Not so fast brexishits
Not so fast brexishits
Fuck off Hans. 18 months and you're still kvetching about Brexit because you're an autistic German cuck.
fuck off Mohamed
Hans, Mohamed, same thing at this point.
juste set Scotchland free man
>18 months on and triggered salty remaincucks still farting cum in anger
I absolutely love it lol :^)
still hopeful eh?..give it up..nobody in their right mind would want to stay in the EU.
You won't be laughing when you are still in the EU in 2 years time :^)
and you will be crying a lot more when the EU disintegrates in the coming decade
Shut up you white cunt. Don't forget who runs your shitty failing country
You're staying. Buy force!!!
>Buy force!!!
Don't listen to this guy, buy bitcoin
who runs my country? two dry cunts. and anyway shouldn't you be crashing into a school Christmas fate Mr Choudary
AHAHA pretending Brexit isn't the death of the EU.
So how long until the Fourth Reich disintegrates?
>Implying we won't obliterate your cities with atomic hellfire if we don't get our way.
Beware the wrath of the Anglo. DO IT AGAIN ATOM HARRIS
TFW you voted for leave but nothing happened because you're a British cuck that shits cats.
>18 months and you're still kvetching about Brexit
On the other hand it‘s been 18 months since the referendum and the UK government is still as clueless as to what it wants as it was in June 2016.