Does it make white people in other countries upset to know that there are black people in the world that have a far higher quality of life than them. Does jealousy fuel the hatred and obsession international whites have for black Americans?
Black American inheritance
give it back, Jamal
Money is an enslaving tool, perhaps they are still moishe's slave cl:^)
There's no price that can be placed on the pleasure, and the higher IQ, of being white. :)
imagine being the one race every other race hates. must suck
>Thinks high IQ leads to happiness
White IQ everybody.
Daily reminder that Black woman belongs to the White man.
Go fucking kill yourself you filthy mosquito baiting mud hut living niggy nog piece of shit
Hate an envy are closely related emotions. The hate is actually confused admiration.
t. The blackest country in the americas
I don't blame you for being unable to understand. Ignorance is bliss after all.
All the money that Michael Jackson had and what did he do? Spend it on trying to look white.
You can't put a price on being White Schlomo Larpenstein.
My point exactly.
Anyway there is truth in this thread, it strikes a nerve, guaranteed 200 replies.
and that's exactly why that place is a shithole
Maybe all that high living standard that you like so much is all because of whites?
you surely have lots of examples of first world black majority countries
Looks like a sex doll
It's the blackest because the black pussy couldn't resist the white cock.
As if no whites ever tried to become black
Even the white parts of America aren't as good as Europe.
>far higher quality of life than them.
Let the butthurt flow
we hav a better life than u crakers!
No. mostly white people are just grateful not to be black or brown.
And tomorrow when you post this same, stupid thread I'll give you the same answer. Again.
Hey, I thought that picture looked familiar!
Anytime I see nigger pics like these I always assume they're from America. And that's because they probably all are. Nuke us.
> decides to make a thread to show that black people in the US has a better quality of life than white people in some parts of the world
> people points out that no black majority nation was ever able to get into the first world
> All first world nations are white majority countries
> blacks living in white majority country are, invariably, the largest criminal group and the group with more people in jail
> lo-look how butthurt they are guys, I surely showed them
is it possible for a race to be more pathetic?
The jellousy and hatred come from the fact its the WHITE man pay for the black mans house, food, healthcare, and college via taxes.
We don't care about you, we don't want to be fucking near you, fucking leave.
How did that happen. I thought you guys were smarter than and superior to us? You're paying for our good life, wouldn't that make you slaves?
Just being white itself is enough. Looking in the mirror and seeing my ancestors through my eyes fills my with joy.
So we're Kelly of mud huts and plate lips?
"Muh ancestors"
We pay you to shut you up. But since that isn't working you can expect all of your gibs to disappear very soon.
Nah people dont like blacks because they for some reason think theyre fundamentally different and its easy to say theyre better .Ive been lurking here for years mainly cause i have no life , and well many of the people here are as retarded as the pictures they post , some are useful in that they have the potential to contribute something to the world with the shit they post and that's why I'm here, but I'd say about half need someone to look down on and poke fun at. In reality for every degenerate spook getting her ass burnt, there's a cumskin fucking a horse .People just see what they wanna see.
"I'm white and white people made society so I'm the best everyone go out of here blah blah I'm in the film actors guild"
Join my discord bro
>Does it make white people in other countries upset to know that there are black people in the world that have a far higher quality of life than them. Does jealousy fuel the hatred and obsession international whites have for black Americans?
You are making the classic black "intellectual" mistake: you assume that because you spend 95% of your time thinking about being black, then everyone else must also spend 95% of their time thinking about blacks.
Truth time: whites really don't care about you one way or another. The only people that pretend to care are just working some angle, which usually is impressing their fellows whites.
(pic slightly related)
fucking animals, you say???
missing the point
"My nigga I need all you all to go back to your country my nigga we don't want you here my nigga oh shit turn up my nigga the niggers are leaving yeah my nigga we glad you all gone so we can progress as a society my nigga, thanks again for going back to your country my nigga"
Shit Topic
LJL, the Fayum portraits. Unlike you, we white people don't hang all of our self worth on the ridiculous notion that our ancestors were Egyptians.
Name two peoples who have ZERO Egyptian ancestry: (answers below)
1) NW Europeans
2) West Africans
Even your "black" president wasn't even "black" in the sense you understand it. Kenyans are about as close to West Africans as Uzbeks are to Irishmen.
>Claims not to think about black people
>Half the posts on Sup Forums are about black people
Particularly black Americans, for only being 40mil out of 7.5billion people sure do talk about us alot, even people in obscure white shitholes that never even see or interact with us. Every one seems to be fixated on us, is it jealousy.
Nice meme fake photos. But I'm Dutch so I only look up to Dutch ancestors anyway, not Greeks or Romans.
>Thinks black Americans(European+west african) are the same as "west africans"
>Thinks west african is a monolithic thing.
>Doesn't realize being west african is about as monolithic as being north American
White IQ strikes again.
Dude noone likes niggers lmfao literally look to everyone who isnt controlled by leftist propaganda in their countries, total nigger hate.
Get off your typey wypey Shlomo, youre gonna get gassed again
To envy a thing doesn't require you to like it.
The contradiction in how much you talk about black people, and how much space they take up in your head, is indicative of unresolved jealousy and insecurity.
Yet here you are seeking attention from a small group of "white supremacists" on the internet
More projection. Why are you here craving attention from white people? What we do or don't talk about here shouldn't interest you in the least.
I'm one man and this is one thread. There is literally never not a black thread on Sup Forums. The magnitudes are not even close to being comparable. Stop obsessing over black people, and a thread like this can't exist let alone be a guaranteed bump limit.
White IQ strikes again.
This is an interesting and amusing tac to take.
Just an observation
If they happen you have a better life it's probably only because they stole it from somebody else
Post more hot black sloots.
Yeah I'm so jealous of the whole 2 blacks living in luxury somewhere else where I never even have to hear about them
Why do you make the same thread everyday?
>Does it make white people in other countries upset to know that there are black people in the world that have a far higher quality of life than them.
Only because white people are paying for it.
Because it strikes a nerve. There must be alot of truth in it. Guaranteed 200+ replies
too many examples of the contrary for that claim to be taken seriously
Stop deflecting. You're on here right now looking for attention from men like a woman. You don't see how utterly pathetic that is? So concerned about what we do or don't say about you? What we think of you? That your insecurity runs so deep you have to actually take time out of your day to start this thread projecting it? I kind of feel sorry for you.
Another day another failed attempt to pretend the average blacks good for society. You can do this for the nextv20years and not one single person will be convinced.......
you have reddit and twitter to shower you in false praise, why not get your reacharound on there instead of pounding sand here subIQ subhuman
>White people being our bitch
B..but I thought you were smarter than and superior to us?
You made the thread, not me, Trayvon. If you don't want the truth, then go back to watching WULHDDSTAHHH videos and drinking sizzurp.
anyone who posts anything anywhere is looking for attention faggot
And more compassionate, hence the reason for your gibs. Anyway, I don't really care either way, I'm roaming thread to thread spreading Christmas cum. Merry Christmas Black nationalist guy, and everyone else.
Not looking for attention, just trying to better understand an apparent contradiction.
Context you stupid nigger. Why are you two on here needing attention from "white racists". This should be the last place you would want to spend your time. You're the ones obsessed with us.
Girl on the right has to have some kind of disorder you bigot
For what purpose?
I'm not white so i can't really relate, but I think it's pointless to keep putting black people on a pedestal each time.
Because I like to learn. I thought white people were all about learning?
Or maybe i lurk here because i find it amusing you stupid nigger. Theres nothing wrong with asking questions of people you dont agree with
>Doesn't see value outside of echo chambers
White IQ strikes again.
(((White Progressives))) hate intelligent blacks because their success undermines their narrative.
(((White Supremacists))) hate intelligent blacks because their success undermines their narrative.
No one else cares because the more intelligent blacks - and more intelligent people in general - the better. Intelligent blacks need to stop getting brainwashed by Marxists though.
Finally some truth, it only took 75 replies
However blacks that get brainwashed by lefties are not intelligent by definition.
You lurk because what's said here bothers you. What's shown bothers you. You know deep down it's all true but you don't want to believe it. So you have to keep coming here hoping to convince yourself that it's us and not you like this stupid thread asking why we talk about you if we hate you. We don't have to like you or want anything to do with you. Nut up, get the fuck over it and find something to do with yourself.
because this place is politically incorrect not stormfront central.
Nobody claimed you had to like us. Just trying to figure out what is behind the obsession.
You don't like gypsies. How many gypsies threads are currently in rotation?
gg but none of this shit even applies to me ,its just fun to watch and sometimes i learn shit. But youre more than welcome to try again
My parents are giving me a house. My gf is also getting a free house from her parents. I would be quite the hypocrit if I was mad, wouldnt i?
this guy gets it
White supremacists don't hate inteligent blacks you autist, and their success does NOT undermine any narrative. We just acknowledge that there are very few of them because of their low average IQ, due to genetics.
And the rare inteligent blacks just get called uncle toms but the other niggers anyway
this guy gets it
Plenty of gypsy threads pop up, but they are far less pushed on us by the media, slightly smarter and phenotypically not as different.
Also fewer in numbers. In real life niggers are far more obsessed with whites then the other way arround btw
The value in what? Why we talk about you on this website if we hate you? You find this information so valuable?
I'm convinced that there's an IQ sweet spot between 105 and 115 where people are especially prone to post-Marxist brainwashing, especially in the cities.
Intellectual novelty-seekers, smart enough to know they're "brighter than average," can digest large amounts of shit, but not smart enough to contemplate the ins and outs of the shit they digest or its broader consequences for society.
see guys ? this is how you use your brain. welcome to the thread man
Gypsies aren't as prevalent nor do they have such a profoundly negative social on economic effect on white countries. We talk about you because one you are a piece of a much larger puzzle and two as a way to vent because a lot of us here both white and non white have mostly negative experiences with you as a whole.
How obsessed would a black guy have to be, to Larping as a white guy and make a satirical /wpg/ white power general. And make it a long and elaborate post complete with links, and yet somehow forget to even change his meme flag.
Explain this Sup Forums
You get a handicap (affirmative action) and act like your shit dont stink.
Congratulations - youre probably just average.
>upset with someone else having a higher standard of living
This projection is very revealing of the left mindset.
>Does it make white people in other countries upset to know that there are black people in the world that have a far higher quality of life than them
No, you racially obsessed retarded piece of crap.
> We just acknowledge that there are very few of them because of their low average IQ, due to genetics.
That's not white supremacism, that's HBD 101.
Nice ass though HAHAHA!!!
Euro whites who literally live with gypsies would rather talk about a people on the otherside of the world that they never see or interact with.
What is the reason for that?
hes got a point