Prepare for incoming deflation

Tax cuts are going to trigger the greatest depression we have ever seen

Okay, soy boy. Whatever you say.

>Americans have more money
>This causes a depression

Do you even economics?

Eat a dick

hopefully civl war

here come the shills

>says increasingly nervous jew for the 8th time this month


God I hope so

Remember the bill clinton years and how we are going to pay off the national debt in 10 years??

kek you actually believed that shit?

entitlements alone would have swamped us

Not really but the projection was convincing. Just like right now. Once the market goes we have confirmation.

nothing's going to happen

I have just started saving money, 16k in my savings account. What should I invest in to secure my monetary value?
>inb4 bitcoin
Fuck off

You put so much faith in Trump and his tax plans lmao. Please bury some cash in the backyard so you can still buy canned beans and bread when this all collapses.

well then I'm glad I'm holding all this cash
well then I'm glad I'm holding all this metal
well then I'm glad I'm holding all this oil stock

unmanaged market index funds. they under-perform the market but outperform any managed fund around
>the market is a chaotic system and cannot be predicted on short time scales. fight me!

i have cryptos but Im getting about 29% in my normie stock; I use a robo advisor. Very low fees.

Go home lefty

>put money into the stock market goy

I'm literally telling you the market is topping.

>the market is topping.
the overall trend is always upward. trying to predict the short-term fluctuations in the market is always a losing game.

btw. how's your btc doing internet-gold nigger?

We did pay off the national debt. Only during Willie's terms did the debt go into surplus. That imploded when Bush did 9/11.

>Inner city tard continues to act like an entitled piece of shit
>Why do conservashits vote against their own interests
The post
You know you can only cry wolf so many times before everyone fucking ignores you

big vix drop in 96 two year later bust
big vix drop in 2006 two year later big bust in 2008
big vix drop in 2016 and 2017 .....??? big profit!!

Depends on what you're planning for.

Long term security + small income: agricultural land
Long term security and easy accessibility: Gold

Those two lose value during economic crisis, but usually get their value back afterwards (unlike money or houses, which might permanently lose their value).

Short term security, but still valuable in economic crisis: alcohol, drugs, medicine, tobacco, ammunition.

>burying worthless paper instead of buying food and supplies and storing them

Liberal mental depression doesn’t count... go cry in yer pillow, homo

Unironically bitcoin in about a week. Buy in the dip.

Wow, you are ignorant.

national debt doesn't even fucking matter for countries like america. well done neoliberalism for making people think it does.

no. debt was never paid off. not even close. it just wasn't continuously tanking by billions every second. it was BEING paid off, hence the surplus but not even close.

surplus was a buzzword for click bait 90s headlines to make it seem like the debt had been paid for dummies like yourself. i'd say mission accomplished...

So ignorant, and for something that can be looked up in five seconds.

>what is a 100 billion dollar surplus in a single year

the national debt was five trillion you dope. that's like saying you paid the minimum payment on your 100,000 dollar credit card debt

I just checked

>290 billion surplus
>157 billion surplus
>154 billion surplus

buy nvda puts

Depressions don’t work that way.

Tax cuts and government spending are both inflationary, not deflationary. And the question isn't whether the private sector is going to fall, but the public sector.