HaHa I can hardly believe this shit.
Filipinos want to be White so bad!!
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Won't help fix their height, manlet status or disgusting cuisine.
Be proud of your race and people.
And its ingredients are from the white part of Switzerland. The snowy areas.
been there once. just remember how stupid the average filipino is. even americans seem smart compared to them
This is true of all Asians, not just flips.
Even niggers judge each other on how dark they are.
In Thailand, the girls from the north (with more chinese DNA and lighter skin) are considered more attractive.
In Korea the women carry umbrellas and put on SPF sun cream before they ever walk outside.
The desire to be white is strong.
welcome to asia newfag
every yellow country has that shit in every store, it's harder to find non-"whitening" products
don't fall in love with the first slant pussy you find
and ALWAYS remember, some 50+ year old fat guy banged your girlfriend at some point no matter how hot she is or "educated"
5'8'' is the ideal human height and the Philippines have the 2nd best food in the world.
newfag!??? hahahahahahahahaahaha!!! NEW FAG!!
2nd best food? what is your favourite Phil food?? do you like barbecued blood???
Sorry where are my manners, welcome NewFriend, what city are you in? I have a few girls down for 3 somes manila, cebu, angeles. If you aren't gross maybe i'll pass them along
Desiring light skin ≠ wanting to be Caucasian
But you don't need me to tell you that.
sorry i am taken. Bacolod.
well sure being white is more than skin deep but still....
is that picture supposed to show how gross or beneath you flips are? really pissing outside is that bad to you? why are you even here?
Why bacolod? your girlfriend must be from there and dragged you back. Assuming you've been to other places in phil, how is it?
no its just supposed to show you that i am not a new fag. Here i show you something better. Three Pinoys sleeping in hammocks under their truck! ahaha!
>(((swiss alps)))
Being pale has been historically associated to not being a pleb working on the fields, the "look I'm tanned because I can have free time on the beach" is a recent sign of status.
>Philippines have the 2nd best food in the world
Err, that's just your opinion dude. An illogical one at that.
When rating food you must rate for taste, price and cleanliness of the food preperation
Imo the best food overall from places ranks as followed:
1) German
2) British
3) Japanese
4) French
5) Spanish
6) Nordic
>go to jollibees
>they serve spam burgers and spaghetti sides
a lot less congested and polluted than Manila or Cebu. I live outside the city. surrounded by sugarcane
i been to the spam museum in Austin MN. cool place.
The ideal height for my feet to reach your face, manlet
took me 6 months to figure out, but jollibee has really good fried chicken. everything else smells, looks, and tastes like it came from a dumpster
the only filipinos I know are upper class, having mixed with Spaniards during colonial rule, and look about as white as an average jap
you know Filipinos love Christmas. LOVE! They start celebrating in September!
if you wanted to isolate yourself why not go to small beach town? it's okay to admit you went there because its her hometown. there's nothing wrong with that, it's cheaper than cebu if you aren't into the condo lifestyle. Just the internet and social life for expats is horrible in most of these places
Isn't there a thriving business in reusing food that literally does come from the trash in the Phillipines or is that somewhere else
nah its better where I am. Any beach town is bound to be loud with karaoke at 2am
that happens in every third world country, but i've never experienced it. I got food poisoned only once since i've been in asia (13 months), and it was the 4 days I was in India. I didn't evne eat street food, yet every other country I only eat local food and a lot of it is street food. Fucking poos. India was a nightmare
you only been here for a year?? I've been here for 5.
Wasn't my experience. I can't judge though, I'm in a small shithole town hanging out in my girlfriends hometown too. I have a nice 1200sq foot furnished house for 300$ though
I think all you grown men in the philipines fucking young broken gooks from poor ass families are a disgrace and in my ideal republic we'd color the wall with your brain.
Have a nice day.
5 years? poor guy. I'm already sick of it and bored. Lots of better places, or better yet, staying mobile. I leave every few months but get sucked back into this shithole
I'm 25 faggot, and my girlfriend knows 5 languages and has a degree. What about you?
This is all around south Asia every guy wants a white thin girl and girls are literally bleaching them to get white
is this an 8 in philippines?
what do you think?
My right hand can tickle my balls and pump the jack.
What about you^
Lumpia is pretty good
if you can put up with it the $ to peso ratio will let you live like a king.
5, maybe a 4 looks like she has a kid
Also, I meant people who go there for sexual tourism.
Usually old balding boomers that I would love to see die.
25? how are you even here? ex-navy on the dole? its ohk i got that SS bennies and I'm not yet 40. infinity-chan owner lives here too somewhere.
alright. it is. so is lechon. and adobo. just prepare all that stuff at home. don't eat off the street,
Black people think this Everytime they see tanning lotion.
I understand, but there's lots of other places where that's true also. The best thing about the phil is if you want to settle down like yourself, the girls are very easy to mold to your lifestyle and be supportive
although most of them have the iq and mentality of a 15 year old for life, but I don't need to tell you that
does this Filipina look like Michael Jackson or is it just me?
I know I'm just fucking with you. I hate those guys too, not because of what they do. Because they actually are so delusional they think they are hot shit and they treat the girls like shit. They actually think they aren't disgusting and repulsive to these girls.
partial. I'm using my education benefits abroad, and have some other small income streams
Perfect for those of us living with the heartbreak of revitiligo
Tagalogs are self hating cucks. Cebuano master race reporting.
I have a flip girlfriend, she's not too keen on me banging others though. People are nice and I love the food desu
>5'8'' is the ideal human height
Not according to the fairer sex :
"70% of women say a man 'wouldn't stand a chance' if he was under 6ft"
Have to agree. People are nicer, no/less beggars, girls are prettier and less tainted, better islands nearby for a weekend trip.
I was starting to think I hate Filipinos living in Luzon too long
Luzon is the detriot of the Philippines. Shitty people, shitty area, shitty place to live in.
Literally just beggars and rich kids. Fuckers speaking conyo. I hate Tagalog people so damn much. Tagalog is a shitty language that's almost as gay as French.
Tagalog genocide now!
I'm Filipino and I honestly hate it, worst genes I could have gotten
Get on India's level.
I unironically would not mind having that soap.
it might get you clean. Whistle while you bathe.
You're an Amerimutt.
"white" Americans need to remove your kind. Maybe they ship you to Mexico where you belong ese.
he could be an OFW
even if im a spic?
But the pussy is so tight and willing.
And make me the color of a sheet of paper.
Are you going to do your bit? Kill as many of them as you can before ending your own life. Pinoys are the niggers of asia and are honestly worse than niggers.
You do realize you couldn't have gotten any other genes because Filipinos are incapable of producing fertile offspring with a human, right?
filipinos who leave the country for work are the worst. they bring this country down so hard.
Why is the country the Philippines but the people are Filipino? Shouldn't it be Philipino? I'm confused.
Female standards shown in polls immediately go away when they realize that the ideal men that they've been waiting for don't want used up thots.
how so? lot of them send money back here. Billions of dollars in remittances every year. its like 15% of the economy.
It's because they use a disgusting, bastardized version of english mixed with their monkey gibberish. It's the most awful-sounding language on earth.
Flips are such cucks
And white women like to tan. Does that mean they want to be niggers?
> muh swiss pulps
Nice LARP Britbong...British food is on par with shitty American food.
Why are so many Flips chubby? I thought you starved over there
>Stuck in Vietnam
>Noodles for Christmas dinner
not in this day and age
they go online and hunt down a facebook friend who's basically the same as them but married to some stud, and they go "it's the fault of others my life isn't like that"
A Mexican girl I know talked about how she would like to be more pale and showed me the fancy skin whitening products she uses. She has a white boyfriend and you just can't help but see it at as some of sort of self-hating racial thing. It's honestly a bit sad.
It is called melanism.
nobody walks anywhere ("taxi" is like 15 cents)
mostly rice diet very little meat (flips go wild for unlimited rice specials!)
no fitness culture
poor genetics in most of them
culture of having 1-2 people work to support 5-10, very inactive
even at work they go SLOOOOWWWWW at everything, break constantly, possibly even nap if they can
I knew a phillipino irl who admitted to eating dog and liking it
The economy would grow much faster if Filipino's actually started their own businesses. Instead we have hardworking people working in the west and improving their economy not our own.
>German number one
>British number two
May White God bless you.
>7 herbs from the swiss alps
So you are telling me brown people are appropriating white culture... to make themselves whiter?
Their cuisine is great you fucking food pleb
It's weird because white women are so desperate to have dark, tanned skin. Perhaps all women are just super insecure w/ who they are and it has nothing to do with race?
I have an inexplicable super duper fetish for Filipina milfs and matures. Think ages 40-60. As a guy in his 20s, how easy is it for me to score with them if I take a trip there?
From de Alpos kek, you can be Swiss now.
very easy ((huge)) if you have money aswell theyll want you to support their families.
My Kikebook burner account is in some really strange dating groups. One is 80% older Filipina women all but begging to get bleached.
make Genghis proud.
>I can hardly believe this shit.
Really? Seems like most people want to be white, or at least envy what whites have.
You guys mean the whole island of Luzon or just the Manila region? I've heard good things about places like Baguio and Batangas in Luzon. Do you guys suggest skipping the island altogether?
(I'm about to travel to the Philippines)
Good to know. Western women are so picky about age over here; if you're 20 years younger they want nothing to do with you. I know I need to get my self sorted out, but I need to take a trip first...