Steve, thanks for your contribution to civilized society. What would we do without you?
"Canada TV personality Steve Ecklund shoots cougar, sparking backlash"
Why the stupid and effeminate smile?
>hey-yeh we so happy, this is so natural, smile; cheeeeeese!
Show some respect to the animal and don't smile like a faggot.
Fucking Americans and their stupid smiles.
thats a big fucking cougar!!! Can't wait to see Trudeau taking selfies with grown ass cougars to campaign raise awareness of bigotry towards cougars.
scum, we should be hunting cunts like this while the fucker runs for his life unarmed in the bush, its a shame the spastic left have taken anything to do with animal protection and associated it with their faggotry, they are not the only group of people who love animals, certainly do a good job of keeping normal people away from the cause
While I don't agree with what he did, he didn't break any laws and he did turn the cougar into meat for food
CBC will get its emotional appeal and in the end the general hunting population (white) will lose out
For those who are actually interested hunting mountain lions is legal there. They are over populated and will eventually destroy their own food source if left unchecked. The reason for using hounds and treeing them to identify the sex as the females are the only ones that raise the babies.
I'm sick of seeing spaz out and spew their dumb opinions with out being informed.
Kind of like this faggot
You shoot cougars. They are pretty fucking dangerous if you come across one.
Its like you fucking leafs have no idea what happens outside of the Golden Horseshoe. You guys are just liberal americans larping like your another actual country.
Why do you disagree? They're over populated. Eventually they'll destroy their own food sources and many more will starve to death.
cougars eat babies and pets.
they are literal monsters.
The man on the left is respectable.
The man on the right is ok, he is trying to contain the social contagion that the man in the middle is trying to spread to him with his fake smile.
The man in the middle is literally a woman, just look at his mannerisms. Forced smiles, forced happiness and forced exaltation is the epitome of the effeminate behaviour.
Of course this faggot had to work on TV.
Americans (or Canadians, the same crap) are so dumb that if you don't appear euphoric in every single pic it must mean that you are depressed or something like that. It's enraging to see every pic of Americans with those fake smiles, it's so fucking fake, I fucking hate it, the worst is that this social disease has spread to Europe via the stupidity and typical fakeness of women and their soyboy mascots.
>wooo!! we are having such a great time wooo!! let's take a selfie girls, smile! wooo!!!
This is what you do.
Look every picture of a group of men from 50 years ago and tell me if they were always putting those stupid smiles.
He's into bears more.
It pisses me off seeing Toronto fags attacking this guy when they have no idea what they're talking about. He's received death threats too.
lol u mad.
Cougars won't do shit to you if you have ignore them
Damn, cougars are fucking big.
That or maybe he's really proud of his hunt.
He's Canadian, so I guess we should be happy that he's not fucking it.
God gave us dominion over all animal species.
Wow, you sound like a perfectly pleasant, and moral person!
They're also over populated and when they're food source become scarce they will start hunting livestock pets and possibly children.
That is a big mountain lion! Those are a couple of hardcore hounds that held him treed.
Do you mind? He’s trying to prove he has a big dick.
I’ve killed several with just a knife in Red Dead Redemption
start of winter
he's using a gun to compenzate for hiz inability to kill with his penis at 100 yards.
what a beta. a real man would have shot a load through that thing.
Coming from some fat faggot sitting behind a keyboard I doubt he cares what you think.
Fuck those things
Used to be scared of those things while waiting for the bus at the edge of the road. Rural place
This - it's them or us
Yeah well, in this case he only looks like a psychopath smiling over the body of an animal he just killed with a modern and industrially produced long-range weapon.
I'm not against hunting by any means, but I find his attitude just distasteful.
It's effeminate and dishonourable.
Holy fuck that is a big cat.
I love retards like you. “Hurr durr, I kill because I’m a conservationist”.. Why the lie? Just admit you do it for sport, for food, for fun, etc.
Don’t jerk off and tell me you’re doing it to maintain a healthy prostate.
Hunting is fun, do you not hunt?
you're from spain so you may not know this but it's really hard to smile and look happy when you're freezing cold. it has a way of pulling your face muscles tight and locking your jaw up. he looks like any normal guy in a canadian winter.
Why do faggots bitch about the usage of rifles to hunt?
The lions abuse their advantages to hunt things that are lower than they are on the food chain too.
Based. A Swede? I didn't know there was many Canadians of Scandinavian descent.
That animal should get more rights since it is more cuddly looking than a cow, deer, or rat.
Nobody but chinks eat cat. Never food. The guy is a "law abiding piece of shit. I am NRA. I hunted. FOOD STUFF. Cat is not a god damn food in North America.
THAT is not hunting.
Canned hunt.
Dogs chase frightened animal until it's exhausted then cat climbs tree.
Piece of SHIT gets under tree 10 ft away and shoots cat dead.
WOW !! Great White hunter.
That Fucker and the dog owner should be stripped naked hunted and shot. Then made to watch me EAT his fucking dogs before he died slowly.
So are we. Should we start killing humans?
I didn't know lions had guns
Was it really like that? Did any kid ever get tooken by them whilst waiting for the bus?
But he is smiling because he is happy with his kill. Not disrespect for the animal or anything.
Same with catching a big game fish like trout. That would put a big smile on you.
holy shit. I'm killing 3 coyotes from the back of my 4 wheeler today just for that.
>He's received death threats too
talk is cheap. did anyone shoot at him? because only then are we talking business.
I wouldn't give a fuck if he ate it alive if it were legal, you waste your energy being mad or upset cuz some anime died, you're just always gonna feel that way, non-stop.
People do it for whatever reason. But the reason you're allowed to hunt the is just as I have stated. I wouldn't expect a manchild like you to understand.
no they only have muscles, fangs and claws that allow them to rip apart any other animal they face.
>what are swords, bows, spears
RIP Steve French
>sport hunting thread
>emotional children who have never hunted come out of the woodwork
Why is this? Don't these people know hunting in North America is heavily regulated and controlled?
>Should we start killing humans?
you're asking Sup Forums if they think we should start killing humans. you already know the answer to that.
The reason for the dog chase and treeing them is so they can identify the sex of the animal. They avoid killing the females because they may have babies dependent on them.
Also dog have been used to assist in hunting for thousands of years. Stop being such a whiny faggot.
I'm pretty sure this overpopulation thing is a meme used by hunters to justify their behavior. How is it possible for so many species to be perpetually overpopulated?
I dare you to go kill a mountain lion with a sword. I'm sure that will go well.
>t. Crooked Teeth
I had no idea they were that big, fucking hell that's scary.
>what are other people
Basically we are going to continue this line of arguing until the other person admits that they just want to kill an animal without any personal risk to themselves (by using a high powered rifle from half a continent away), at which point we are not talking about hunting anymore.
Because it happens. Then they over hunt their own food source and they starve out and die off causing the population to dwindle. Is it really that hard to understand?
At any rate they aren't endangered and the hunt was legal. So what's the problem with that?
they weren't that big in red dead lol
Tell me one reason why these things should not be hunted out of existence??
That thing is terrifying.
Fuck those things
Half expected to see someone shot a MILF. Instead I'm reminded that some Canadians still possess testicular fortitude.
You’re missing the point, genius. Every animal uses their inherent assets to achieve victory/survival. We are not equipped with the physical attributes of larger felines, so we have compensated for these by using the only advantage we have: our brains.
You'd be surprised. I tried the trolling with animals in years past, the majority of responses, if any
>there are people in the world suffering, and you think I give a fuck about the rights of animals
Sup Forums is actually a pretty caring board. Well, caring like a mother grizzly in that it will attack anything that it perceives as harming what it cares about. I gather the general opinion as animals are cool and we should respect them, but are in no way on the same level as a person Maybe better than a jew nigger, but bantz are always fun.
If there were no humans, how'd they survive then?
you don't hunt mountain lions, they hunt you.
you are the well-armed prey.
>I don't know what I'm talking about
Hunting animals for food or for population control is one thing, but enjoying it, doing it for fun, all smiling about it is fucking disgusting. Nigger tier psychopathic narcissistic behavior.
Beautiful animal. Nice kill Steve congrats
Animals are always in varying states of thriving or die off. Think of them like niggers. They'll keep breeding and spreading despite their inability to support themselves eg. Africa.
Human being use tools, believe it or not. That is our advantage. If you look at the picture, he shot it in the heart. It was a clean kill and the animal didn't suffer.
Using a spear or bow and error would have been far more cruel.
Cougars love to eat mong if you feel so inclined to make a donation
Because we have fucked up the eco-system and knocked it out of balance so much that there are certain animals that need population control.
We could just leave it to it's own devices either and let it rebalance but it will do a lot of damage and kill of a lot of species.
The fact is you need an area like Yellowstone to have a properly functioning eco-system.
Good coyote suck. Pack nigger animals. Enjoy the wet dog soup
because humans grow things like corn, which deer eat, the deer overpopulate as a result of increased food supply. and since the lions eat the deer, the lions then overpopulate as a result of an increased food supply. we left the deer population alone in my state for a couple years and the interstates looked like warzones. there was deer blood and organs spattered everywhere like a cheap horror movie.
By evolving to become smaller, like wolves did. Which, I may add are notorious for destroying their eco systems, which is why the dire wolf died out. Bears are all that is left, and they are omnivores.
>he did turn the cougar into meat for food
Holy fuck DO NOT DO THIS
I didn't know there were so many no hunt cucks on here
real men don't just carry guns but use them to hunt too
that's a beautiful trophy, stuffed and mounted could easily get $15,000 for a lion that size
>in one generation
Imagine being this retarded
Mass-starvation, migration to other areas.
This can't happen in modern times because dumb fucks will FEED the cougars, exacerbating the problem.
Migration can't be allowed to happen because they will migrate into human areas, be desperate for food, and will attack people.
We see this happen in Africa all the time.
Surprised to hear you can still find coyotes on your property, you need to get out and bag some more
Wow, he shot a cat.
> They are over populated and will eventually destroy their own food source if left unchecked
The irony. Humans are the most overpopulated species on the planet. We're raping the world. Maybe hunter fags should limit the amount of children they have if theyre so concerned for the environment
Their population would shrink due to starvation. Their food source would again increase. It's a long cycle.
However when their food shortage does shrink they will start to venture out and into human populated areas. They hunt for livestock, pets and possibly children. Helping maintain the balance prevents this.
If humans didn't exist in Canada you might have a point but people building and living on their land pushes them into smaller areas
Steve French is just a big, stoned, horny kitty.
why do peepole hunt predators, can you even eat their flesh meat?
And just think that they are on the smaller side of the big cat spectrum.
no one is lying you fucking faggot, if we kill them because we like to kill them, it just happens there is an 'ecological' reason now but it doesn't change anything, you don't belong here
seriously what are these retards trying to prove? that they can kill an animal like a faggot from a distance? try doing that with a knife if you're such a badass
I don't eat them. i skin them and give them to an old guy that pays me in beer and stories. Really, I do it for fun, eating a yote is about the most unhealthy thing you could do in my area. Little fuckers are more challenging than popping off beer cans, anyway.
Have you been living under a rock?
First world populations are on the DECLINE.
It's China and India that reproduce like rats.
Either that, or Canadians are extremely tiny men.
Some predators yes, bears I know for sure
>WAAAAAAHHHHH its perfectly fine to pay others to kill animals but when you do it yourself its inexcusable