>Premier Orban vows to form road block against Polish penalties
>Hungary to defend right to EU aid without conditions: Orban
>Premier Orban vows to form road block against Polish penalties
>Hungary to defend right to EU aid without conditions: Orban
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Explain this to someone not in the eu?
we are getting a lot of this shit since the sandniggers started coming.
but did everybody suddenly forget that eastern europe are poor subhumans that nobody cares what they do aslong as they stay where they are?
i mean the poles they still used actuall cavalery against hitlers tanks... no wonder he went there first.
this is /v4 pol/ thread now
You're disabled
Based Magyar
we don't want into civilization
always nice to have allies
non country in which 90% of the decisions are made that affect your well being.
thanks for being our cheap labour and the bufferzone between us and the communists. thank you cuck
so we do have a purpose huh?
enjoy having to go without white labour and sandnigger based economy once we had enough
>n-n-n-n-non country in which 90% of the decisions are made that affect y-y-y-your well being.
>t-t-t-thanks for being our cheap labour and t-t-the bufferzone between us and the communists. thank y-y-you cuck
>i mean the poles they still used actuall cavalery against hitlers tanks
I mean, Belgium didn't actually use anything against Hitler, they just cried to the French for help...
oh youll keep working for us, im not gonna clean that toilet myself and theres no sandnigger coming into my house. thats what 'cuck' means, youll keep going as long as we want to, and when were done we'll send you back into you communist misery
except in 50 years when the only thing you have left your good economy that is just dies cos of wellfare state overread and commie propaganda and you will have sandniggers and liberal arts majors with no tradesman or actual skilled professions (they will go where the money is which at that point wont be you) and the eastern EU will rise you have like 30-40 years left
Western cucks just can't accept the truth
We are on a good path, both economically and politically
ok kids, before trashing an economy that it will collaps first get an economy that is big enough to be able to collaps. Its just like saying everybody that drives a lambo or ferrari is an idiot becaus he will eventually go so fast that hell make an accident...
indias economy is also on a good path but i wouldnt go live there. better being in a rich country that risks to become poor that to be in a poor country that might become rich cuz i goooooooooooot what i got bitches
nah my dude we are not out of the woods yet you cant erase partitions and 50+ years of commie bullshit in 30 years. gotta be the asian kids of europe. keep our head down work hard while they kill themselves.
unfortunate that that means working for them at first but you gotta do what you gotta do
answer me eu kike
Yes we are, V4 supremacy baby. Slovak here
EU need majority vote for "warnings".
EU need complete unanimity for actual sanction.
'Facist Evil White' Hungary will vote "no" to any sanction against Poland.
'Facist Evil White' Poland will vote "no" to any sanction against Hungary.
Jews in Brussels get BTFO.
Pic related is a depiction of a belgian boy getting raped at knife point on the side of a building in brussels as part of a government sanctioned (((art exhibition))).
This is you. This is your country. Your children are nothing but a pathetic little fucktoys for the elite. Enjoy
enjoy your life thats all i have to say. you cant do anything against whats gonna happen so you life out life with what advantage you have
i wish you would realise that you are kicking down on your brothers bettering themselves cos you are too incompetent to fix problems as complex as
"maybe we shouldnt let in barbarians inside the gate"
Fucking retard Nazi. It’s a take on Caravaggio’s Abraham Sacrificing Issac.
God Bless the Magyar-Polak friendship.
Its paving the path for Central Europe to be the cradle of European civilization of the future. Good times are coming.
What can I do to fight alongside my dragon brethren? I know how to shoot rifles and hand guns. May I join the uprising?
Who gives a fuck how its intellectualized you subhuman cuck.
The point is people passing by are confronted with imagery of a fucking boy being raped you dolt. Its subconsciousness slave conditioning. Not that a leaf would know anything about that.
nah man croats are our equals let them in no need to occupy
also we just need the hungarians from romania they can keep the rest possible access trade treaties to the black see tho
God bless Poland and Hungary
t-t-tri moreta?
Tbh it would be more realistic to turn it into a V6 first with Slovenia and Croatia.
yeah slovenian seem like good guys
Yes, I like the idea. Baltic countries should join too.
>when old polish VETO is coming back to bite EU in the arse
im impressed that pretty much sums up belgium.
even if its so, its still 1000 times better than eastern european countries and most other countries in the world...
for example ther is a very big pedophile elite in belgium and from other countries that come visit belgium for that (but strictly only elite) but common pedophiles they just go to eastern europe, if i has 2k and would do so id go there and not even in belgium
fuk off cuck i hope our government stop taking fucking arabs
t. mehmet
How does anything in that sad excuse for a mural denote rape? The hand holding the knife is white not shitskin. The hand trying to stop the knife would denote helping the boy not allowing it to occur.
Or is that too “intellectualizing” you utter fucking retard.
>muslim infested
Lol, just fuck off. Just because they are our useful idiots currently it doesnt mean they have a future.
No. We are not going to repeat the mistakes of the EU. They should form their own regional organization instead of lumping together countries out of wildly different cultural spheres. This is alson the reason why the V4 should never expand with balkan-orthodox countries.
They’ll just change the rules to get their own way like they always do. If they ruling council has decided they want sanctions on Poland, they will get their sanctions.
Don't make threads about us.
The less westcucks know about Hungary, the better.
Slovenia and Croatia are okay. Otherwise, we should just get back the traditionally hungarian regions that we lost.
As for Transylvania, it's a special case. A complete deportation of all romanians and gypsies to Wallachia should be in order. Couple that with resettlement of ethnic Hungarians and a miraculous incitement of a Szekler babyboom and we should be good to go. Of course, this is all just wistful thinking.
Imagine being this triggered over a small Central European country using its veto.
You mean genocide. This country won't be safe until that plague is removed from our eastern borders for good.
Only a godless estrogenated and humiliated and demoralized leaf would be okay with having that kind of imagery being plastered all over his community. You make me sick.
Yea you're country and its people are fucking finished.
>even if its so, its still 1000 times better than eastern european countries and most other countries in the world...
Shows how demoralized and conditioned to your slavery you have become you pathetic worm. How does a few extra thousand sheckles a year justify such a disturbing existence that is Belgium? I hope for your sake achmed blows you up sooner than later.
Its hilarious that no one has learned a single lesson after what might just be the biggest embarrassment the democracy has ever seen.
good goy
what you guys are secret mountain jews as well ?
Let's not go balls-to-the-walls here, you and I both know the results of a genocide would bear down way too much on the country. You try to eradicate one annoying minority in your nation and you won't hear the end of it for seventy years!
Besides, as far as I know they have legitimate claims for Wallachia, so why not let them have it? We can even spare money on only having to fence off the mountain passes, Mother Carpathia does the rest of the safekeeping for us.
Slight chuckle at name, Magister P.
But no, leave larping to the impotent westcucks who must live vicariously through dreaming. We just have to endure and stay realistic. Romania is not a real nation, its not going to last. The only thing keeping it together is anti-hungarian sentiment and talking shit like that only fuels it. Romania will be torn apart by corruption and regionalism and an independent bilingual Transsylvania is very possible to achieve. It would be literally the best for everyone, it would have historic precedent and maybe romanians could unfuck themselves and undergo proper ethnogenesis. Also, we could settle german refugees from the Bundescaliphate as saxons if we really want to roleplay history.
We are special mountain jews.
You cant say Slovenia without OVEN
The V4 will work but we need to get rid of nazis first.
bázisolt magyarok
>Only a godless estrogenated and humiliated and demoralized leaf would be okay with having that kind of imagery being plastered all over his community. You make me sick.
You’re. The. One. That. Posted. It.
Shouldn’t your support staff be limiting your computer time?
this. we will be in an economic union with 3 countries we used to own as well. if anything we have to ease the tentions for cooperation
Polish had AT on the fucking horses
While you just submited to the Germans with barely any resistance
maybe you will be the mountain bank of the Vx like the swiss
never trust the mountain jews
good friends
>Hungary to defend right to EU aid without conditions: Orban
Pathetic! Parasites! Welfare queens!
>Democrats to defend right to minority welfare without conditions
The right side of history! Enlightened! Racists BTFO!
nah what we need to get rid of are the super nationalist infighter useful idiots
dont be good goys have a nice union
Where does it mention in the Bible Abraham raping Isaac?
Międzymorze kiedy?
Hey, I'm glad finally someone got the joke.
I reckon you're right, my man. As far as I know, we got at least three independence movements in just Transylvania alone - One for Partium, one for Szeklerland and one for Transylvania as a whole. Unfortunately the Romanian Constitution at the moment forbids any sort of autonomy to specific ethnic groups, as it recognizes autonomous regions within the country as an active attempt to disrupt Romanian unity. However, as scandal after scandal engulfs Bukarest and de-legitimizes the political system, one can only suspect great changes are in the future for us. Suffice to say that I anticipate the next couple decades to be very interesting.
Easing tensions is a good thing, just try to avoid becoming the goodest goy while doing it.
Thats not the point you filthy kike. Nobody who looks at that image thinks its taken from a fucking destert kike book thats depicting some kike with a knife to the neck of another irrelevant kike. Instead, what they see is a depiction of a young boy being held down by a grown man with a knife to the boys neck. And this kind of sick shit is plastered all over the capitol city and presented as "art".
Its subconsciously acclimating the population to the fact they are irrelevant slaves and that their children are nothing short of fucktoys for the elite. This is Brussels we are talking about you filth. Europe's pedophile capital
And most people in Brussels would likely recognize the image as being from a well-known Caravaggio masterpiece. All I see in your posts is a closet boylover who sees what he wants to see. Caravaggio-as-Rorschach perhaps? Art is in the eye of the beholder, after all.
Romanian "unity" was always like Yugoslavian or Ukranian unity. A bunch of nations and strong regional identities forced together into an inefficent and africa-tier corrupt state that only stays afloat because of international pressure and hatred for a mutual enemy.
The Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen will be reunited through diplomacy, not force. Simple geopolitics will always make Budapest the political, cultural and economic center of the Carpathian Basin and all the peoples living in it. By providing an exemplary leadership and not falling for lingering habsburg divide and conquer attempts these people will always find themselves attracted to our sphere. We literally just have to not fuck it up and not sell out to westcucks
>the poles they still used actuall cavalery against hitlers tanks
Fake history meme, try educating yourself.
the reason the austrian empire became 7 countries is nationalism.the best we can do is strong relations both cultural and economic
thats a good thing
===We Are The Future===
*also - 1956 - never forget!
maybe a bit too big lot of internal conflict possibility
austria is germanic and we try to get away from germanistan
romanian-hungarian relations have to be ironed out
im not sure the baltic nations and bulgaria sees any interest in this union since they are better of trading elsewhere in the world
He probably also thinks that germans invented all this tanks, airplanes etc.
In reality germans stole 3000 airplanes, countless vehicles from Czech Republic and later on from France. The Czechs had the best tanks pre war LT vz. 35 which were simply renamed to the Panzer t35 and later upgraded to the 38t which were the actual backbone of the blitzkrieg operation. Whole of the german feared panzers hetzer, panter, tiger, jagdtiger and some of the waffentraeger were using their designs and technology. Alex Surin designed the very first panther prototype from scratch.
Invasion on France? Germans lost more than half of their supply lines and big part of their armored vehicles and tanks in september campaign in Poland. The end result was that most of their supply on the western front was transported with horses.
if you take a look at some vids from victory parade in Paris you would notice that most the vehicles there are simply being pulled by horses because most of them were broken. Here is an example of german ""superpower""
This is unbelivable how western cucks are being brainwashed about their past...
Revised version. Now everyone is happy.
ayyy polak here
V4 stronk guys
Thanks based friendo. It hurts that we have cucked politicans. I was shocked to find out croatia was invited to join in 1991!!! 2nd time invitation came in 2013 or so and last one was this years. Hope we will soon join top tier ranks of vishegrad group :3
>romanian-hungarian relations have to be ironed out
I know nothing of this region for the most part but i heard that your leader is fucking with romania and transylvania trying to restore the hungarian empire?
Was in Gottes Namen?!
>red vienna
>the hammer and sickle in the claws of your cuck eagle
>full of marxist "philosophers"
Nah, just anti-hungarian sentiment is the prime scapegoat of the corrupt romanian politicans to divert attention away from shit going down. They are also good little goys shilling out money for the new anti-russian "defensive" missile screen and other US-made hardware so they are good in the books of the MI complex. Orbán is just doing basic shit, not letting them push all their shit on us so they are assmad because they are also completely pro-eurocrats. They are also scared of the V4 becoming a new, unfriendly power block so they are working aganist that overtime.
tl:dr, they are western shills
Magyar gets it.
this is all that's needed
dont forget your greatest ally
oh how naive (you) have to be to think that Orban will be defending Pooland, he's just rising the price
You're damn right about Vienna! Fucking Socialist scum has the whole fucking city under control. Still, their days are numbered now (first directive of new government: destroy the 'Red bastion' that is Vienna). Also, we got a lot of lamp posts at the Ringstraße .... just need some length of rope ...
According to latest polls (in leftist newspapers!) ÖVP and FPÖ would have a majority in Vienna if there were votes right now.
There is hope.
Just look at the g*rman or a*strian eagle. Black, disgusting and/or communist, just like them.
Ours is nice, pure, white and aesthetic.
The real red pill is that Hungary and Poland are controlled by a bunch of local gangsters that don't want to share anything with the internationals, they'll fail of course, eventually.
>they are also completely pro-eurocrats
hes also extinct
lengyel magyar, dwa bratanki
>dragon brethren
Did anyone say dragon?
It's similar to the Italian/Irish situation in the U.S
When niggers/spics started coming in, people realized that Italians/Irish weren't so bad and were potentially allies
Same now with Poles/eastern Europeans in general
They were seen as white niggers, but now as Europe is being flooded with actual niggers, we realize they weren't niggers after all.
Wake up Janos, Hungary is an irrelevant shithole and Romania is an irrelevant shithole. But Romania has 2x the population, 3x the army size and Uncle Sam somehow likes us.
Go play EU4
Implying they will actually stay in Romania...
>implying anyone could distinguish them from actual romani-ans anyway
Gabor Vona looks like a gyppo
I see it too.