This bitcoin crash is a result of Trump’s EO yesterday freezing assets of corrupt activities? Those with frozen dollar accounts are getting cash out of bitcoin now.
So it’s obvious, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
BTC i going to hit 30k in exactly 10 days.
Screencap this
>BTC i going to hit 30k in exactly 10 days.
BTC is going to hit 3k in exactly 20 days.
Screencap this, kids
I own 20 percent of bitcoin
If the swap is truly being drained, I’d say 3k is more likely.
sub 1000 btc by feb
when it hits 1 penny a piece I will own the most bitcoin on earth.
I will have beaten you all in the bitcoin game.
your only way to win was not to play.
>1 trillion
neck yourself
even lower now, gaining downside momentum, this could get fugly
what was the EO? how does it freeze “corrupt assets”
I been waiting for this. Anyone got pics of normies getting BTFO?
I think you might be on to something op
Makes sense that traffickers of all varieties would be using bitcoin
Anybody with IQ >75 knew that bitcoin wws ruined as soon as it hit 10k and all the normie media was flooded with bitcoin stories.
/biz/ are all freaking out and killing themselves get in there
There is still a good chance BTC can reach 30k. With in 10 days? Probably not. Within 10 months? Very good chance.
Maybe you're right, Burger.
>mutt can post on Internet forum but can’t search a basic news story.
Shouldn’t you be beating it to an Oprah rerun you fucking cockhead?
Trump is crashing bitcoin with no survivors, fuck you autists
bitcoin is a really popular currency for child porn traders so i imagine if trump goes after pedophiles it may well affect bitcoin.
who would jave thought that BTC was being used extensively by criminal enterprises?
Minister you Satoshi
You sound like the kind of guy who buys those collector coins on the infomercials.
domo arigoto mr roboto
>Not financial players betting it would fail
>people get paid if stocks aren't productive
Why is this legal again?
When should we buy back in?
>swamp draining
pick one
30k confirmed
(((White anglo saxon protestants)))
That progressive stack sure vanished quick
What part of my post said "it will only gain in value"?
That picture is simply a summary of the history of BTC. Make of it what you will.
Hi Shariablue. Hopefully you invest that .02$ you just earned in BTC.
so this is from CoinSpot..
> Please note: We have temporarily disabled new AUD deposits. Withdrawals and buy/sell are not affected and will operate as normal. less info
> The temporary restriction on AUD deposits will remain in effect until at least the first week of the new year. AUD Withdrawals, coin deposits, buy/sell orders and trading on the platform will continue to operate as normal.
> We assure you we are just as unhappy with the situation as you, but unfortunately Australian banks have been so far unwilling to work with the digital currency industry which leads to frequent account closures and strict limits on accounts whilst they remain operational, in effect debanking our industry. "
If you see the long game being played, I can’t help you.
Just spent the last half hour reading all the salt and panic on the Bitcoin subreddits
IT'S 11400 NOW
Thanks for the charts user
ignore the shitheads, Sup Forumstards all think they're soothsayers, then after they miss every opportunity in life they blame the jew
Interesting take. Wouldnt supriseme
it went to high, niggas started getting nervous n bailed. kek
below 11k soon
nigga it went down under 11k and is over again
Btc was used by Soros shills orgs to pay everyone on the payroll.
That's why it took off after the election after the plan to resist and overthrow fascist Hitler Trump was hatched.
The antifa shills were told to hang on to their btc knowing it would get bid the fuck up the more the resist campaign went on and esp after Soros moved all his money to the foundations.
Now all the antifa shills are panicing for the door and Soros too after Trump EO
Merry Christmas
I have a simpler explanation
the price hype we have seen for the past few months was driven by average joes getting into bitcoin in a get rich effort,
as Christmas approaches a lot of these people are trying cash out some of their bitcoins quickly to have cash for Christmas shopping, this in turn is causing some others to panic driving the price down further.
The chart says its low was 11159 though
After it stops crashing
We've seen this type of dip so many times and each time some nocoiner retard proclaims that surely this is the end of Bitcoin. Then they cope hard when it inevitably recovers and blasts past the previous all time high.
And why? Because Bitcoin can be divided down to 8 decimal places. So even at $1 million a coin a single Satoshi is only a single cent.
Keep missing the boat friend.
>Mfw there's going to be a day when 1 USD will not get you a single Satoshi
go to bed nerd
The currency on a peer to peer cash system that has $30 transaction fees is going to reach $30,000?
hey you fuck, those coins are legal tender in Liberia. My 1997 john elway collectible proof gem mint 10 silver clad dollar has a face value of 20 liberian dollars. Who is the loser now?
Good. I want to buy that dip.
im going to be interested around 2k
this is a correction
long term bitcoin and the derivative crytocurrencies are not going anywhere, if you believe otherwise you simply don't understand what they are and what they are for
wrong chart, i do have some saved for years later when btc is $50
Lmao fuck me up famalam
bitcoin is already old and outdated crypto, i doubt it has any place in the future
Fuck you bitcoin bitches, ..ya should invest in stocks like alpha motherfuckers, not some made-up bullshit for virginal geekbois.
TFW 22nd Dec user was right!
its not like I don't believe in it as a concept, but when it is treated as a commodity and speculators rush its no longer viable as a currency, too volatile.
in order to survive as a currency and not just a pseudo stock it NEEDS to crash and very hard.
Don't catch falling knives.
>some-made up bullshit
now that the normies are out and the market cap plummeted, there is room for profit again. get in while you can.
>Thinks it's worth 3 times the available money on earth
>Watching the normies get BTFO by babbys first BTC crash
I put all if my inheritance money and my dad's life insurance payout into Bitcoin at $16890, how fucked am I?
Hope you enough enough left for a rope
Bull trap!
BTC will drop to 6500 before picking up again.
Screencap this!
convert to beanie babies and pokemon cards as soon as possible
normies propelled it up here
bitcoin was all over the news, CNBC, FBN, etc
without them you wont ever get back to 20k
so careful what you wish for
Trade in cheezits.
It was only about $380,000
>The amount of money available today is going to be the amount of money available in the future
Ain't nobody buying chief, this is fear territory.
Coinbase down.
exactly, I agree crypto or some form of digital currency is definitely the future, but it needs to have a period of stability. The way it went parabolic over the last 2 or 3 months was a huge warning sign. Once it settles and all the boomers who maxed out credit cards to buy coins at 19,500 have killed themselves I will be a buyer again.
I have a basement full of tulip bulbs just for this moment
Classic cars is where the money is.
>24 hours
Is there a chart that shows we passed the bull trap?
Wow guys, the USD has gained HUGE value in the last 16 hours, its in value is up over 133% in just one night!! I'd stay away from that USD bubble if I were you!
No, but this last week has been the equivalent of bitcoin 'return to normal' after the $19,666 peak, how far down would you chase your losses?
Bitcoin futures are already a thing and you can bet your ass somebody made millions last night shorting Bitcoin. Normie money might run but now we've got Wall Street money trading futures in a completely unregulated market.
What does it mean? It means they're going to force the price up and down as hard as possible to make good on their futures contacts using billions in portfolio value. So expect even wider swings that will overall raise the price higher than ever but shake out weak handed normies.
Yea coin faggot USD doesn't fluctuate at the same insane levels as bitcoin.
Nah the floor is close. Ethereum dropped to 460 and also immediately shot back up to 560. This is pretty much the bottom.
I'm a no-coiner, I just appreciate the event. Its history book material.
That has to be a joke.
Was he a good goy?
if he hasn't an heroed yet
they're desperate to keep it above 12
>0.0000000001 BTC has been deposited in your account.
tfw you didn't fall for the hype and the people who bought it out of greed end up losing
wow what a currency, only costs me $30 in fees and takes 2 days to confirm a transaction, why isn't everyone using bitcoin
it never gets old
still beats the international cash wire system both in terms of speed and transaction fees, always will
and it has a degree of anonymity
and this is why bitcoin is here to stay
Inb4 Monero moon mission. Who's coming aboard?
I'm OK with the Jews playing with this crap, maybe they can do their shemitah ritual bullshit in crypto currency rather than setting off a depression every 7 years.