Why are muslims such ugly cunts?


>Islam is an ethnicity

Here in Israel they are literally nigger equivalent. They're loud, have fucked up hair, espouse primitive nigger values, and have those few stereotypes that are very lovable. The big fat Arab merchant is everyone's favorite coinciding with the big fat black dude who makes chicken.

Islam is not an ethnicity or a race you dumb mong

Flag update


Arabs and South Asians are ugly. Levantines and Persians are really good looking.


Okay, why arabs so ugly? We had a Lebanese family go to my district school and they were facially the ugliest people I'd ever seen. I felt kinda bad for them this one time in middle school we got assigned seats in group tables in this one girl told him to his face that she didnt wanna look at him, so she and her friends told the teacher that he was using dirty language to get him to move so the after lunch the teacher moved his desk to the corner and he sat by himself for the rest of the year.

>Arabs ugly
>Levant people pretty
Levant people are Arabs, you daft cunt.

>Levant people are Arabs

Not all arabs are the same people you moron.
Gulf arabs and bedouins are much darker and uglier than people from lebanon, syria and eygpt.

maybe you just saw an ugly family, one family doesn't represent the entire population.

Inbreeding and shitty genes to boot

I live grew up in Patterson, NJ which has one the highest population of arabs in america and i saw alot of them in college as well. I've never seen an attractive arab they look like jews but browner and uglier. That being said I think indians are th ugliest race in existence the majority of the world would agree with me on that but arabs are a close second followed by niggers.

They're still arabs - mixed arabs.


Hundreds of generations of inbreeding.

How do you hack something while being blind

and yet somehow every single person knows which niggers he is referring to. STFU, everyone knows muslims means"ugly brown sand roaches"

Because physiognomy is real.

>le 56% man calling other people ugly

maybe learn what words youi are using before you use them you 56%er

italians aren't much better than 56%ers though moritonio

He's most likely just a blogger with victim points.

I'm losing it imagining his text to speech program reading every one of trump's tweets to him, multiple times per day.

Cousin marriage is a essential part of the religion

>Physiognomy is the assessment of character or personality from a person's outer appearance, especially the face.

They're cunts because they're ugly.

the question was why they are ugly , and this has nothing to do with "physiognomy"

why are americans so fucking bad at english ?

because they completely removed female control of reproduction. Theyre insecure as fuck, remember that model tier dude who was literally banned from KSA or wherever?

Let me rephrase it for you then, they're ugly because they're cunts.

that's not what physiognomy means

lmfao lmao kapalao

go back to watching jordin Peterson and laura southern videos you loser

Looks like a spic

In Moonman's voice

Arabs look completely normal, of course not all of us are beautiful melikes but we aren't hideous either

t. butthurt uggo

Muslims mean someone how practice islam but most of the followers are browns how look the same but most Europe Muslims are from the middle east most of them are nirth African arabs and pakis/indians

you only see the ugly ones because the good looking ones don't move from their countries

this is the case for almost all migrants, it's the bad ones that leave, the ones that have something to lose and hold a position of power because of their looks/intelligence almost never do

go stuff your mouth with cheerios and never tag me again you little nigger

Nice example he has no fucking eyes, brainlet

nobody cares abdullah, you are inferior and your culture is inferior and the only thing that counts is that we can bomb you and wipe oyu out in less than 5 min if we chose to do so

now stfu and go back to milking camels and wanking to your oil money

>tfw no dearborn gf who respects the imam ali

I'm no fan of muslims, but to be fair, most people everywhere are fucking hideous. I try to leave the house as little as possible so I don't have to look at people's fat, retard faces.

They basically look like Mexicans judging from this yearbook. I've only met one Muslim during my entire life and she was in one of my business classes. She never spoke to anyone but from what I saw of her, she didn't look that bad.

there are a lot more ugly muslims than there are other uglies amongst all other races except maybe niggers

it seems to be that the closer to islam the people are, the more arabized they look and the fuglier they get no exception

just look at pakistanis they often times have rat faces

>say the country with the most pathetic military on earth
Oh I'm scaried

lmfao you are from fucking iraq and you are talking to switzerland and still try to act as if you even stand a chance

when we would blow you the fuck out with about 10-20 people because we have quality personnel and not retards with rifles that care more abou their moustaches and diddling little children

They are clearly cursed for rejecting Christ.

Lol, there are no attractive sand niggers. They ALL look and smell like dog shit.

We don't reject juese but we reject Christianity because it is corrupted
Have you seen one of us

This fucking autisim. I hate sandniggers too, but does the fact that my country could decimate yours mean that all of us amerimutts are superior to you? I think not, there are some really terrible Americans.

Just that you did debunk my argument

Yes. All the time outside my local benifits office.

> does the fact

yes it does, being able to destroy somebody means you are superior to them in every way and if you can't accept that you are blind dumb and...

are you the guy from OPs pic?

holy shit

? ? ?? ? ? ? ??

Inbreeding by marriage to first cousins. Look it up.

Centuries of Inbreeding and fucking goats

arabs are very attractive. can't say much about others though

t. faggot nigger


I said you military is pathetic and you just insult me and said blow yourself you didn't debunk me and why lack of manners dude I respect you but you didn't respect me I

This guy right here

>and why lack of manners dude I respect you but you didn't respect me

Dude, you're on Sup Forums. Expect to be insulted at any given time for no reason.

Because they all marry their fucking cousins.

I know but I thought I will be insulted for rational reasons
We don't not all of us do that

why won't your women get off my dick?

>We don't not all of us do that
Indeed, sisters are ok too

fag yes nigger no

neck yourself

XDDDDDD but it is forbidden though