>Catholic religion
>Nice weather
>Caribbean beaches
>Amazing food
>BEAUTIFUL and sexy women (pic related)
>Pre-Columbian history
>Share borders with Texas
>You can legally have guns, despite the strict gun laws
>Armed civilians shoot police officers and drug dealers as they please
>Absolutely free of Muslim scum

Tell me Sup Forums, is there a more based nation and better place to live than Mexico?

Other urls found in this thread:

The beaches of Mexico are amazing


With her Asian boyfriend in Acapulco

>With her Asian boyfriend in Acapulco

I wouldn't call that religion they have down there "Roman Catholic".
Having grown up in California, I never knew there was such a thing as a white Mexican. All we got were the low IQ sadistic Mexican Indians. God damn, I've seen those assholes do some pretty sick things to dogs and each other.
Mexico is a shit hole, I'd never set foot there... even the cops are criminals.

I sure like tortillas but let's be honest. There is only one Mexican food. Tacos, tortillas etc. are all the same, just comes in a different package.

Hear that, America? Now LET THEM ALL IN!

Triad gangster confirmed
Crime doesn’t pay kids
>they even managed to get Hitomi shipped over that one time.

Nice try beanerfag
Mexico is run by drug cartels and the average citizen will look like shit after 30


Nice try, but you still can't deny the fact that mexico is shit.
It's run my drug cartels and the average beaner looks like shit.

I live in a wealthy community where nearly everyone has an illegal immigrant maid and Mexico is not fucking based. Maybe it is for the Spaniards white folk, but the majority of them are injuns, descendants of the central American savages. That's why they're dark. They're literally niggers, just a bunch of tribal folk without any capacity for abstraction. Some of em are good people, but on average they're nig nog idiots with primitive values.

I don't know, user. Right now I unironically think that Mexico is a better and safer place to live than Sweden

Injuns are predictable, they want money and respect. A low grade psychology student could understand them in practical entirety with ease. Injuns are also limited in their capacity to do harm by the things they care about. Sand niggers literally care for nothing except murdering you, and they can be smart.

Jeez, you get all your news from Sup Forums and Breitbart?
The worst parts of Sweden are like the average part of Mexico


Maybe you're right, but right now it doesn't seem like that. I've never been to Mexico or Sweden, so I'm judging based only of what I've read

>complains of people receiving news only from Sup Forums
>perpetuates memes about Mexico
Mexico is completey safe dumbass, only certain cities on the northern states are overruned by narcos, but not the whole country

Vice versa in Sweden
The further north you go, the fewer immigrants you find and the safer things get

well, the north is unsafe because is the big door to burgerland, so you can only guess that the whole northern border is disputed territory, I literally live 10 minutes driving away from the border and you hear about shootings between goverment forces vs guards (people on vehicles, mild armed with radios, ready to report any government movement on the streets), but even with this situation is completely ok, the down side is on a macroeconomic level, very few foreign business want to deal with us because of those guys

>hear about shootings often
>situation is completely ok

Guys, I live in Brazil, so literally ANY place on earth is safer than here.

>good weather
It was 33 a few weeks ago and not it’s 11C
I wisht this place was colder, scares the brown people off

>absolutely free of muslim

Is my country getting invaded by muslims?

I like hot weather, but not too hot. Wich state is the coldest one?

mexico non-governmental firearm ownership is total shit, unless you're in a cartel and just kill cops to get their guns.

I read somewhere that thre's only one store in the entire country where you can buy a gun legally. Is it true?

> you can be shot by drug cartel even for youtube video

Sounds like paradise.

Stop spreading memes about Mexico, Poland

That's a dude


I live in Tijuana and it pretty cold, but in out neighbour city of Tecate it just snowed
I would say that somewhere in the north and very high up, like Chihuahua
Never eard of that, /quickrundown/ pls

So great that they flee by the millions and turn my country into the same shithole they fled.

You would do the same with your niggers if you could

Mexico would be awesome to live in if it wasn't for the Mexicans. The same goes for California.

this is what the average mexican women look like tho

why do you dislike multiculturalism?

Nice, I didn't know that there are places that snow in Mexico.

Agreed to some extent. The same could be said about Brazil.

I never said I didn't like multiculturalism, why are you even asking that.

It's not far from our average women.

Oi oi, who's the hot red head? Name please. Much obliged.

This country is like crumbed paper, there are a lot of mountains and is snows in manny. Close to me we have San Pedro Martin (mountain range in the middle of my state) and La Rumurosa (pic related). It only snows on winter and it snows little, but is enough to have some fun.
That's the only way you are getting snow in the tropics; on top of mountains


>You can legally have guns, despite the strict gun laws
I can?

Yes, but it`s a hassle and you cant buy the cool stuff legaly.


Wew you should get out of rosinha sometimes

>they're literally niggers
fucking retarded larping faggot.
and your illegal problems have a really simple solution, but your government is retarded.

Sure their kids will be 56% face mongrels but at least Chexican food is pretty tasty.

el sudaCACA señores

The worst parts of Sweden are like the best parts of Mexico in terms of crime. Mexico is a shithole that nobody wants to stay in which is why they keep illegally immigrating to either the US or Canada.

Nobody cares about Canada fuck off

Think twice before you respond to a nazi larping shitskin

Are there womens sluts or is there a good ones there latin America is well known for having a the biggest whore population on earth

How do I get a gun?

>I never knew there was such a thing as a white Mexican.

that's because they are all rich in mexico

Did they really avenge him?

>The worst parts of Sweden are like the best parts of Mexico in terms of crime.

What do Mexicans think of cristeros?

Everytime I hear that I just wish so badly to invite you guys for dinner at my place.

Worst thing about Mexico: Mexicans if you’ve never been you’ll never know how tempered/inconsiderate they all are

>Catholic religion
>Nice weather
Not suitable for economic growth
>Amazing food
Chihuahua meat taste bad
>Pre-Columbian history
Backward societies
>Share borders with Texas
Fucking illegals
>You can legally have guns, despite the strict gun laws
10 round mag
>Armed civilians shoot police officers and drug dealers as they please
cartels rape and kill Americans
>Absolutely free of Muslim scum


My city goes 50 c degrees on summer, scaring or heatstroking foreigners away. Is actually quite peaceful.

Sadly, yes. Is a silent slow takeover tho.

I can think of one negative. It's neighbouring the USA. Are you really ok with amerimutts coming over? Theyll dilute your gene pool

Yup. Is an army store at the center of the country.

>Tell me Sup Forums, is there a more based nation and better place to live than Mexico?

Mexico has a ton of problems.

>Cartels killing off entire towns.
>Drugs rampant across their nation.
>Economy is so piss poor that most of Mexico is like a 3rd world nation.
>A great deal of them sneak into the USA to escape their crap nation.

But they do have excellent food and some of their women are very beautiful.

Getting your head cutoff with a chainsaw for a debt of $0.37, which is double the average daily payrate of your compatriots.

> t. based monkey likes different shithole


>cocaine legal up to a gram(i think)

2014 uprising against cartels was great. The next one should be formented by the dia so we can crush the communists and their cartels. Then decorruption process takes place and all politicians policia and private sector workers should be executed for their support of drugs being moved across international borders. When white people finally have enough of the cia tactically supporting these cartels and communists we will disband them and empower the Dia to secure our borders from Globalist partisan institutions that seek destruction of America via open borders, crystal meth, heroin, and cocaine. Only American drugs made in America should be consumed. Mexicans prepare for your own version of Los pepes. White people North of the border and Mexicans north of the border want to help you. We have to do our part and you have to do yours mexibros. Pay for the wall and we will send crazy motherfuckers to your country to kill your menacing problem. Trust me all those narco videos will backfire. Only makes me want to kill all of them on not just some. This isn't bullshit. No foreign drugs have any place in my land. Prepare your souls and pray to Mary. This is going to be a tough fight. But I promise you it will be fun. These Globalists in our great country our allied with the absolute worst scum in the world to corrupt America and destroy it anyway possible.

Well, looks like muslims will indeed take over the entire West. Here in Brazil Islam is growing among the poorest people, especially in the favelas

>Pre-Columbian history
Haha yeah it's even more primitive than Colombia.

>Catholic religion
Catholics are heretics who molest their own kids. ESPECIALLY within mexican families, pedophilia is huge.
>Nice weather
Who gives a shit.
>Caribbean beaches
Who gives a shit.
>Amazing food
Unhealthy trashy food. one of the reasons why they drain medicare is that they get on benefits, which they didn't pay into btw, for all those shitty food they ate.
>BEAUTIFUL and sexy women (pic related)
Oh please. I live in Los angeles and I see the college students. They all look like pill bugs. It's as if one person had all those kids, all ugly.
>Pre-Columbian history
I don't give a fuck about their stupid fucking history.
>Share borders with Texas
They share a border with the most powerful country in the world, and they are still shit.
>You can legally have guns, despite the strict gun laws
Again, who gives a fuck.
>Armed civilians shoot police officers and drug dealers as they please
Have you even been to mexico? Wew lad.
>Absolutely free of Muslim scum
One of the biggest muslim communties here are Mexicans, they keep their names, but if you even check on kikebook, HUGE hispanic islamic community.

Please continue to live in a shit hole and hopefully you will never see the light of day in your country.

Eat shit and die maricon.

What I noticed about people in warm countries is that they're the ones constantly whining about the weather.

Don't fall for the hot latina meme.

Mexico is fine Im sure. But I dont want Mexicans on my country.

>Catholics are heretics

The women here are better mr. Da silva

2/10 try harder favela monkey

That stain of pedophilia will never go away from Catholicism. You guys are the worst christians by far, and I'm not even religious in the slighest. One day you rob, shoot or kill someone, rape someone, the next day you go and pray to some closeted pedophile behind closed doors, so they can absolve you of all those sins. Worst of all, is the hush money your church paid to hide all this shit, juggling around pedophiles.

BTW, we all know hispanics are pedophiles. They tell me they are. They tell me how there is nothing wrong with a 40 year old man going out with 9 year olds, that it's perfectly "natural", and it's not like this is some isolated incident, the vast majority of coworkers, who are mexicans, are pedophiles.

Fake and gay, there is no snow in tecate. Source tecatefag.

It just snowed two days ago, you nigger

>BEAUTIFUL and sexy women

try again paco

Mexico is a shitty country and their women are just as bad


I want to racemix with a Latina so fucking bad. Which country breeds the best of them?

why do they all have that same face? Jesus christ.

Buy a .380 or .38spl for home defense. Rifle up to .308 are reserved for hunting, gun club members and farmers. The registration is $30 pesos per fire arm.

Cartel killings

Fuck off cuck, theres no snow here. It did rain.

Breeding with a Latino, when you are not, just shows me you are settling for less because you couldn't find something better. All my friends who married them married them when they were old, and no other girl even looked at them, because they never had any game to try and find someone, up until some mexican whore comes along and marries him. All of a sudden they become "experts".

For fuck sakes. Even their own generation doesn't want anything to do with them. The future of Mexicans hate they are Mexican, and try their hardest to hide it.

>Absolutely free of Muslim scum
Not even close to being true. Mexican born Texan here who lived on a street with a mosque in Mexico until the age of 8.

Fuck this is pathetic, get out of my favela
>bordering texas is an accomplishment

I fucking hate Mexican-American marines. They have the worst attitudes and are fucking pricks.
And somehow the TSA thinks they're worth hiring by the dozens.

>good place to live
so good that native mexicans have been fleeing by the millions for decades


Yeah. It's too bad it's filled with lazy, ugly, low IQ fat disgusting beaners

She's pretty but ruining herself with tattoos

Nigger, there's only atleast 5000 in total and 99.9% are all dirt poor

sources say about 3500. and there are only about 12 mosques in the entire country.