Should NDAs be banned?

Should NDAs be banned?

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Only for crimes against minors.

>we'll give you lots of money if you don't tarnish our reputation
I dont think so.
More like, she sold out future victims so she could get rich quick.

Will she return the money?

Pretty much.
That's the main reason Hollywood isn't totally on fire now: people running around writing checks for NDAs.
One day a woman tweets that she's going to name some names soon, and then crickets. She got paid.

>take the money or stop competing and not go to the olympics

Actually, yes -- I think they should, absolutely and unilaterally.

I suspect that there's a *LOT* of governmental corruption that is hidden behind nondisclosure agreements, and would be unsurprised to see things like assassination and the like covered under them.

No, have to use them in business all the time.

>Will she return the money?
Probably not because she was underage at the time

>Ywn be a member of the muscle rub ojt crew that keeps McKayla Maroney's body in peak condition

I would specialize in her feet hahahah

Using them in business and using them to keep molested kids quiet are very different things.

>she sold out future victims so she could get rich quick.

Good for her though

I want to fall asleep while hugging and sniffing her sweaty leotard.

I'm thinking that an NDA isn't supposed to be able to cover illegal activities.
Not a lawyer, but I don't think an NDA is considered legal justification for refusing to report a crime.
I think someone could take the money and then turn around and report it anyway.

Just need to remove the kike-pedo-rapists from everywhere.

Anything that involves healthy attractive young people turns into fucking brothels with these parasties around

True. And I should say, it's not just chicks who are getting paid.
Singer is writing lots of checks to men he molested as boys.
No man wants to admit he got cornholed by a gay movie director anyway,
so why not get paid?

Wait, how did she come out with it if she signed an NDA?

The guy that molested her got busted for a bunch of other stuff and it came out in that trail.

If it was forced, it was illegal, she's not obligated to obey it.
They can try suing her for violating it, of course.

>no tits
>no hips
>doesnt bleed through her hoo-ha due to years of eating a 1000 calorie diet
>no feminine face

Essentially a little boy

>no hips

>Not a lawyer, but I don't think an NDA is considered legal justification for refusing to report a crime.

Whistleblowers Silenced by Non-Disclosure Agreements

New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

Seriously can you even blame the guy? It would be impossible to not molest this whore

Depending on your business.

She was just one of many though

she's contorting herself way out to make it look like she's got curves

She has an athlete's body. No hips but nice glutes. 8/10 would molest.

Agreed, actually.

NDAs are standard operating procedure for most corporations, though. Intellectual property rights, while working as an employee, belong to the employer.

Let's say you work at "Pizza Joint, Inc". You design a new pizza with Caesar dressing and JalapeƱos. It's a hit! Even if you invented the idea outside of work, your test run will likely be while at work. As long as you used company resources to get the idea perfected, then it belongs to the company.

Every script your write, every database you create, every advertisement, every garment, every idea you come up with belong to the corporation. These are all covered by NDAs.

NDAs are completely normal in software dev jobs, never had one where they didn't insist on signing one. And that's okay to protect a company against stealing technology or publishing confidential stuff about customers or whatever.

But as the other user said, when it comes to covering criminal activities they should get banned.

But can a minor sign an NDA and have it legally binding? Asking for a friend.

some sandnigger doctor fondled, fucked, and raped the entire US Olympic team?

Why isn't this a bigger scandal?

And you had one of these girls, Gabby Douglas, who was talking about being Christian and saving herself for marriage.

The sandnigger just rolled in and raped them all.

Why isn't the sandnigger being drawn and quartered?

Settlements should not be allowed for sexual abuse of minors.

Good point. It sounds like in this case she was required to testify, and I'm more sure that a judge can kick aside an NDA pretty quick.

It turns out being butt blasted by your doctors finger wasn't a medically sanctioned treatment after all.

Because people haven't gotten that pissed yet.
Most still think the legal system can deal with this,
to the extent they have a clue what "this" is.

In California, where I suppose she lives, a victim of child sexual abuse cannot be forced to sign an NDA as a condition of a settlement.

But it depends on the state


That's not what an NDA is.

You're thinking of intellectual property.

Didn't Michael Jackson sign several child abuse settlements with NDA's attached about things that allegedly happened on his "Neverland Ranch" in Califronia?

Minors can't enter in to an NDA.
Any lawyer should know they're fucking up if they try to press one.

I think a lot of times it's really a bluff.
If they can convince the person the NDA is legit,
and the person knows they'll be swarmed by high-end lawyers if they violate it,
they'll keep their mouths shut.
They'll never know it's not legit unless they have a lawyer of their own look at it.

Do NDAs cover criminal behaviour? I don't think they do.

> don't say anything about me repeat this girl in the alleyway. Or you will have to take the long way around town to get to work every day.

Hurrrr muh shortcut.

Principles matter.

I remember watching this years ago and thinking there was something fucked up about her like she was in desperate need of mental help.

Now I know why

She has that whore look in her eyes
I bet she even enjoyed it when he slip his fingers into her tight snatch

I'm sure you would be the most noble teen ever to have a big pile of cash dangled in front of you. There is a reason we don't let teens have credit cards or sign contracts.

>Now I know why
So... Why? Because "boo hoo sexual abuse"?
How about because she's a typical girl with a fuckable body? They're all nuts regardless.

There are still corporate NDAs That employees sign. Most of the time I see NDAs signed between corporations and another party using their product like the customer because they're sending technical documentation or the product itself (raw code for example) leads back to their intellectual property.

Her clothes should be banned :^)


I'll see your 8/10 molest and raise you 9/10 rape.