How does Sup Forums feel about this gibs

Saw this shit posted in normie web and fucking half the morons thought this shit was an ok attitude. Oh nig nog, plz come get gibs dat from me! So funny

Does he really think that the original thief cares about that? Or does he think that the other residents will look for the thief so they don't loose their stuff? Or is this merely an excuse to steal shit?

boggles my mind how i can't send a simple fucking form via email because it's been determined to be "not secure" but we still leave packages on doorsteps and shit

I work for a property managment company in and around silicon valley. I even work at one of pur properties in Palo Alto. Even though we have a package locker system installed on site. Even though it is the easiest thing to operate. Amazon drivers will still leave packages near the front gate, front door, near bushes, near god knows what and put in their system "delivered to lockers". Delivery drivers are fucking retarded because they get paid 10 an hour and dont give a fuck as long as they get home on time. People will steal shit. Trust me they will no matter where you live.

>have your shit delivered to your local post office
>have to show up, show ID to get your package

This is how I do it. This is how most of my neighbors do it except for one little old lady. The old lady has a steel box bolted to her front porch near her front door. The top/lid hinges open. It has loops for a padlock on the edges with a lock hanging from one. She leaves it open when expecting a package. She has a piece of paper taped inside the lid that reads "Please, delivery person, place package inside and lock it, thank you"

Shes never once had a package stolen since putting that on her porch. I don't mind going down to the post office. If you can simply pick the package up off a porch and run away, then people will do it.

Op here, it's just an excuse for gibs. Fucker probably never had a package to begin with.

>Or is this merely an excuse to steal shit?
It's very obviously this. In fact this is a good example of their rationalization process

Highest level of naggardry achieved

Boggles my mind how people live around niggers.
I've lived in an all-white neighborhood for 20 fuckin years, and ordered hundreds of packages
Guess how many have been stolen? That's right, zero.
Guess how many of my neighbors have had anything stolen?
Oh yeah, also zero.

i don't understand this picture
so someone stole his package and then he goes and steals random other packages

but what is that with balcony?

>cause that shit gones be mines
fuckin niggers

Black people are evolving to realize stealing is bad, but still stealing as vengeance. Perhaps in another 100 years they wont be doing it at all.

Nigger is informing that he is just as adept at climbing balconies as he is trees.

Are you on drugs?? Niggers are stealing more than ever. Blacks learning stealing is bad??? LOL. Thats one of the biggest jokes I have ever heard. Sorry but you have to go back.

Black on black crime
Nothing out of the norm

I grew up in a city and you couldn't leave packages anywhere in sight. Now I live in a little village outside of a major town and every one around is a pensioner and part of neighborhood watch, old ladies with nothing to do are the best theft deterrent. They see all and know all.

I didn’t know whites still choose to live around blacks. Why choose to put yourself in a high risk situation especially If you have a family? Sure there are a very minute group of blacks who are decent. Hence why they choose to live next to whites.

I understand wanting justice but there is no way to know if the person who stole the package even lives there. This is pretty much nigger tier logic.

Nigger. Very athletic. Very criminal.

So things will never change, the sun will always rise, the seasons will always change, and niggers will always steal.

Last year niggers stole the presents my parents sent to me. Then other niggers stole the presents I sent to them.

Blacks need to genocide their own niggers before we lose it and just kill you all.

This. I send all my Amazon stuff to the 7/11 a block away. I live around too many natives to risk the delivery guy leaving that shit outside.

The circle of liiife!!