Remember a time where the words "light novel adaptation" wouldn't trigger your gag reflex?

Remember a time where the words "light novel adaptation" wouldn't trigger your gag reflex?

Why does it trigger your gag reflex?

the term's had a negative connotation for as long as people seemed to care about it.

half of those are good, the other are eh.

But a lot, even this season, are actually good. I don't see what you are getting it.

eh they're not so bad if you don't count generic magic high school shite.

Nowadays they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

We've got LNs blatantly cloning other LNs

Katanagatari > Kino > Boogiepop > Baccano > Haruhi > FMP

>Anywhere except bottom

>disliking Baccano
nigga you've had 10 years to fix your taste

would anyone even care about Haruhi if it came out right now?

If it was by KyoAni, I'd say yes.

Pretty much every show that matters in the last 10 years has been an LN adaptation, though.

Take them away and you're left with, what, a few endless shounen series and shitty vidya tie-ins?

>Pretty much every show that matters in the last 10 years has been an LN adaptation, though.
That's a pretty bold statement, user.

You should watch more anime.

You sure about that? It's "genre-savvy" label for sure wouldn't carry it as far today.


I mean we have the occasional meme like Re:Zero and SAO but we're talking about shit that isn't, well, shit.

More like Boogiepoop phantom

Idk, haven't seen it in years so maybe

I can't speak for other demographics but like 90%+ of notable or influential Seinen shows in the last 10 years or so have been LN adaptations. Before that it was mostly VN-based anime in that slot, but the days of that are long gone.

I guess you might see it differently if you're into CGDCT SoL stuff or idol anime or whatever.

I'd watch more anime if they'd make more anime worth watching. I've been watching fansubs for close to 20 years now, and trying every single interesting-looking show every season for 10+, and I just don't have it in me to keep watching the same generic shitty shows every season.


If Haruhi hadn't come out, we wouldn't even have high school anime like we do today.


Girlish Number was aight

>90%+ of notable or influential Seinen shows
That would be amusing because LNs are mostly a shonen medium.
I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about.