How do we raise the white birth rate, Sup Forums ? Even if we kick out all non-Whites an ethnostate can't survive if its birth rate is below replacement level.
Raising the white birth rate
Wait... Did you WANT them all to survive? What is the selection pressure to weed out the bad genes in the white races? It is good that these hedonistic, homosexual self centered perverts take themselves out of the white gene pool. If it wasn't for the Moslem invasion of Europe and the Mexican invasion of the US, we'd be good. Trying to out breed them in shear numbers will fail: Whites are an K type race and these invaders are definitely r type in the r/K scheme of things. The reason why Ks were on top is because we kept the r's in their places..
WE can't, once white boys let their women get a taste of BBC it was over.
Q : What ethnic group has the largest population on the planet?
A : East Asians
Introduce more East Asian men into the White population and you will see a tremendous increase in the birth-rate.
Fact is the White birth rate is below replacement level. If it doesn't go up Whites will go extinct.
God, those children are so ugly.
>Destroying your race by racemixing is a way to maintain its existence
Also Asian birth rates in China, South Korea and Japan are even lower than the ones in many European countries
any well fed and educated group of peoples will dip below replacement level
Breed like rabbits.
all white men should have at least 3 white children.
>more children is preferable
fuck off faggot you're not getting my (you)
>hedonistic, homosexual self centered perverts
These are memetic, not genetic traits, mate.
time to start artificial wombs and cloning
Less minorities means less welfare and less competition for lower jobs. Means higher wages and less taxes which in theory means people could "afford" more children. The real problem is the culture. When you have to pick between children and having an enjoyable life, the former is much less appealing. America is better than France for this, I find, as there is an endless amount of vaguely jewish activities to do with kids and young adults. I was simply told to fuck off when I turned 18....I'm now 26 and will not be able to have kids for years more.
Have Children my fellow White men and women. Its literally the only and best option.
The reason white birth rates have tanked is because we have become addicted to living at an extremely high quality of life. That is why European countries and others like japan and South Korea are experiencing birth decline.
There isn’t any way to move past it u less we can move away from this consumerist mindset that has plagued western countries as of late.
Whites will still survive, we don't need 10 billion white people.
Minority women are perfectly fine staying at home to collect benefits - so they push out multiple kids.
White women want careers.It's not possible to compete. Just look at Japan.
This is why those who are from third world countries and dirt poor have 8 kids each. They aren’t addicted to consumerism. They will hang out babies until either they are removed or improve their own way of life enough to the point of having tasted consumerism themselves.
You have to fuck girls, so basically, the exact opposite of what you're doing.
All the men are children and all the women are daddy's little whores. The white race cannot be saved. Samson option activated.
Raperacks and abducting suitable breeding stock from across the world. Females are only *needed* for breeding, males can rear the children with the assistance of compliant females, or by themselves until compliant females are abundant enough to use a more traditional structure.
Yes we need more whites to make more babies.
You go first.
People don't breed because they're been demoralized into believing they don't have a future, they'd rather distract themselves than confront the harsh reality.
Reverse the incentives behind the mass immigration of the past 60 years and whites will breed again.
We need Eugenic policies to support Chads and Stacies to breed again. The crazies, criminals and morons should be allowed to live the rest of their life peacefully but not encouraged to reproduce.
>How do we raise the white birth rate, Sup Forums ?
It starts with you and me and everyone on here to get their shit together and find a wife and start pumping out kids. Don’t give me the “hurr every white woman is a roastie”. If you make yourself the most desirable you can be and put yourself out there you WILL find a good girl eventually.
If you're white there's literally no excuse.
>I'm too ugly to find a good woman.
Lower your standards. Move somewhere with other options.
>I'm gay.
Take one for the team.
>I can't afford a baby.
Take out a loan. Get a second job.
>I have a disease.
What is a wheelchair ramp?
>I'm not ready.
Until recently women were barefoot and pregnant before 16. And men of the same age were acting as fathers.
>How do we raise the white birth rate, Sup Forums ?
Thanks to the ZOG, our alleged economy does not provide enough for white parents to have more than two kids.
Tax incentives. Basically just look at what Hitler did with regards to these types of policies.
hey fuck off you faggot.
>remove porn (mostly)
>create better Americans that can socialize and function in society
>keeps kids away from drugs
> Take out a loan. Get a second job.
And have no time for actually raising your kids, fine.
> And men of the same age were acting as fathers.
Doesn't work for post-industrial society.
Destroy feminism and liberialism raise birth rates.
>im gay
my dick cant get hard what do
Lower house prices would help a lot, but that's never gonna happen. Maybe some kind of monkey gland milkshake?
You make it sound like it was the work of nature you fucking retard.
No it isn't.
We're not free and there is no such thing as natural selection in the societies we have.
Fucking retarded meriburgler
I personally think thats fucking bullshit, just let things happen naturally and we'll fucking see. Above or below replacement levels is fucking bullshit. There is no way they can know this, just let it happen what ever comes comes what doesnt just doesnt. Butt this whole replacement level is a fucking meme
Pretend you're fucking a male when she's on all four. I used to pretend I was fucking a guy she gave out anal and I still managed to cum. I'm sure you can use your imagination too.
prostate stimulation + turkey baster
>I don't have a car
take that lil nigga on the bus
grandma will watch 'em while you're out being a good father
> grandma will watch 'em while you're out being a good father
A shitton of Russians are raised by their mothers in pair with grandmothers and this fucked up an entire generation of men. No, thanks.
There's literally no difference between this and fatherless black people.
I want to start an online community where white's help each other out either monetarily, physically, emotionally. Like a white brotherhood but without the nazi kkk roleplay bullshit. Like a big extended family. Give each other freeshit or helping hand. Band together and start businesses and keep it traditional. No honorary non white bullshit. Keep each other out of degeneracy and advocate church lifestyle. Reproduce! Create! Invent!
I already have a website I just need aesthetics.
>we don't need 10 billion white people.
Nobody is saying that, but simply asserting that whites will survive is not really good advice
>Raperacks and abducting suitable breeding stock from across the world.
>from across the world
Fuck off Ahmed, I want to save the White race. Breeding with shitskins is not the solution
Why are you even in this thread? Us grown ups are trying to play house. Go be a bugman somewhere else.
>Basically just look at what Hitler did with regards to these types of policies.
Please explain more
>Above or below replacement levels is fucking bullshit. There is no way they can know this, just let it happen what ever comes comes what doesnt just doesnt. Butt this whole replacement level is a fucking meme
The fact that you can't trust the birth rate statistics in your joke of a country doesn't mean that I can't do that for my country you idiot.
>grandma will watch 'em while you're out being a good father
Not really a good idea. That is what is happening in the black community in the USA now and it's not really producing good citizens
>How do we raise the white birth rate, Sup Forums ? Even if we kick out all non-Whites an ethnostate can't survive if its birth rate is below replacement level.
Ummm yes it can. A country can afford a population drop of a few million to raise the standard of living for future generations
Move AOC to first period.
Force parents to get their pubescent daughters pregnant at least twice by their 18th birthday or have kids sent to an orphanage.
Orphans for public use.
Every adult woman has to give birth once every 3 years or be sentenced to public use until pregnancy.
We're less than 10% of the world population, and falling all the time. Our survival is not assured by any means.
Whatever, have fun fucking up your offspring if you want to become the same country of white niggers as Russia is.
>A country can afford a population drop of a few million to raise the standard of living for future generations
That's true, but how do we know the birth rate will eventually start climbing again? If at least part of the problem is our current hedonistic and luxury life style then the problem will probably only get worse.
End socialism, it really is that simple.
Sadly, maybe this.
Dude haven't you heard that the best culture boom comes when there are fewer people? Besides trying to force this type of thing wont work at all, so then you'd have a generation or two with a little less people then before. Thats it, its not like this type of thing never happened before, or that it would mean the end of humanity. Not at all, their making a big deal out of something that in reality is nothing
It might help, but i think it's an economic solution to an existential problem.
Who said anything about racemixing you dipfuck? More than one country in the world has a white population, and if you take from them you increase genetic diversity so you don't end up with inbred walleyed bucktoothed monsters in a couple generations because people wound up dicking their first cousins too often.
>How do we raise the white birth rate
Take away women's rights.
That simple.
Need more explanation?
It won't raise the living standards of future generations. The current economy is a pyramid scheme. Younger generations pay for the older generation in retirement. There needs to be more working age youth than retirement age. If you don't have that the economy will collapse. Furthermore, debt is rolled forwards. The only way you can pay off debt is by printing money. When you print $1 you are printing $1 plus interest. So debt is rolled forward for each subsequent generation. And because they generation is smaller, it needs to pay of a proportionately larger amount of debt than previous generations.
Satan, please no more debt.
At most whites have a billion people while the rest are all non-whites and it's reasoned that the population will rise to 8 billion. Earth at max can only logistically sustain 10 billion people. Logically, at most, not even considering infertility, space issues, gender disparity, age and the choice of some people, whites can only produce 500 million every 5 years. If such a number of people were to be born, it'd be madness to keep up with it in terms of industry, production, education and other issues. Women can only safely give birth without severely damaging the reproductive system, every 5 years and even this would shorten a woman's lifespan by 25%.
If you did this, chances are you'd have population control programs imposed on you, leftists would use this against you and the whole world might even take it as a challenge to breed more than you.
So the only other choice you have are to nuke the non-whites(which have much more nukes), which if you did, they'd probably nuke you back and the nukes would destroy agriculture that the world lives on, cities for your newly grown population and massive amounts of imported goods. You'd have crazy political feedback and the majority of your population would probably hate you.
The only way to actually "save" the white race is for the straights is to continue giving birth at a sustainable rate and not cause a nuclear holocaust. Stop fantasizing about the white race replacing everyone because the only way to get through this is to cooperate and get to space and populate worlds.
Oh and one more thing populations are constantly expanding and shrinking, its normal. It has never happened that a population just kept shrinking and then just died out. Atleast not without a major event happening, it just shrinks a few generations and then goes larger again. They are just using this shit as an excuse to flood our countrys with sub-human filth
make babies
White women want what the status quo tells them to want. Replace the status quo, and things will change.
>More than one country in the world has a white population,
And pretty much every fucking white country has a birth rate below replacement level. I know your IQ is low because your ancestors kept fucking their cousins but try to think for at least a second
I can live with the White population shrinking for now, but I fear the trend won't stop and the population will get smaller and smaller.
>Take away women's rights.
How do you propose we do that. Women constitute half of the voters so that won't be so easy in a democracy. And we both know our country is fucked up by feminism.
Fuck coalburners. Fuck whores. Fuck everyone. Literally
It will stop and go up again, that is just how it works. I mean the fucking plague couldn't wipe out europe what makes you think a generation or two with fewer people would?
There is a saying here which goes something like ''Don't wait to get a car, a high-paying job, a luxury hotel, etc and then get married. Instead get married young and then plan those things with your wife and by the time you hit 40, you will have all of these + a wife and older children"
I think it is more of the mindset than anything else
We have to solve the problem of falling sperm and testosterone levels in developed nations. Clearly there is a problem, be it pesticides, endocrine disruptors or whatever. Something is wrong and needs to be fixed.
Once that is done you have to let it naturally happen. Let the population contract for a while, Europe could do with a smaller population for a while to solve he housing issues we face. It'd probably make our nations more tightly knit.
Sooner or later the population will naturally expand again.
I agree. Also, I think that the hyperindividualism and hypermaterialism of the modern age has left most whites spiritually devoid, making life feel meaningless. Whites need a guiding force, to feel a part of something greater - I don't think a Christian revival is the answer, rather that something new will emerge.
I can't really share your confidence user. The plague didn't really affect our lifestyles, it just reduced the population. We now have a situation where people voluntarily choose not to have kids.
Purge our degeneracy. No way a non-degenerate population would ever just slowly decline till it dissapears. Population growth rates fluctuate. Even if population were to decline for a period of time, those declines would no doubt be followed by growth.
You don't need an ethnosstate. You need to stop acting like such cucks. Woman don't like that shit. Also learn that women all are naturally more liberal then men. This means going full 1488 is the most retarded thing to do in terms of saving your cumskin.
Yeah but the thing is more immigration will wipe us out, i was talking about that situation as if there weren't any sub-humans in europe. Remove shit-skins and then there will be a great release of debt and that money would come back to our people who in turn could relax a bit more have a better life and ta da they would make more kids. Problem being with more and more shitskins coming in this will not happen. I mean if a white couple from paris or london that had to flee because of the influx in sub-humans they will most likely not have kids at all. Now picture this on a large LARGE scale in whole europe. The solution the most of europes problems is stop and reverse the influx of sub-humans. If this wont happen then we indeed are fucked. But if it just where white people in europe then this would not be a real problem. They just like to use this and other things as a way of fearmongering to get people to loosen up to the thought of massive immigration.
we have ways of making you cum against your will.
Easy, we strip women of their rights to pursue a career. Then they'll be forced to find a husband at an early age. Once that happens, they'll be bored at home, and they'll want kids. If they go out too much instead, just do what Saudi Arabia did, and ban women from driving.
Guys can do what they want but get the women back to church.
That women is stunning and look at her children. I actually feel sick looking at that.
Why do you have to be a theist to be non-degenerate?
Stop the media from portraying whites as sexual toxic.
No more Rick and Morty, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, everything-by-bbc bullshit where every white husband or father is portrayed as an idiot or a lonely hermit.
Try out my one step process.
That'll be $10.95 for my advice, plus tip
Find a woman and impregnate her every 9-10 months. That's literally it.
Of course the problem is for Sup Forums to lose virginity. Because you guys have alpha hearts who are stuck in beta bodies and it's fucking you up mentally.
Nah dont raise the birth rate just lower others
Just lower the birth and entry rate of non-whites.
Unironically, ban cats and dogs.
Nerd eat mud twink!
Let this be a lesson. No matter how pretty your wife/gf is, if you are a below average man your children are doomed. How does it make you feel?
lol racemixing has a huge part to play in them looking like that. Even if she married an ugly white guy she could easily have daughters who looked like her.
The problem is that we live in a democracy, we need white voters or we're destined to lose the ability to run our own countries even more
Getting into a population race with the shitskins isn't the solution.
Extermination is the only long term strategy.
well good luck with the nazi LARPing pal
So what's a good number? At least three kids?
>grandma will watch 'em while you're out being a good father
Yeah, not a good idea. I love my mother, but I would never let her raise my kids. The same would be applied for the mil.
Fire up the daemonculaba.
Once the ethnostate is established it's really simple. Ban hardcore porn, get rid of no fault divorce, give out interest free loans to married couples that reduce with every child born, and wages will also increase thus a man can work while the woman stays home and takes care of the kids.
It's important to have the father helping raise the kids, tho.
I thought that was a child's head on the left. Like with straight black hair covered in blood
His primary job will be to provide for the family. Of course, he will help from time to time and spend time with his children, but the woman will be the primary caretaker.
There's no such thing as artificial selection.
Anything that happens is natural, even if it's because of humans.
Natural selection is based on what survives, reproduces, and nothing else.
If only we had some mechanic that would push degenerates into being single, making up non producing high suicide genders or being outright faggots...
Yeah, this is what I meant. My father was the one who put me and my sibling to sleep.
>How do we raise the white birth rate, Sup Forums ?
Get rid of the welfare state and predatory courts so white men don't have to feed niggers or fear having their resources stolen by the state. It really is that easy.