Other urls found in this thread:é_Bonifácio_de_Andrada

haha, cucked by Sweden, Germany and Uk



Those countries are way older than us.

>we don't belive in god
Super space man sure has done a lot in these last years, to prove that he still exists
>we trust state more than family
By this she means we put our kids in kindergarden from around the age of 1, so we can work and let the state or private owned kindergardens take care of our kids while we work.
>we eat sweet jam together with meat
Not all meat, lingenberryjam together with meatballs is kino.
It also works with flat meatballs

so? imagine getting cucked by the most cucked country in the world (Sweden)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you can't make this shit up

USA is done you guys had your time and now its over

Holy fuck Norway is embarrassing

I'd not heard of the flat meatball theory


That's not up to date.

The Japs have Nihonium at 113, the first (and only?) Asian element.



They always forget about us for fuck sake and I always see this one posted.


It's like a meatball, but it's flat

It's a humor group
They have made a song about how everything in the world is the gay peoples fault.
Don't take them seriously.
Then we have a song about how you shouldn't "runka bulle" with Jesus

>flat meatballs


Daily reminder that Sweden only discovered Lithium after our independence patriarch had discovered Petalite oreé_Bonifácio_de_Andrada


Curie was a french citizen retard

surely Europe will appreciate my insight on this thread.



Metallurgy was discovered in India.
We wuz doing some serious Chemistry stuff back then, we don't have patents and sheit and thereby Amrimutts and others got them registered on their name. Heck even Yoga is patented to USA.

what the fuck is their problem?

yes, do you have a problem with that?

>discovered only the fattest of elements

>not polish immigrant


>flat meatballs
in swedish it is called pannbiff
in english it is called patty

It's called Obsessive Obsession of Obese Autistic Orangutans.

The land of fat turds

Pierre Curie is French. He discovered Polonium with his polish assistant, who happens to be a French naturalized citizen of polish ascent.
Polonium is perfectly French.

Thank you, didn't know what to call it



If your country hasn't discovered more than 20 elements is it really a country?

Imagine being this big of a fucking cuck

Is this bait?


I like this one

Imagine having your ancestry being 56% european the rest being african or gazpacho

>we discovered the fattest elements

He is still a Pole.

dumbfuck, we haven't been around near as long

USA is older than Germany though

If you want to be a legalist about it.
She was Polish and considered herself Polish, had to move to France for political reasons but we have to take into consideration several things like: place of birth, citizenship and claimed nationality. Sometimes all three are different.
Ignacy Łukasiewicz invented a gas lamp and we consider him a Polish inventor not Russian just because his country wasn't independent.

For the same reason no Pole claims that this chemist
who co-discovered some elements was their guy. He was American as far as he was concerned case closed. The idea of legal citizenship is pretty recent anyway.

you have to be baiting.

Germany was established in 962 AD

I don't think you quite understand what the 56% means, Ahmed Svenson

> muhammad
> talking about science
> lying about history

thats just not true

All Nordic and Anglo men that were immigrants. Nothing to do with modern Americans.

No fucking shit it's not that every american is 56% european and the rest is non-white.

But you faggots are stupid enough to fall for it, and get mad over it.

>962 AD
HRE =/= Germany

>american education

germany was founded in the late 1800's

their first counselor was otto von bismarck

Look at population times age then. Still cucked.

Modern Germany was founded in 1871 AD
Empire of Germany was part of the HRE and included parts of other modern countries today.

Also reminder that Mosander had finnish heritage so Finland actually has 6 discoveries.


If we take this into account then half of the German flags here should be switched to regional ones with those elements that were discovered early.
Another reason why not everything is clear here. I for one think that even before the unification elements discovered by people who had some sort of German identity can be called simply German for simplicity sake. And that some other countries shouldn't take the full credit for some things just because of muh citizenship.





>All the elements USA invented are unstable and toxic pieces of shit

Truly the 56% face of the periodic table


Polish women can't resist to the big French cock. It's just nature at work.

>poland didn't even exist when she was born
You probably mean German.

Oops, meant Russian.

We hab one

too bad you haven't discovered toilets yet


>big French cock
You're a nigger. Bragging about dick size ("white" frenchies are the smallest in eu anyway) is something only niggers do.

Besides, women want real men, and the first thing anybody thinks when they think of France is "surrender", lmao.

Maria Skłodowska was a polish lady and she discovered radium which is used to cure cancer. Show some respect you fucking nigger. Somebody needs to put a tighter leash on you.

Alright, I smiled. Now go clean the toilets. Chop chop.

16 of 17 elements discovered by the US are synthetic. Get fucked.

you sneezed on some dirt and it turned into an element
am i supposed to be impressed?

If you knew a bit about fundamental chemistry, you wouldn't find that impressive.

american education everyone

She did not discovered it. She poisoned herself with uranium and got a pity prize from (((nobel))), so that poopoo would feel important and more envious to people, who gave it constitution.

And she did not failed her benefactors. Her nobel speech is not containing anything what you can find in Mendeleevs table, declares multiple times, that people after Mendeleev "discovered" elements and then she shat on Russian Empire in her memoires with full force her radiation poisoned sphincter allowed... well she probably was a potato at the end of her life and (((nobele-people))) wrote it along with towiansky cultists, we will disregard that in historic personality perspective.

it's called the table of Mendelev also. They're too ashamed to call it that.

Soil science is also made fully by Russians.

Only in 00s anglo started to change terms from Russian words like
> Chernozem > Podzol > Solonetz
to soon be
> black soil > spodosols > natric horizon
or whatever. And they actively LARP, that some central euoprean fag from Germany invented and described everything.

The fun fact: Germany was starving in WW1, because their agrictulture was shite. They only knew how to put seeds along with fertilizer in random soil and called it a day. And after guano trade by sea was cut, their harvests where less than laughable. So much for the soil scientists - they have not even foreseen the problem to store the fertilizer and directed their forces to attack central Russia, instead of moving south to gain control of fertile soils in little Russia.

Regardless, they would not even LARP that themselves. Its just the fucking anglo.

thats racist, why are African countries so under-represented?

Germany is only 140 years old.