Christmas is a jewish plot to get us into covered satan worship by the kikes.
Christmas falls on the same time as the ancient festival of Saturnalia, dedicated like the name says to Saturn. You know, Saturn, associated with Satan, Moloch, Baal, Cronus and a bunch of others.
> a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.[1] Masters become the slaves, or Satan becomes God.
>followed by private gift-giving Just like today!
Now lets look at Cronus for a moment, also associated with Saturn. He is known to have eaten his children, and is always depicted with a white beard. So a festival in late december, about gifts and a a guy with white beard and a special "connection" to children. Sound familliar? Now guess what: You literally just have to switch one letter to make out of Santa, Satan.
If that isnt enough lets look into this fella >In folklore, Krampus is a horned, anthropomorphic figure described as "half-goat, half-demon",[1] who, during the Christmas season, punishes children who have misbehaved >Sometimes Krampus appears with a sack or a basket strapped to his back; this is to cart off evil children for drowning, eating, or transport to Hell eating children, almost like Moloch and Cronus, and I guess I dont have to mention the Satan-Hell connection >There seems to be little doubt as to his true identity for, in no other form is the full regalia of the Horned God of the Witches so well preserved.
If that still isnt enough, you should realize that Jesus birthday wasnt even on christmas. Also material gifts are probably the least christianlike, as opposed to satanism where its all about worship of the material pleassures and the self.
realized i accidently put in the german wikipedia link in the first on, so here the english one
Jayden Barnes
fascinating info. have a bump. God bless us all and may Christ find you in the darkness
Tyler Foster
Satan changed his name often over the centuries. Rest is the same shit since the beginning.
Christopher Kelly
Since we are at Satanism already, here some stuff about it and the black cube satan meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. saturn being the 6th planet). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil. Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.
Landon Roberts
Religion of the Ancient Rome was Mithraism. The Rome had a festival on the date of winter solstice. Because their god is reborn on the date. After the Rome converted to Christianity, it changed to Christmas.
Robert Gray
The christian cross on the other hand symbolizes the cube being broken open, freeing us from the material prison it symbolizes.
furthermore the black sun in pic related isnt so much in meaning our sun. while our sun is the material source of life, giving heat and light for plants to grow enabling all the other life, the black sun (as i believe) is the spiritual source, the divine spark, the source of our divine concioussness. probably the holy spirit, God. Since its round (edgless) its also the opposite of the black cube (edgy).
while we are at it, a lot of the symbols also seem to derive from sunworship as many symbols do. in case of the egypt one it seems to depict the sun touching the water or heaven being united with the earth while unification of polar opposites is an important theme in the occult. One believe was that magic springs into existence where 2 polar opposites meet. good and evil, the above and below, male and female. especially the unification of the last is one of the most holy events in many cultures where the magic of life happens and the first step for the existence of a new human has been made. i believe transgenderism is a perverted form of this, trying to unite male and female in one body
Benjamin King
forgot pic
Oliver Cook
some bump
Andrew Wilson
another bump
Jeremiah Sullivan
guess people want their presents too much to avoid an eternety in hell
Ian Baker
Any further info on the black sun? Some good reference material would be nice to read while off over the next few weeks. Been seeing more of these kinds of posts pop up and it's peaked my curiosity
Jaxon Ross
Sorry to hear about your mental illness. Merry Christmas though. Cheer up.
Eli Moore
well, its difficult coming up with anything, and this is just honestly my interpretation. you will find people claiming the black sun is saturn though, but all the sources for saturn being called dark sun or best sun even, primeevil sun and so on seem sketchy to me. also the nazis dont seem like satanists to me so i doubt that its the meaning. i can just recomment looking into different symbolism. look into some occult stuff for reference. understand some of the principles of the occult and it will help understanding some symbolism. the bible for example also has some occult/metaphysical aspects encoded in its stories too.
for ecample i mentioned the 6, however the 4 is also interesting. on the 4th day for example god finished creating the universe (without the life). thats what i believe hints towards the the 4 elements in the alchemi, or at least those symbolism comes from describing the same phenomena. pic related, look what you get when overlayering the symbols of the 4 elements, you should know that symbol well.
i also believe that it talks about what we call big bang. The bibles genesis talks in some sense about what we call Big Bang. Both underlie a similar principle which is the easiest explainable in the realm of math. In the beginning there was nothing but God (consciousness) and everything was created out of nothing, 0. Out of this you can make something by creating opposites. +1 and -1. You now have something out of nothing, which when put together will be again nothing. In the world of physics you have the Big Bang, out of nothing pops up matter and anti matter, energy and dark energy, protons and electrons or +1s and -1s out of 0. In the bible you have god creating heaven and earth, seperating the day from the night, taking the female from the male (adams rib creating eve), creating duality out of nothing, same principle.
so i cant really point to a single source, there are lots talking about the same thing differently.
James James
inb4 blacksungoy
Liam Thomas
Shut up tensei
Nolan Nelson
that goy and his fanboys like to shit up my thread. yesterday a fanboy said i would plagiarizing that bodhi dude...
Noah Davis
Thanks fella nice in depth response. I'll just start searching about so over the holidays, gives me something to do besides boozing. Appreciated
Luis Collins
am always glad when people like my stuff
Noah Stewart
something i should maybe add. there are people that claim that jesus is just a metaphore for the sun, but he is and is not. as above so below. as jesus is the son of god below on earth, the sun is the sun of god above in the sky. both turn water into wine (the sun through giving light to the grapes for example), walk on water (look at the sunworship pic from the egyptian symbol ie), make the blind see/giving light to see etc. both were put on a cross, jesus on the crucification and the sun on the zodiac cross. What im getting at is this: jesus died and came back on the 3rd day, during the wintersolstice the sun is at its lowest for 3 days (dead) to then rise again on the 3rd day, get ressurected. now the winter solstice is close to christmas and has a connection to jesus, yet all the customs and practices we have derive from saturnalia or one of the saturn incarnation. also the only connection to jesus i could find for this day still isnt his birthday like its claimed that we celebrate
Parker Sullivan
some bump
Nathaniel Long
It's called Yule. Stop appropriating my culture REEEEEe.
Jose Phillips
Luis Gray
I see where you're coming from. But I always thought that Jesus healing the blind was symbology for consciousness, the blind (stumbling around in the darkness, Plato's cave is a good example) then Jesus comes along showing them how to knock on the door to the kingdom of heaven, bringing consciousness, and now they can see (enlightenment). Just my interpretation of the symbology so far. Gonna have to look for a few good books and sources for the black sun. Already Christmas this year will be interesting
definitely one way to interpret it, even though i believe the literal way. maybe its another case of as above, so below. healing the blind physically (below) as well as metaphorically the spirit (above)
Ayden Roberts
Here’s why you’re wrong.
Christmas is what it means to the sincere believer. Although it may share a time of year with ancient traditions, its purpose is entirely different. To celebrate god’s most wonderful gift to the world, salvation through our lord Jesus Christ.
And it’s okay to give gifts, there are many reasons, one is that Jesus is God’s ultimate gift to the world, and another is that the wisemen bright Jesus gifts in his first birthday.
The true spirit of Christmas inspires peace and goodwill amongst all who follow it sincerely. Even Santa Claus is a symbol of giving, compassion and generosity
Jonathan Turner
>The true spirit of Christmas inspires peace and goodwill amongst all who follow it sincerely funfact, as a christian you should follow that EVERY day, not just once a year.
>Even Santa Claus is a symbol of giving, compassion and generosity nope, santa is about material reward. this has nothing to do with christ as his hollowers will gain far greater gifts of which non are material.
Jaxon Davis
Your first statement is obvious and every Christian knows that. So please get off the high horse
Your second statement is just wrong and not worth addressing. You should be educated enough to know that the real Saint Nicholas was a man who helped the needy
Please try harder next time. I’m disappointed in you
Julian Price
you said santa claus, not saint nicolaus, and while it may be true that saint nicolaus was a good guy, santa claus and the celebration of christmas is just a corruption of it. as far santa claus its pretty obvious that he isnt any good claus >santa claus in English Gematria Equals: 666