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Your federal tax bill is $75k? Assuming you are in the 25% bracket you are making north of $400k a year. How can you survive on this?

Trump lowered your taxes. He also got rid of the nigger jew methods yoy were using to avoid paying them.

>nigger jew methods yoy were using to avoid paying them

he's an expert on that subject

"Your president" is being investigated for connections to Hamas terror group. ..... Lmao!

Kys sage


it's time to fight dirty


the honest truth is if you pay that much in taxes youre smart enough to learn or know to pay someone who knows how to avoid paying taxes. As someone who works in finance, its clear. youre full of shit.

Oh, and Hillary voters got punished. I love him even more now. GEOTUS.

Probably some cuckold in Seattle/Cali/Denver who willingly pays 200k+ to live in an apartment with no kids and minimal charitable contribution, then complains when he's expected to contribute


>Your tax bill is $73,000

Jesus fucking christ how high is your income? $500,000?

better than a clutz

Of course GEOTUS isn't your President. You're from Albania
sage this shill thread

We already knew, Krugman.

>from 73k to 76k
Oh no. How will he ever survive with only several hundred thousand dollars left to live on?

>$1 million salary
>Single renter, no kids
We have reached peak beta.

that is literally someone putting in phony numbers to drive up his taxes on purpose

fucking how much do you make???

>Coastal elites are so stupid they have to rely on the federal government to subsidize their insane taxes instead of telling their state government to lower them
I have no sympathy for you

oh no, that millionaire just lost almost two thousand whole dollars

I make only a lowly $300,000, maybe I should pay someone to figure out how to pay less tax...

and you are surprised that he lied? that fuckin shit is 500 pages, wait for a year to see what they find in it

> losing money for no reason whatsoever
> trumpenomics

That's literally what accountants are for

>people making +250k have to pay taxes
did trump just win over the dem vote?

Protecting private property rights is the most important duty of all civilized man.
BTW give me link to the site.

barack is back?

>Taxing rich people literally less than 1% more
Yeah he's a fucking monster alright.

Wtf i hate the rich now


Yeah that's obviously what I said, keep digging, faggot.

oh no, guess white people have to start getting kids

don't you have any compassion for those poor goldman sachs CEOs you monster?

Tax BILL is $75k! So now the left hates it when the rich pay more.
>Actually makes you stop to fucking contemplate.

Liar, Democrats told me the rich will save the most.

Good. Fuck you.

Fake news, Democrats have repeatedly assured us this bill is a huge giveaway to the rich


All dva mains, dva posters, and dva waifuists should be ground up into dogmeat and dumped in the sewers.

Fuck you and your bullshit skilless hero.

I thought liberals wanted to raise taxes on the rich? Pay your fair share bigot.

>single renter with no kids
>income 1 million dollars
>a childless renter
>1 million fucking dollars a year

How can you be that rich and still not have like 10 kids shit trump did it
Are you still thinking of getting a vasectomy and only dating your girlfriend

If you look at the tax plan, 400k/yr is literally the only bracket that will be taxed at a higher rate.

The only one.

Fuck off, faggot. Good of the people, right?

Liberals should just not pay their taxes, you can't imprison half the population can you?

And this is why i continue to post.

What if this is all part of a bigger plan to get people to actually get married and get a better job so that they can pay less in taxes. Sounds like good motivator.


Not everyone wants to produce autists with 40 year old former porn stars

>playing or caring about Blizzard games
neck yourself

>tfw surgeon
>tfw first year making real money after nearly a decade of 80+ hr weeks
>tfw have to pay >$150k in taxes
Maybe I wouldn’t care as much if it was going to help build bridges instead of federal aid to Uzbekistan and gibs to lazy niggers

>property tax

Shit why not
This is America where autists are treated like princes
I would love to see the product of my dna slobbering over hooker tits

We're cutting aid to all the countries that voted against us in the UN and Trump will pass an infrastructure bill eventually.

>We're cutting aid to all the countries that voted against us in the UN

I mean, he is though.

>Wowwwwwwww.... the less-than-1% is having to pay a hair more! Trump is a monster!!! That millionaire was probably a Hillary voter!

>implying they're not "donating" to their own charities


He is the Jew you dumbass

>wtf this tax cut is all for the rich
>actually raises taxes on the rich
really makes one wonder

>implying this is a bad thing
He actually is. He and anyone would be an idiot not to take free money. The tax code is 8000 pages long. Most of the people who put the GIBs into the tax bill and most of the people who asked for said GIBS are long dead. Time to cut that shit out and make actual living people come and request gibs.

>prop. tax with no prop
They literally had to find the most impossible combinations to plug into their spreedsheet to make this bill look bad.

The right man for the job, in other words.

OP you should hang yourself in protest! That would really teach Trump a lesson!

> 75k federal tax
> assumes 25% bracket


kys faggot
>in all fields

Can't hide it if its salary, lobotomized nigger bug

What can you say, pol/tards don't pay taxes


Currently I pay over $1 Million yearly in taxes so fuck yeah I want less of my money stolen from me!

This is why you should NEVER trust a jew, remember this /nupol/

Money hoarding Jew detected


>70k in taxes
eat shit richfag, now get back to work, my tendies don't buy themselves. fuck you



>Your a jew if you don't want your money to go to niggers and Mexicans

poorfags BTFO

No they're looking into opening an investigation into him turning a blind eye to Hezbollah and their drug running into the US in order to secure the Iran deal. Get your facts straight

I thought democrats love paying taxes. Just think how our glorious federal government can spend that money way better than you can.

Wait is posting a thing now?

Hezbollah, but yea.

Why are you living in California?

>libfags complain tax cuts are inly for rich
>have to use rich income levels to prove *someone* is paying more
amazing how libshits can argue 2 opposite sides of an argument

I will be paying 3% less next year which will give me a savings of about 2 grand. That's at least a hundred bucks a paycheck. I am stoked.

It's amazing what you can do when you aren't bound to the restrictions of facts and logic.

It is called taking one for the team. Now shut up and salute the flag, fag.

>doesnt screenshot the entire thing

>SALT state
Previously you were able to write off all state and local taxes, now that is capped at $10k.
Don't blame him for your state fucking you over with their taxes.
Now you know your local politicians have been fucking you (and everyone else in the country) to make their budgets work.

No you dumb nigger.

Your STATE TAXES and STATE are the reason for this.

He can have business in the USA

the only good accountants are male jews or male asians who work with small businesses and know how to hide cash. any other type of accountant won't help you save

>doesnt help the rich

>claim it helps the rich

Isn't that good? Didn't all democrats told on Twitter that they'll pay more taxes than they have to as some protest act? You should be happy for btfoing drumpf for mommy Hillary.

Holy shit it’s real.

>living in a state with a high state income tax

The repeal of Obama care was in that bill, I don't here anyone talking about that yet.
>He cut taxes and repealed Obama care....stop following thru on your promises

A millionaire bitching about $2k. Certified jew.

I envy you sempai
I wish the God emperor would reverse-colonize us