Baltics BTFO! You’re going extinct

>Average age of 42
>1.2 children per woman
>High emigration rates
>Atheist culture
>Suicide epidemic

How can Baltics survive this century?

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we won't and then you'll be sorry for bullying us

I'm already sorry people bully Estonia.

Will be pretty easy pickings for Russia.

Picking what? Frozen wasteland with suicidal balts? :v

I will make baltics great again.

Latvians have unironically the highest birthrates in Europe.

Here's your (You), Junker

Nothing of value will be lost

Fuck off.

KURVA. Who is going to guard the new Bacon Curtain on the Germanistan Border?

Says the fucking polak, if we get fucked and russians invade us, guess who would be next

Baltic people created the Polish culture.

baltic people created (the only good) german culture

and we have created the most beautiful buildings and cities in the entire region :3

Can we liberate them?

Nobody cares about 1 million people with almost no money. You can't compare the tiny population of your three countries with Poland.

We won't. The only people left in this country are those who can't leave and those fuck over others. We will keep shrinking until we reach one million population and then (((Merkel))) will give us money for gibs to refugees and we will be "saved".

get the FUCK out of here, scum


Really sad about Baltics, Estonia will stay strong, and it's still better off than Poland, because of the heavy trading with Finland. Latvia and Lithuania is becoming more corrupt by the minute. Most emigrate and 30% of the population pays taxes and keeps the country barely functional.

Doesn't Estonia also have some of the best schools in the world and the fastest growing economy in Europe?

Investments into molecular biology.

How will natural born westerners compete with baltic vat grown CRISPR supermen?

not anymore because gommie faggots ruining everything, just nuke us trump, please

looks like a chicken

baltics were some of our greatest heros
some of our greatest riders

baltics.. please don't go




Not our fault that Russians don't make babies


Don't call that massive gas station masquerading as a country - Russia. Respect the dead. Russia died in 1922.

its all just a trick so shitskins dont come here in reality our salary is 100k a month and we have 5 kids on average and they are natsoc since they are born

lmao u fkin cuck who are you to talk about baltics when you are not even from them. btfo govna


clearly they must import millions of 30 year old Syrian children from the Congo

Ak jel, sasper mani jods!

Izdzēš šo

Do you need huwhite males to come and impregnate your baltic women?

My relatives in Estonia have all had 3 children with fellow Estonians, some are trying. Should I return to the fatherland and help out?

What is the situation with the family law and divorce in Estonia? I may return there and find a suitable mate depending on that.

We'll just recolonize them if they ever empty, alongside with Russia, don't worry they'll survive.
>implying that Russia never colonized frozen wasteland just to appear bigger

kys pšek

can i come to latvia plox ?

No harm meant.
"If they ever empty", come on, you wouldn't want your land wasted, would you?

>How can Baltics survive this century?
idk, at leat i won't see my cunt collapse

If you want to gain a centimeter of my country's land, you'll have to take it from my cold dead hands. You can call "gib back Wilno" a meme all you want, but to us, it's no joke.

chill little lit bro
there are no imperialist feels anymore - one look at the colonizers and powerhouses to the west is all one need to see that with great power there comes great ammount of niggers.. and nobody wants that

be well and don't fall
and maybe make some commonwealth movie once in a while, its your history too

Baltics or any other European ethnicity is not going extinct just because of low average birth rate. It's the liberals, environmentalists and atheists who have stopped making children and mutilating genitals of their existing children. And nothing of value is lost.

We all are going to make it.


Yes, we will die out soon.

We need to stop globalization NOW and immigration should be illegal. The people needs to fight for their country and the corruption...not run away like pussies.

why do you need them to survive?

are you jew or balt?

Little Poland...sorry... i meant Lithuania!! Please come back home!! We miss you QQ.
Lithuania do you remember that time when we ruled in Moscow? Or when we were fighting 5 vs1 and no1 could even hurt us? Lithuania please come back home, we are worried!

I remember a bunch of Lithuanian cucks larping as Poles ruling over us and Ruthenian subhumans fighting in your wars. Fuck that. Should have remained pagan and created a potato union with Livonia.

Worked like a fucking charm

>Fuck that. Should have remained pagan and created a potato union with Livonia.

>Christian Livonian order on the north
>Christian Teutons on the west
>Christian Poland on the west
>Christian Mazovia on the west
>Muslim Crimeans on the south
>Muslim hordes on the east
>orthodox Russian states on the east
>Christian Sweden on the north / Christian Kalmar union on the North

>sweetie, let's go pagan
>pic rel you

>Implying Livonians gave a fuck about Christianity

wow. she is a big guy

for you


>Livonian order
>Literally the lapdogs of Teutonic order
>t-t-they did not care about c-c-christianity

having 1.3 children in europe qualifies as TOPTIER BABY MAKER MACHINES.
it's over for europe in general

>Implying Livonians gave a fuck about christianity, again

>b-b-based livonians w-w-will save us from the coalition of non pagan countries that surround us from every fucking direction
Lithuanians really are suicidal

If you haven't allied with Poland, you would have been wiped by teutonic knights. Something tells me that you are either russian diaspora in Lithuania or your just retard who don't know his own history.

My fellow Balt. Yes you will.

Finally some good news

Finally a intelligent Polak


>Implying pagans spread paganism
like they wiped out Prussians, Latvians and Estonians. K.

>1000 teutonic knights will wipe out entire populations
jesus christ polska dude, i know you think of germanics as some kind of gods but please let's keep it realistic

Reichskommissariat Ostland when?

They would wipe you out just like they wiped out Curonians, Old Prussians and Semigallians
Bloody hell

>Average age of 42
>1.2 children per woman
Old news, been below rep. since 1939 anyways
>High emigration rates
False, it bottlenecked around 2012, when the fiancial crisis stabilized
>Atheist culture
And Christian culture. Also a pagan one. Your point?
>Suicide epidemic
Again: false. Lithuania used to have a such a problem but it is slowly decreasing.
>How can Baltics survive this century?
By not letting in masses of unvetted migrants, we already had eough experience with that during the Soviet Union. No thanks.
So the Kremlin is going to use this to attempt to put their foot in the door - this is nothing new, we are used to it already. Plus they will fail as the non-citizens are the ones with both the lowest birth rates and highest emigration rates.

>1 post by this ID
This is either a burrhurt Russian or a western rossuphile/bootlick, or alternatively Replace:Baltica has finally found the source of their English speaking commenters.


no shit. we just voted against USA in the Jerusalem question. we've been insulting Russia for like 25 years or something. basically no allies whatsoever now.

1.2??? Fake news!!!

>We'll just recolonize them if they ever empty, alongside with Russia
>don't worry they'll survive
This is a single sentence...
If you want to be constantly stalked by both the police and Tēvijas Sargi - go ahead, see how you'll fare.

Lithuanian birth rate is over 1.6 thats decent for europe.

>implying Curonians were viped out.

I'll miss them

>no allies
When have we ever had any?

>when you die out in 80 years instead of 60.
just europe things



At least you guys are isolated enough you don't have anywhere near the amount of non whites we do. Also you have your own language and culture so hopefully can weather the worst of it. Good luck.

Lithuania will have to make a choice sooner or later. Poland is the only one who could protect Lithuania in the first weeks of the war because even if USA would have decided to help, it would take weeks and than all the troops would have to go through land through Germany and Poland to eventually see if there is anything worth salvaging in Lithuania.
I seriously think that Poland should call back all this f-16 protecting Lithuanian Sky. Enough is Enough! Little Poland should start respecting us if it wants our help.

Pšėkai go home

Most if not all people who leave Lithuania are wagecuck normies so its ok they werent needed anyways its a way of cleaning out the trash.

>russia working hand in hand with poland and lithuania
yea sure bro. don't worry. while you "work" at the east with russia Muddi Merkel will HELP you from the west.

Eisim į miška žudyt pšėkų ir maskolių?

>population dips
>People realize that it's now cheaper to have more kids due to decrease in competition for resources and work
>Starts to have more kids a generation later

population is dipping since the 70's and the cost of having one (1) child is steadily increasing.

Here I though the birth rate was rising due the constant economic growth.
What happens is that a lot of people who leave come back with money start a new life back home.
In general I think the idea of nation hood is gonna change and evolve like for example estonias e-residency
Birth rates are falling everywhere even in Africa and I don't think anyone is going to "replaced" any time soon ;)

Hans its not expensive to have kids in Germany but you must be non white and muslim

Among Latvians it's 1.8, while our Russians have 1.4.

Its not ideal, but we're slowly outbreeding the invaders and us dying out is just cheap propaganda.

don't worry. since jerusalem is the capitol of the tribe again the last dice will be cast soon.
when the black flag is risen over the temple, the apocalypse will come forth

Yes we need more Porzingis's in this world!

Why is the IQ of Lithuania like 10 points lower than the other two?

I'm sorry Mr. German but I don't quite follow...
Care to expand?

You don't have the highest birthrates in Europe, stop lying faggot

Look, future extinct nationality - the entirety of Europe is nowhere near being doomed just because you are.
Germany & Sweden are done for, that is a fact. The rest of us survived the Soviet Union - and we will pull through this too, somehow.
Also don't you find it ironic how you invaded Prussia, declared yourselves (new) Prussians and proceeded to drive actual Prussians to extinction, and now the "New Germans" are doing the same to you? I do.
>population is dipping since the 70's
Where? Germany? Because we have been in the gutter since WW2 and the pop. rising during the occupation was not due to birth rates but mass immigration.
That is why a thing like non-citizens even exist here, they're the descendants of the occupants.

slavic genes

It is smart people not having children and those that are dumb as bricks are shitting out 6 to 7 kids while living in two room apartments