germanic is a total waste of time especially when discussing Britain but it's pointless when discussing Europe as a whole and just leads to what is essentially "We Wuzzing" which is entirely degenerate, especially when done amongst an ethnic fraternity.