
Say what you will about (((them))), but many of their women are gifted with gigantic luscious milkers.

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Why do you hate so much?

That'll be enough out of you.

fuck off jidf kike

It's the source of their treachery.


Big boobs is waste of human

Yeah below 30 after that they all grow into them and get fat.

Do Jewish women actually produce milk?
Somehow it just doesn't seem possible. Milk is too pure to come out of the body of a Jewess.
Someone redpill me.

I don't think jews can produce milk as good as aryan milk. Has there ever been a study between breastmilk of different ethnic categories? That would truly be an interesting red pill

Never seen that type of study.
But what I do know is that diet plays a huge role in breastmilk quality. Most women these days have garbage milk.
Now as far as the Jewesses are concerned I was thinking that they produced a different beverage altogether, if any at all.

I think Jews discovered the genes for breast size and has been secretly augmenting their women's genes.

I don't give a fuck

Large breasts are linked to high iq
this shit has potential and I'm digging. What if we find out whites have superior breastmilk? That should blow the fuck out of mix racing.

And of course, breasts are all that matter
That's what will sustain a lengthy relationship, family and the travails of life
Big tits end up around the navel. But that's ok with mammary obessed mother's boys. Get out kids, take the new baby with you, I just want to grapple with these sagging bags as if the person they're attached to was merely a warm blooded sex toy
Lie down woman, forget the cooking, washing, shopping cleaning. I want to play at being a babe at the breast for the rest of my life. And too bad if my infantile obsession bores you and you've been consulting a voodoo practitioner as a means of putting me in the ground
Tits, tits, tits, that's all that matters to the arrested development man-child
In the 1950s, before the US was completely kiked, psychologists coined a word to describe the kike obsession with mama's tits. That word is 'momism' to describe mother-obsessed, emasculated males and the jewish-mother syndrome
And from that came the big breast phenomenon, starring Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren and the pneumatic bra which contorted breasts to resemble nukes
Then breast implants for young and old, including creatures that were born male
And people wonder why soy-boys and manlets and pron

I've noticed this in liveleak as well, kek

A kike is a kike, have some self control

>Tits, tits, tits, that's all that matters



fuck off jew tits

The weight of those things is prob unreal

If you did five minutes research, you'd learn that large breasts signify a woman's allergic reaction to her own hormones
The statues created by the ancient Greeks and Romans did not have large breasts
Large breasts are a kike fixation because the kike male is obsessed with his mother life long
Maybe paedophilia is an attempt to break the lure of momma's tits?

I thought she was a guido?

Definitely has some top-tier milkers, though
this is literally pointing to huge differences between ethnic groups. But nothing about white breast milk.
>CONCLUSIONS: Differences exist in breast milk fatty acid composition in different ethnic groups in the same region, although no difference was demonstrated in the diet analysis.

That would be a very good find indeed.
Definitely worth digging into.

Checked for interest.


>marry jewess with huge milkers
>raise many kids together
>secretly train them in the ways of Hitler
>they will be considered fully kike due to matrilineal jewdom
>assimilate them into the shadow government
>they turn on their fellow Jews and provide the final solution
And you still get to use those milkers as pillows

I want a large breasted jewish gf so badly


forgot pic


(((Danielle Bregoli Peskowitz))) is her full name.
Do you really think she'd be rich and famous right now if she wasn't part of the tribe?
The whole guido thing is an act.

Found it!
>The diet of the studied Chinese mothers is less balanced with regard to the levels of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) than that of the Swedish mothers, which is also mirrored in the breast milk of these mothers.

Omegas are responsible for good brain development.
Sweden is literally being targeted for a reason

Interesting find.
Still unable to tell whether the difference is all from diet or if there is a genetic component.
Only way to know for sure is if there was a study that gave the same diet to all women.

I'm digging as well.
I can't find any that control the diet variable.
If I do I will post. If I don't then it means I couldn't find.

Why the sudden push for ugo jewesses?

Am I suppose to sellout my principles because of tits? lol

Not at all, the idea is to take their best looking women and Gentilize them. They do the same thing with our women, it’s only fair.

>Not at all, the idea is to take their best looking women and Gentilize them. They do the same thing with our women, it’s only fair.
Then you double down with another ugo jewess. You HAVE to be a christcuck. Moreover, Jews consider the mother to carry on the bloodline. But, I'm sure that having a kike kid impresses your christcuck friends. You idiots are just as bad as leftist with the virtue signaling.


There is cache version of a huge study, Im digging here since it might say something.

>The infant gut microbiome is influenced by ethnicity and breastfeeding in the first year of life. Ethnic differences in the gut microbiome may reflect maternal/infant dietary differences and whether these differences are associated with future cardiometabolic outcomes can only be determined after prospective follow-up.

The article is well put together but it still lists food as determining it when another study said it's ethnicity

>i for myself welcome my new jewish milker's overlords...

The study I'm looking at is showing the white Caucasian clearly winning even on the same conditions. Something's up for sure.

Not the ugly ones dipshit.

Wow, this subversive race, which is in the process of openly and rapidly undermining my race's stability and survival, has females with large breasts.

Fuck you and fuck your garbage slide thread. Your fictional Holocaust creation myth is going to look like a child's party when next our people awaken.

joining the game


good read straya
funny how women continue to increase their percentage of T&A and twerk their fat asses around in yoga pants -- and complain MORE about being objectified.

gimme 8

>tfw no jewish cowtit mommy gf


Her Jew dad was actually trying to keep her away from all that but her dago mom had full control

Never before have I seen such a prevalent use of the word, khazar, than I have now, with the advent of, khazar milkers.

Warms my heart. Schlomo hates it when you call him a khazar.

Khazar milkers are the white man's greatest weakness