My Math's Teacher might be a nationalsocialist

My mathematics' teacher has suggested to read books of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu,Adolf Hitler,Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco,Pinochet and Metaxis (the Greek dictator).
He's even willing to lend me some books of his personal bookcase,he has suggested that I should workout and train in some fighting sports/martial arts and to start shooting guns as much regularly as possibile,he sayed that during summer we could go to some open fields and shoot together.
Not only that,he also suggested me different videos and documentaries about fascism,nationalsocialism,falangism in both italian and English.
I think that my math's teacher is either a Fascist or a nationalsocialist,or he's probably trying to bait me.
To support the first theory I must say that during our last Class (yesterday) he started a monologue about how we are slaves of this degenerate system,that our minds are closed,that we should improve ourself and fight this oppressive system.

Should I listen to my Teacher?Should I get redpilled from him?He's 180cm very muscular 35 years old man, he served in the army (mountaineers)for 1 years and 6 months,has two degrees,is married to a beautiful white women and has 3 kids.

Should I accept his help?He sayed that I can text him if I want to take this path.

Fact is that my skin is pretty white,but I have light brown hair and a bit darkish brown eyes,I'm 180cm x 92kg,can I become a Nationalsocialist despite being a daco-•romanian?

Other urls found in this thread:–Romanian_War

Yeah why not. Just dont get molested, he probably found Sup Forums through your search history or some shit and wants to fuck you

Sounds pretty based, I think you should fuck him

I'm pretty sure that he's not interested in me in a sexual way.
He's new in this school and some teachers told him that since the first year of highschool I have always had good grades and that I always was quiet,but not obsequious.


Fuck absolutely anyone who says “maths” instead of “math.” Easiest way to spot subhumans

I'm not a girl,I'm a boy.
And even If I was a girl I surely wouldn't engage in sexual intercourses with a much older married man.

Sounds like you are being groomed, mate.

Marco's teacher here, on vacation in beautiful Australia. Can confirm that I'm after that boipussy. Love fucking darkies.

>Math and maths are equally acceptable abbreviations of mathematics. The only difference is that math is preferred in the U.S. and Canada, and maths is preferred in the U.K., Australia, and most other English-speaking areas of the world.

I wrote Maths because I always studied british English

Its mathematics, burger. Maths for short.
>tfw burgers cannot into english

>He's 180cm very muscular 35 years old man

Was saying that necessary? Seems like you want his dick bro.

Yes user you should listen to your teacher and become redpilled by him. Vlad the Impaler would approve.

Waste of digits, math makes you sound retarded at it because you cannot count the correct number of letters in the word. Clue, it's 5 not 4

secret leftists usually arent buff or have lots of kids so its important he gives an idea of the guy and what he looks like

That's the only step that is keeping me away from accepting his request.
But,I must admit that if he has no "sexual" yearnings about me,his proposal could change my life in better

idk if u wanna get invovled with him, just take his recommendations and read the books he suggested if the topic interests you
teachers trying to develop relationships with students is never a good thing, even if its non sexual etc. follow his advice, but dont get too close, maybe he wants to rape u lol

No,I'm not after his dick,but he surely is a based man,does recognizing the reality make me a faggot?I deduce that it doesn't

>not suggesting Plato etc
>5'11 manlet
your teacher is a subhuman larper
do everyone a favor and shoot up your school

You’re being groomed Luigi. Report this skinner POS

Is math even allowed to be taught in Islamic countries like the UK?

Were you drooling thinking about his mature muscular body? Remember to say no homo when he pounds your boipucci.

That's what I wanted you all to understand.
I was just giving some informations about him in order to give context both to him and this story

For My Legionaries is legitimately a good book regardless of your political affiliation

>Is math even allowed to be taught in Islamic countries like the UK?
Yes, the Arabic number system is haram.

math is one subject, not many kys pretentious idiot

We share the same height and i'm not exactly skinny,neither fat.
Also,I don't act like pussyboi,come on lad,this """ bait""" brings Shame to you


get off Sup Forums kid

You know you want to fuck him, that's why you came here to ask permission

He actually suggested him to me along with other folks.
Also,how can you consider a 180cm man a manlet lol?
Last but not least,why would a Greek use the imperial system?


I think I saw that book in my mom's bookcase,some years ago she mentioned how much of a good person the Câpitanul was, but I never bothered about asking more about him to my mother

Fuck absolutely anyone who says “maths” instead of “math.” Easiest way to spot subhumans

Math has no meaning except as a shortening of mathematics, so their is no need to add the plural s. If you take off the suffix, the meaning is not changed in English, so why use the plural suffix of an already plural noun?

>I saw a herd of deers
>my cat caught some mices
>I did my maths homework

Literally retard tier.

How do you know your teacher's height and also 180 cm is manlet tier. I'm 193 and barely feel tall.

because calling people manlets doesn't work as well the other way

but in all honesty, everything of what he suggested that he mentioned is larp-tier
they have absolutely no use in the world or/and modern society, better read Machiavelli

and I'd personally suggest Crystallizing Public Opinion by E. Bernays

>ottoman rape baby

First lay off the spaghetti


if you respond to this poster your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Struck a nerve I see.

Read Plato's Republic, that's the beginning. You'll understand why it's relevant after reading it.


Apology as well

Do you remember when Hungayians entered Bucharest?
Funny enough I don't,neither you do.
But wait,there's more...–Romanian_War

Go back to Asia,mongol sub-human,you don't belong here in Europe lol.
Do romanian troops have to enter your shit-tier capital again so you'll learn the lesson?

Oh,daily reminder that it's Ardeal and not Erdely ;)

>so why use the plural suffix of an already plural noun
Because that's how we do things in English speaking countries, Pedro.

Why would I believe that you're 193cm mate?
And let's suppose that you're that tall,are you muscular or,like most of tall guys,are you skinny?

Don't worry lad