Santa Claus was a Turk.
How does pol deal with this?
Santa Claus was a Turk.
How does pol deal with this?
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>Turks in Anatolia in the 4th century
Really gets the noggin joggin'
It doesn’t because he was a Greek. Unless he traveled back in time from 1000 years after he died, when Turks lived in Anatolia
The original Saint Nicholas (only the influence for Santa Claus, not Santa Claus himself) was a GREEK man born in Anatolia.
Turkey has less of Greek blood running through it and he was no exception, being born directly from a Greek family.
lots of Greek blood*
>4th Century
>Turks in Anatolia
He's literally black in the picture
Santa Claus doesn't exist
Don't get me started
We really need to bring back the original european Krampus, Nuuttipukki in Finland.
Santa promotes only weakness and decadence.
That explains why he can be at all houses at same time.
Roaches are everywhere.
mfw literal dickhead is pictured on this wall painting
he's definitely not black. looks arabic or dark skinned southern/eastern european to me. look at the nose and hair
Helps him trespass
he was a shitskin Greek
Since Santa equals Satan that means a Turk was Satan
St "Hurt Heathens" Nicholas
Doesn't look like a roach to me
That's not true and you re a fucking idiot
finns are part mongol, just like roaches. You are basically snow roaches
fun fact: some turk are whiter than some some finn
It doesn't work like that. Mongol genes are mongol genes and roach genes are roach genes. That's what make you a roach.
what are you some 70 iq homo ?
Cappadocian Greek in the times of Byzantium.
>that's right even Santa is a Greek
you fuckers owe us thousands of trillions of dollars.
white skin doesn't automatically make you white. Most of Asians are naturally white skinned, thats why people think Finns are white
there is no such thing as "roach genes". Roaches are made from Greeks, Anatolians, Arabs and Mongols. Finns are made from Slavs, Scandinavians and Mongols
Delet this or Pan-Turanian hordes will storm your cities and turn rivers red with blood.
haha OMG the descent
>no such thing as roach genes
How do you explain pic related then
modern roaches are the result of inbreeding and racemixing. Ottomans were bringing slaves from literally everwhere there, even niggers and Indians
I wish Turks were like Santa because then they wouldn't exist.
By hanging offerings on the tree of life in the sacred grove and praising the sun.
Turks? In anatolia? Tell me user, who told you there were any seldjuk in anatolia at the time?
modern turks are less white than they used to be and Anatolians are/were not Turks until the Ottomans took over.
St. Nick was 100% white man.
The Ottoman Emperor was an R1a y-chromosome Central Asian, anyway. Nigga was of White Man stock, he just spoke an Altaic chinky language.
Alpine Mediterranean
Could obviously pass in Southern Europe and coastal muslim Mediterranean countries