Has the UN forgotten where it's money comes from?

I think 2018's contributions to the UN are gonna be a little... short.

Fine by me.

My day-to-day opinion of the P{resident is that he is a moron, but if he steers us away from subsidizing more than our share of an institution that is openly inimical to us and our interests, he'll get credit for that on my ledger.

I think this was trumps plan

to force a political stance from the UN in order to pull funding in a favorable manor

Do American realize Jews are not Christians
why do bend over for Israel

They walked right into that one. Trump couldn’t cut UN funding without a good excuse. Democrats won’t be able to say shit because it’s illegal to criticize Israel. Checkmate UN.

>EU Hates Jews
>Trump Loves Jews
War with EU when?


Who gives a fuck about the UN

>why does America want a strategic ally in a region literally exports terrorists
>why can't we rely on our other """"allies""""" like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, who totally don't financially and logistically support terrorists

>Has the UN forgotten where it's money comes from

t. neet

If UN is against something, you know it's a pretty good thing.

Since when has anyone given half a shit what the UN thinks about anything

From ancient bloodlines families?

>The UN can reject recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the USA
Can someone explain it to me? I have missed the memo.

Good. Defund these motherfuckers.

Israel supports more terrorists than anyone else on earth.

mfw the world and UN comes to the US asking for money

United Nations, continuing in irrelevancy since it's inception.
No one cares about this added layer of bureaucracy of clusterfucks.

No they can only condemn your actions which is pretty much worthless however it might embarrass you in on a global stage

They just sign a resolution condemning it. At the end of the day it’s just a strongly worded letter.

>Cuckaluna has an opinion on something


God save the king


Fucking what?


This is the word you need to look out for whenever the UN does something. When you see that, it means nothing is happening. They're wagging their finger. They're huffing and puffing and then holding their breath like a child.

Another day, another UN "resolution" that means nothing. The UN is a pit we're throwing money into. Its time they feel the sting of our absence.

>USA, Nauru, Micronesia, Togo, VS THE WORLD

Are become the Americans a living meme at this point?

>Two countries amicably agree to move a single building
>The UN somehow gets involved.

They'll be signing resolutions of condemnation when they're being loaded onto a cargo ship and given a push east.

Doesn't make any sense, India still has people shitting in there streets, yet they willingly throw all those rupees down the UN toilet. Or afghanistan, whose budget is pretty much all NATO funds being anywhere in the top 50.

>mfw literally nothing is gonna change because everyone can tell this was an empty, spur of the moment throwaway threat by trump and the world has realized he's an all bark no bite clown

Who are the UN, but un-elected elites

No one gives a flying fuck about what you think. No one at all.

>Why don't we want the Shitskins busy fighting the Noselords instead of allowing them to direct all their energy and attention to fighting and subverting the rest of the world.


And burgers will fund noselord fights.

Most likely

I’m so confused now.
>Sup Forums hates jews
>Sup Forums hates globalism
>Trump is /ourguy/
>Trump loves jews
>UN hates Israel
>Is UN /ourgov/?
Maybe Trump was elected to destroy Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums hates jews
>Sup Forums hates muzzies
>israel kills muzzies
>jews die when israel kills shitskins
>UN hates israel
>So Sup Forums hates UN

Plus the UN is full of unelected shitskins, and openly support entitled libtards (Emma Watson).

user pls. The United Nations isn't with anyone. Its goal is to stop wars and conflict that would lead to one.

>How dare the US wants its way because it pays much more than others!
>Germany gets its way in the EU because it pays more than other countries.

I hate political double standards

Yes, but the UN loves muslim So We should hade them too

i like the UN, i just dont want to pay for it anymore

Yes OP fuck the Un for opposing the ZOG agenda.

who is the UAE trying to bribe?

>no china or japan
based asia

>Trump is jewing us fuggg
>Trump is going to accidentally destroy the UN and make it look like the jews are behind it

>Shalom Shekelberg approves how good goym you are

>americans think usa gives anything for free

It is so normal in America to pay politicians in exchange for favorable political decisions that they think this is how democracy works. In democracy wins the idea who gets more votes, not the guy who donates more money.
In the rest of the world giving money to politicians is called bribery.

Are you guys retarded or what? The UN doesn't pick sides, its goals is to stop wars and conflicts. Remember when UN troops were deployed in Korea against the North? Remember when the UN condoned the Soviet Union for many of its act for making conflicts even worse? The United States declaring Jeruslem as the capital of Israel will rise conflict and it may lead to war. Which is why the UN is going against Trump's decision.

Notice how those two decisions directly supported the USA?

>It is so normal in America to pay politicians in exchange for favorable political decisions that they think this is how democracy works.

This is how most modern democracies are run. It's almost like the entire system in a sham.

If the parties don't play ball with their rich, multinational (((corporate))) overlords, they lose their donor money. Common people don't have the cash to spare to make the kinds of donations parties all over the world require to campaign.



I mean the two were pretty understandable. North Korea invaded the South then the UN came to its aid.
The Soviet Union was deploying nuclear missiles in Cuba.

The United States shouldn't get better treatment just because they pay the most to the UN.

Soviet Union deployed missiles in Cuba after USA deployed missiles in (I think it was Turkey). Face facts, the UN was the america's bitch in the 20th century.

>put embassy in jerusalem
>america is a christian country
>american soil on jerusalem
>christian soil on jerusalem

You were right. The United States did put Nukes in Turkey.
At least the UN got better, right?

The land in an embassy still belongs to the host country, dumbass.

You owe 1/3 of your country to the jews. You cut short, they demand 25% of debt paid back immediatly.

>UN goes against USA
>USA cuts funding
>UN Collapses

English, nigger

You are not the only country that funds the UN dumbass

No it doesn't.

No, it doesn't, it's regarded as foreign soil.

Trump 40d chess, deus vult

Yeah just ask the others to contribute more.

We might see China actually contribute more to the United Nations

They are trying to gain influence around the world

>Argentinian education
>Worse than American education

Thats why you can't have the falclands

Do you realize America is run by Jews and their cabal not by Christians?
Why else would the goyim have to bow down and spoonfeed some useless shitty Jewish ISIS tier dessertnigger terrorists that never even came close to offer anything serious in return in their entire lifetime for all the aid and special privileges they receive every year

And I suppose they have the military equipment, spending, and manpower to support UN forces? These are the same nations that ignore their NATO contribution, and getting them to contribute is like pulling teeth.

>But what about the other countries?
Countries that aren't western, Japan, China, or S. Korea also won't contribute because they don't give a fuck and are even more corrupt than everybody else.

Without the US, the UN is an organization with no teeth that nobody wants to contribute to.

bet you can't afford the rent on that pretty building without our subsidy
the next resolution will be voted on in a mud hut

it's not so much that Western Europe hates Jews, but them Loving Muslims who in turn Hate Jews and because the their countries are riddled with Marxist SJW bullshit they comply

China doesn't care about UN

>The UN can reject recognizing territorial claims of the openly Jewish equivalent of ISIS terrorists
It should be more surprising if they couldnt.

good, less contribution means less money printed therefore less inflation

someday you're going to figure out that Trump's greatest asset is his ability to get his enemies to underestimate him.
or maybe you'll get run over by a truck before the realization hits.

>le 43D chess




I will literally fly to the US and suck your dick if any funding to the UN or the countries opposing Trump in this vote is cut.

The UN is a failed experiment, it has proven itself to be just that time and time again.
Caring about the UN is a surefire sign of cuckdom.
These are the imbeciles that put Saudi Arabia on a Human Rights Commission.
Although it currently is in our favour, the very idea of Veto power in the security council made it a running joke.
This is non-news. The motion means nothing other than some virtue signalling - just like everything else the Useless Nations does.
I don't want another penny of my tax dollars funneled into the Globalist snake-pit. And neither should you.

Thats not the regular budget contributions. Thats the chart pajeets and other niggers pull out to pretend to be relevant "contributors" rather than 3rd world shithole beggars. Most of that money actually is basically gibs for themself under the UN banner.

Thats why nigger tier countries like India are far up there along with Kenya. For the regular budget India is somewhere on place 25.

Most of the money for the "real" UN business comes from the U.S., Nippon and Chyna and Germoney, Fromage and Bongs as everyone would immediately expect save maybe Japan.

based on this, it seems that the USA contributes 21 percent of the total funds. Is that really enough to make the UN collapse? I don't think so. That can be easily made up and split among the countries. What will be interesting is what the other countries plan to do. The UN by itself doesn't do much; it provides at most a meeting place for countries to discuss issues. At the worst case scenario, it could mean not-as-good trade deals for the US, since EU is the biggest trading partner. But even the EU countries wouldn't even dare to do anything because their defense budget is pretty much subsidized by the US. Trump effectively grabbed them by their pussies. China, which is the second largest trading partner, couldn't care less about the Jerusalem move.

I can't really see any downside to this when the other countries have a lot to lose for not cooperating with US' decision. Thoughts?

The last time a similar political institution collapsed (League of Nations), it started WW1.

Maybe but China wants to take America's place as the number 1 nation. LikeI said we might not saying 100% certainty.

UN is the flagship of globalism you dumbass

no thanks.
Trump has been shouting about defunding the un and slashing aide to foreign countries for years now. as he has said repeatedly, he believes that such support is a waste of money. he's a businessman first and foremost. he's all about trying to bring balance to the ledger. why wouldn't you believe him?
look at where we are: the israeli lobby has both the dems and the repubs by the balls. none of them will be allowed to stop the stripping of these funds.

I don't believe him because I don't believe he put much thought into the threat.

totally. are you a teacher?

this, my german overlord is right

Even if it's by accident I'm still in favor of it. Anybody who follows politics knows the UN is a complete joke and waste of time.

This is just something from APUSH I think.

then how do you explain the parallel language in niki haley's remarks over the past few weeks? do you think they both just happened to make the same rash mistake? what about their speech writers?