"Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly"

"Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American."




> 40% of stamps
> 56% of population
it goes in all fields

> not putting it in context of population sizes
> not noting that whites also produce the mostin taxes
> not accounting other types of welfare like WIC

Thread fail, OP. Have a sage.

>commie can’t into terms like per capita and rate

Who knew?

uhh hurrr durrrr white people are the largest demographic why would they use the most food stamps

daily reminder than USA considers mexians "white".

>What is per capita?
>What is statistics?
>What is understanding basic mathematics and logic?


>use the most food stamps
But they don't. OP said 60% of food stamps are used by non-whites.

"per capita"


iksna on the stampa. I'm go get some steaks.

And what is the color of most of the “5 generations who have never seen a paycheck?”

>percentage and not number based on capita
your argument fails before your text is even done

13% population are nogs - 25% resources
7% population Brown nogs - 10% resources

OP is an idiot and a faggot

OP is ALWAYS a faggot.
What makes this OK special?
He is also an idiot.

Percapita or percentage ?
Shoo shoo commie scum

Like Huffington post isn't pure garbage, link primary sources or kys. This isn't plebbit.

>13% of the population account for 25.7% of the SNAP recipients
It's just like the crime statistics and made me rally go mhhhhm

Swede user with the fire

I don't mind my tax dollars going into the hands of needy white families. What is truly awful is giving them to literal pieces of shit that are worth less than my used underwear.

Nationally, most people are white. Show me per capita.

I wonder which racial groups participation percentage drops the quickest in a growing economy.

You're wasting you time


Holy fuck people are stupid.

How the fuck can that many people not afford to feed themselves? Seriously how is this possible?

Just like it's mostly white people who get shot by cops.

This is easily the best meme ever


are you absolutely retarded? theres about 200 million whites in america and 40 million blacks so of course theres more poor white ppl than niggers you fucking autist faggot


Those numbers don't add up to 100 percent you fucking moron.

So do you believe that's all part of a huge conspiracy or just negligence?

They don't work at all. There are millions of nigger who do nothing but sit at home and collect benefits to buy drugs

They can afford to feed themselves. They just abuse the system. I live by a "ghetto" area and I've seen this happen hundreds of times:

>morbidly obese sheboon waddles up to the checkout
>cart is full of grape drank and other high fructose abominations
>pays for all the "food" with EBT card
>pulls out wad of cash and buys liquor and cigarettes

These niggers have money and they're morbidly obese so you know they're getting calories. There is a fucking MASSIVE scale of corruption and abuse of the food stamp system.

Do leftists not understand proportions or do they just assume everyone else doesn't?

Yes faggot, bigger numbers are usually associated with bigger things. Rich people pay more in taxes so tax breaks effect them more. There are 7-8x as many white people as black people in the U.S. so it makes sense that more white people are on welfare than blacks. Why do you feel like this is such a killshot?

B-but white privilege!!!!

Oh look, it's another "the left forgets what per capita rates are" episode. It's weird how they either do or don't understand what proportions are, depending on whether the statistic they're pulling out of their ass smears white people.

Naturally there is no mention of per capita rates.

>deliberate ignorance of per capita stats

Leftists have zero awareness of statistics or context.

2017 current year
2012 stats nice cheery picking

23.1% whites on food stamps equals about 80 millions white american

its broken down by race just like you like it sweetie

All of the above, the "officers" who fill these things in are just random people, many of them are female and only work in the offices. Some are incompetent and just take whatever the person says, some don't give a shit and some have an agenda.

Advocate for ending food stamps, and they'll suddenly understand per capita again.

Blacks are only overrepresented by around 300%. This is nothing. When it comes to murder and rape, they take great pride in overrepresentations of 500% to 1000%. Any time blacks do less than 500% worse than whites is a shining example of black excellence to be trumpeted by the MSM for weeks and months.

stick you stast up your ass cracka

Wow, so two thirds of the nation is white but only 40% of the food stamps go to whites? Meanwhile 13% is nigger and 10% go to niggers

Yet another reason we should get rid of food stamps.

>3 post by this ID

>2013 source
I have a Poor Richard's Almanac from 1831 that says "Never rest when ye darke savage is about."


I didn't know that site was so retarded. This is some really dumb shit.