All women of all are beautiful; what do you like about the black race?
All women of all are beautiful; what do you like about the black race?
Stop sexualising your women. I agree that all women of all races are beautiful, but when you sexualise your women then white men will just degrade them and treat them like sex objects. This is why arabian women don't give a shit about these dudes and don't do porn, white men are the lowest of the low. They're the most degenerate men in existence.
African skin looks like rubber.
Horses ass
>what do you like about the black race?
The frequency at which they get abortions. I just wish all niggers were aborted by law.
>Not politics
What do you think of sperm color?
Black women are way too obsessed with white men imo.
u prefer flat iron ass right?
They belong in Africa.
>sperm color
Uh, sperm color is the same everywhere? Though it would be pretty hot if black people had black cum lol.
Thats a man.
copy you're an idiot!
Yes, this goy gets it. The only reason you don't find African American women attractive is the unfair depiction of beauty standards. Women have been marginalized by oppressive white men. White men must follow white women in healing racial/sexual injustice by breeding with blacks. There is a plethora of progr..ahem, pornographic entertainment available on the web depicting happy interracial intercourse. Times are changing, don't get left behind.
Ugly even by monkey standards.
>This is why arabian women don't give a shit about these dudes and don't do porn
Sure mohammed don't worry.
How am I am idiot, nigger? Because I like when niggers kill their babies? Every nigger born lowers the world average iq.
link me any white/arab couple. I'll wait.
>what do you like about the black race?
Undoubtedly so. The Amerimutts aren't black though.
Sheboons stink though and all have floppy, disgusting tits.
No, Human !!
I agree. A unique beauty like this could not exist if all races mixed together. Therefore, I support the preservation of the races and human diversity.
I liked them at some point before Obama because they pissed off the smug racist white evangelical hypocrites. Then Obama happened and now I like the smug racist white evangelical hypocrites for the same reasons. Do I identify with either of these retarded types of Americans? No, but they seem to create the bases of the 2 American political parties so we have no choice but to choose between them. If I could have it my way I would just allow the North Koreans to take us over because I’m sick of Jew controlled politics.
ass, sometimes the face
>I love big white dick
she said
Well it's not big ya WHOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUURE!
That or China
>what do you like about the black race?
Not sure, give me some examples
>what do you like about the black race?
West African women actually share alot of my countries ideals. (Being a former colony).
They have the best bodies naturally of any race. Usually they are more world wise, more motherly, and attentive lovers. Yet strong and independent.
Maybe it's just my company but modern white girls are stuck up cunts.
She's... Okay, but I'm highkey turned off by her fashion. I'm just not usually attracted to black people, theyre just not attractive to me the way women in general are. I don't think it's the color of their skin, its that they usually lack some female phenotype that turns me on. Is this how black men feel about their own women?
This girl though, adorable. 7.5/10 gf material.
I like that they are the least picky of all women. And they suck a mean dick. Also, usually have soft thighs and ass, which is nice when they are grinding on my dick.
they make good cornbread that about it
> none are pretty
>smell funny
> worse mind set
>shitty makeup
>nose piercing, fucking gross, redflag for mental illness and pretending to be tough
>ugly small yellow teeth
Have some standards.
any girl (or boy see Justin Beiber) that is put on a pedastool and made the pinnicle of the beauty standard is going to be a stuck up cunt. Black woman have an insecurity complex which makes them easy and submissive to white men (that aren’t broke)
>muh media representation
No... No, I really think that black women just lack the same boner-inducing phenotype that's present in all other women.
wait, I remember one
Black people always smell like they are 4 days behind on showering, and the also smell like food and some smoke shit
Literally no visual difference aside from darker skin. Now I know your just trolling.
mia khalifa
retard, arab women in the west get westernized aka spread their legs like all other women here.
I've been in relationshipos with two arab females and its not uncommon. I even had an arab female friend who still wore the hijab, but took cock up her ass to "remain a pure virgin". lol.
Henrik Schyffert (Swedish) and Nour El-Refai (Syrian arab).
Sure I believe you ahmed. Btw, shouldn't you worry about all the refugees coming into your country?
>black people aren't different from anyone else in any other way other than skin color
>no other phenotype differentiates the races
>everyone has the same bone shape, muscle mass, eyes, noses, exc.
Now I know you're just trolling
Blacks may be beautiful but no one wants to deal with em
>a syrian and a lebanese
Good job on not knowing what an arab is.
thats like saying dark skinned asian indians are the same as blacks, thats retarded
My ex #1 was Palestinian. My ex #2 was 50/50 Lebanese/iraqi. Both muslims. Guess they dont count as arab according to you either?
>Blacks may be beautiful but no one wants to deal with em
I can't remember where I read it, but someone asked what happened to the black man, and the other person replied, the black woman. Though, that may hold true for a lot of black women, I've met some that were pretty genuine, and the also fucked like they were dying from lack of dick.
>I even had an arab female friend who still wore the hijab, but took cock up her ass to "remain a pure virgin". lol.
Sweden yes!
These people are levantine, none of them have arabian origin. They're only arabian cause arabs invaded them and forced them to renounce their ethnicity and instead call themselves arabian retard.
>black cum
are you trying to jungle-pill me
> t. Yemeni niglet
Arab women are usually whores. Just because you wrap them in plastic doesn't mean they stay fresh.
That creature is hideous
>arab women are usually whores
Sure richard.
>muh no true scottsman
Though in your case it's a no true shitskin
Enjoy watching your woman get bleached brown boy
No, that's not the same. Asians are very easy to differentiate. It's blacks and whites that are nearly identical when it comes to bone structure, hair texture, build, neurological development, and facial symmetry. If melanin were removed from the equation, I guarantee you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
The Muslim women in this country are either complete sluts and trash. And\or they look inbreed.
Seriously though, it's probably the same deal with Asian men, and how 98% of women are simply not attracted to them. Asian men lack a lot of the attractive male phenotype.
>low muscle mass
>no body hair, indicates low T
>submissive temperament
>beta as fuck
You only have a chance as an Asian man if you're happa, and if you're happa it's an all or nothing coin flip; either you win the genetic lottery big or you lose hard.
When they are light skinned mixed and not as black looking
That's one sexy golliwog I tell you what.
fuck you salty nigger stealer
so do the white women in the middle east, but hey im not judging.
I like watching chimp out videos.
The biggest sluts for white cock (ok second biggest, after east/south asian women) are actually persian women (aka Iranian women to the average Joe).
Yes you can fuck arab muslim women in Sweden, France, Germany etc but fucking a persian woman is much easier. They have a sick obsession with social status, degrees, material wealth, white skin.
If you have bling, these women will jump on your dick faster than women from any other race. If you are a working class person, they will most likely ignore you.
Blacks have good taste in food I guess I mean shit chicken isn't bad so thats a plus. But fuck the chicks they are just nasty uneducated cumdumpsters
Nice try, except that there are no white women in the middle east except for some career prostitute sluts in the richest parts of the gulf who get hundreds of thousands of dollars for letting sick princes experience their fantasies IRL like having a women shitting on them.
>women like rich handsome dudes with a job and a good status
In all honesty, you'd have to be a fucking retard to lump every race into the same sorting bin. Put Aboriginal people next to any other race, including Africans, and tell me again that we are all one race. Bullshit, this is the exact tactic that pits race against race.
I agree, american ghetto trash blacks are disgusting. Some high class black women can be attractive.
1. Persians arent arabs.
2. Persian women are more impressed by material wealth and social status than women of other ethnic groups. And since white people enjoy high status in white countries - persian women are drawn to white men, at least in Europe.
Ive been to many muslim countrys and those women are whores even in their own country. Good lord. Never have I gotten so much pussy
I couldnt care less for their skin. I would fuck drows if they were real.
But black girls usually have:
> shit, pube like hair
> ugly gorilla nose (some gooks also have those - and they are no less ugly on them)
> giant botox lips
> shit, agressive, ghetto personalities and disregard for the english language: "IMMA BEAT YO ASS GURL! THEN IMMA SUCK MAH MAN'S DICK!"
> stupid as a brick
> sluts
> fat
The only good thing I can say about black girls is that they have nice asses
Remind me again who's lumping all of humanity into one bin? I think that'd be you, friendo; I'm acknowledging that phenotypic differences(colloquially called race) exist. That doesn't make me particularly racist either. As you said, you cannot look at all of humanity and conclude that differences are only skin deep.
We don’t like niggers, fuck off.
Pol is not short for politics, it's short for politically incorrect, so stop trying to put folks back on topic; you're the one off topic. Now say something socially unacceptable. I swear it's as if you don't know how the game is played.
>All women of all are beautiful; what do you like about the black race?
>1 post by this ID
Y'all posting in a Ukraine shill thread
like fuck your not abdul
idk what world you live in but its not reality
>white men will treat them like sex objects
You mean how niggers treat white women like sex objects and not to mention personal punching bags?
Banged a black chick for a while actually.
Fun fact, they actually smell.
In my degenerate days, I had sex with every race except latino (and now am married so won't get a chance sadly).
Can safely say that the nicest, best smelling vaginas I spent time with were white.
Blacks are great at picking cotton.
But that's about it.
Would be like fucking a chimpanzee. No thanks.
Nigger they're not even good at that, they're replaced easily by mexicans and machines.
STFU kraut... you're a cunt
Black women are fucking hideous only niggers and gay white men looking for a "beard" while being socially progressive would even consider fucking one.
If I make a thinly veiled thread to bash white women I will be banned immediately
>Sup Forums= white safe space
If I wanted to fuck a monkey, I would go to the zoo