All I'm saying is that when she reveals her power leveling out herself as a Nazi, you all better be prepared to stand by her side and that leave her stranded when the backlash comes. She would immediately be regarded as the queen of the Alt Right and the inheritor of Adolf Hitler, so you better be prepared to treat her as such.
You guys realize she's going to get curious about his jokes and red pill herself right?
She’s already redpilled and these aren’t jokes
I would unironically go to war for Taylor.
About *these* jokes, I mean
I know she's already read told her that she has an openly declared herself anything yet. I'm talking about when she inevitably goes full fash.
*already red pilled
Swifty is as pure as the driven snow
>she's already read told her that she has an openly declared herself anything yet
Way to fuck up trips, fag
She's likely advised against discussing politics as it could fuck with her career. Just wait till she's dried up.
Would fap if Taylor wore a black SS uniform. Red armband for double fap.
>some 110IQ popstar is politically and historically aware
No, no you fucking retard. She just doesnt comment on politics so as to keep her Republican fanbase
1. She isn't the brightest bulb in the shop.
2. She had 18 or 19 boyfriends... at age 27.
3. She is the most spoiled SJW out there.
You 12yr old kiddos need to find another princess.
>John Mayer banged her in the ass... she wrote a song about it
>Jake Gyllenhaal wrecked her shop... she wrote a song about it
>Turns to beta male pop stars her age or younger
The chick is a propaganda piece for both sides. If we get her great, but she is just a meme.
Oh hai Taylor
>this is what the left considers propaganda/humor
she's not a nazi you blathering retard, she's as normie-tier as normies can be, the crown normie even
Lurk more faggot. She's taking pictures with swastikas and stated in interviews that she voted for Trump. She also trolls and ignored SJW's who tried to get her to denounce her white nationalist fans.
>not realizing that her entire album style is based on alt right taytay memes, literally monetizing them for millions of dollars from the album cover alone
>thanks faggots
nigger you're the one who needs to lurk more, taking pictures with some fag who has a shitty swastika sloppily painted on in ironic hipster fashion and even if she did vote for trump (she never said shit about how she voted, faggot) neither of those two things makes someone a nazi, a real nazi would have more reverence for the swastika than to take pictures with a shittily ad-hoc produced joke one like a typical millenial gagselfie cancer
delouse yourself
Ah, a matrix reference.
I like the part where she runs away from richard spencer.
Well, That escalated quickly.
Why can't you speak English?
holy fuck i would follow her into any battle
Taylor swifts song "Style" is a sequel to "Mr Brightside"
she was in Sup Forums 5 years ago retard, she is more redpilled than you
>she is just a meme
Well no fucking shit she's just a meme. OP is a fucking retard. What kind of schizophrenic thinks this bitch is going to lead the fourth reich? She let a nigger steal her microphone after winning an award ffs. Did Hitler ever let a nigger steal his mic?
That got me, fuck.
Do you still doubt?
le fashy daddy xD?
Is Sup Forums Swift's #1 fanclub?
The tabloid followers who hate her because she won't denounce her right-wing fans also think she's a closeted lesbian. But they think everyone's gay or lesbian, so who knows.
There's something about her face that makes it seem like she's having deep thoughts.
But I wouldn't count on it.
>Implying she isn't already redpilled
I like to think she keeps a copy of Mein Kampf by her bed and reads some of it every night before going to sleep.
Why you gotta be so mean, bro?
This meme reminds me of hillarybeattrump dot com.
Are you a low iq roastie or a nigger?
Everyone knows Tay will spearhead the awakening of the white consciousness.
no, she's our #1 fan
>le XD tendies meme means she's a nazi
ah yes, i remember the chapter in mei
kampf about how chicken tenders are the true food of the aryan people, truly based
masturbation machine yourself
isn't she just another Illuminati shill though? same with kdot?
all the "woke" artists out there seem to be taking jew dick on the daily
holy shit lol looking at the camera trying not to smile
>Rebbit spacing
>that flag
>dissing Tay
>dissing Mein Kampf
Maybe Ben Shapiro is more up your alley.
>being this concerned about how I organize my question/statement
>not participating in the discussion
>rebbit spacing
>rebbit spacing
>rebbit spacing
Sup Forums
>could afford a Taylor swift concert
We're here for you Tay.
nigger killer squad on standby.
Hello my goyim
fer Crysake, e z sum. nd a roe?
learn to read you fucking mutt, and benlet kikepiro is almost as much of an ass-eating faggot as you are
A new paragraph isn't reddot spacing you nigger.
>Women can be relied upon to act in accordance with what they see is true and not what benefits them materially.
>Everyone knows Tay will spearhead the awakening of the white consciousness.
Tay is anton laveys daughter. you know, the satanist?
You sound like a star stricken little boy. Grow the fuck up
I don't think they let them into beer halls back then.
Has anyonereallybeen faras decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>Trusting anything from the mainstream media
>i don't think they let them into Germany back then*
>when she does
Shes not.
Why answer those losers?
kek I love how lefties LARP as patriots whenever the far right is ascending.
lol this girl has no money to her name and still bought a ticket to a Taylor Swift concert
the power of tay
what would you say, if I told you that Tay was a dude?
>pics with swaztika
>votes for the trumpenkike
Wew lad
Guhhhh she's so excellent. A friend of mine knows her personally and I keep trying to get him to set me up with her, but the whoreson dog keeps saying "no good opportunity came up." It's even more frustrating than not having a connection in the first place.
Taytay, if you're reading, ask JP if he knows anybody you'd like.
All the fags in this thread falling for a tranny.
Did she actually say this? What a woman
>lefty “memes”
I'd suck her cock, if you wouldn't you're gay
Same. I used to disdain her but now she's like sif and we're her aesir warriors
Tay tay is an old school Sup Forumstard so it wouldn't surprise me if she followed the natural evolution to pol.
She dates celebrities and male models, you idiot. Why would she settle for anyone on Sup Forums?
>Taylor is almost 40
are you retarded?