They produce the best machines in the world, they have the best technology, and also they are the best athletes in the world. You cant win a world cup without amazing athletes
How is it that germans are both europes smartest AND athletic people?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Germans really are an impressive people.
But one thing is for sure, they have been brainwashed and they need to take their country back.
That change you want is truly on its way. Places like Sup Forums will grow the resentment in the german people until the leaders of germany are truly fighting to save getman blood. A german once posted that “Sup Forums ist lebensraum”.
It really is true when u think about it.
The most athletic people in Europe are Serbs and Croats.
So you don't have proofs to support your claims
Ur not djokovic, faggot. And serbs dont have a high enough iq to be federer tier athletes
You think because youre able to take a dump that doesnt have semen in it youre not a faggot?
Bc u are.
Thank you Burger. We appreciate it!
My Bavarian big cock will
Dominate the world soon
>asking for proof is equal to setting up an arbitrary framework
Let me guess - you're 16 and are accustomed to your claims going unchallenged by your idiot friends
just lol
You left me no choice
Yeah, but they ruin Europe and are responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of Europeans. And they are ruining Europe again right now.
Burger education...
Im not into sports so i only recognize middle guy on the pic and he is not German, he is Polish.
Technology? Which one? As far as i know most of technology used in WWII was stolen from the Czechs. They had the best tanks pre war LT vz. 35 which were simply renamed to the Panzer t35 and later upgraded to the 38t which were the actual backbone of the blitzkrieg operation. Whole of the german feared panzers hetzer, panter, tiger, jagdtiger and some of the waffentraeger were using their designs and technology. Alex Surin designed the very first panther prototype from scratch. 3000 planes that reinforced luftwaffe by a lot? Also stolen from the Czechs and when Germans conquered France, they literaly stole every single vehicle from them as well.
>You cant win a world cup without amazing athletes
How many of them are Germans? The only thing that they have in common with germany is the contract that they have signed.
Soccer is for faggots
Who cares if you're good at a soft sport like Soccer that only faggots play. Germany is 26th in rugby so they clearly aren't that tough.
Where is a German hockey player playing on the top line for an NHL team. I don't even need a hand to count on each finger how many great German hockey players there are.
who the fuck cares about rugby
Not cool bro, too soon... absolute tragedy.
Rugby is strictly homosexual. I figured the Germans would be all over that one.
Did it ded?
t. shitskin or butthurt dago
stop buying into the amerijew propaganda
lmao who swapped pic 3 and 4?
She is British.
They are a country of fucking low life retards who have ruined Europe over and over again, the sooner the yanks realise that the better. Everybody hates germany in europe and there people have the personality of a bit of wood.
>2nd guy in pic is Polish
>3rd is a T*rk
You couldn’t have used a picture of actual Germans?
>germans are both europes smartest AND athletic people
>posts a picture of a turk
Volkswagen has shitty transmissions. Japan pwns germany in machines. Lmk when German programming language; USA has many, Japan has ruby master lang, brazil has elixir, etc. What happen germbros? Also, fix your fucking transmissions.
However, when it comes to women, beer and guns? HEIL DEUSTCHLAND!!
Second in the world in Basketball, have a guy in UFC, Have many NBA players, Have very good football players who play all around Europe, Djokovic was number 1 in tenis... really unsuccessful for 7 mil pop yeah
They were forcibly brainwashed after the war unlike the untermenschen anglos and frenchies who just chose to be brainwashed
"They ruin Europe" says the burger who invades Europe with the Soviets.
No mate. Too soon.
world cup winning squad
pretty white honestly
> fifth most popular team sport in the world
> Besides the Soccer World Cup and Olympics, the Rugby World Cup is the most watched sporting event in the world
Lying to yourselves will get you nowhere, lads.
From left to right:
>??? (mutt)
>pole (assuming that's Podolski, really shitty pic of him)
>100% turk akbar (doesn't even sing the anthem, prays to allah in his head instead, lol)
3/10 bait
u wot m9
Sure you stupid balkan monkey
>(doesn't even sing the anthem, prays to allah in his head instead, lol)
who cares when he carries your ass
> Lists very specific things which they had little to do with
> somehow proof they never invent anything
Try and stop us mutt
Unwillingness to accept anything but absolute conviction and order
It's the same reason the Japs are better than the rest of Asia combined
>t. turk
Go back and take Fishface Özil with you.
If Manchester was a country it would be FOURTH in Olympic medal table
Be gone, Satan
>Completely ignores their German blood
Tell me, why are pure blooded serbs and croats not best in the world, why is it that only the ones with German blood are at the top?
>muh I have no arguments
>t. Kevin from Ossiland
>isnt aware of the influence panzer had on the war
>is even fucking talking
Hwoo boy i shiggy diggy
>Anglo scum
>Anything but garbage
You're funny
>most of technology used in WWII was stolen from the Czechs.