>Joy is now spreading in Zimbabwe since white farmers are returning to the poor country
Niggers, kikes, feminists, commies, and SJW scum eternally BTFO by the absolute necessity of colonialism.
>Joy is now spreading in Zimbabwe since white farmers are returning to the poor country
Niggers, kikes, feminists, commies, and SJW scum eternally BTFO by the absolute necessity of colonialism.
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You got problems
his right you know
the dumb niggers will die out and only the smartest niggers will survive.
let natural selection do its thing and allow evolution to take its course.
Either the niggers will go extinct or become smart and civilized through natural selection.
the white man need to stop messing with nature.
Ok that was good, gave me a giggle
I'm surprised white farmers would even bother. I thought neighboring nations were happy to have them.
No white should ever farm anything in Zimbabwe again.
agreed, fuck any traitor that actually goes back.
literally no better than jews that went back to germany after ww2, just carpetbaggers looking to make a buck.
>meme flag
>talks like nigger
this guy is right.
their race need to be on their own to evolve becouse if we keep doing all the hard shit for them, they will never learn
Roasted like a Planter's peanut.
This is shitposting 2.0
Can we officially declare that the experiment known as black majority rule been a complete and utter failure?
v good
They realized that the Afrikaaners and Anglos are better than Chang. I'm predicting that once Africa develops more the demand for whites will skyrocket. You may go "Hurr durr they're all niggers" but just like China I can see whites becoming the sign of prosperity for Africans.
pretty amusing
How can swedecucks even compete?
top kek someone make a webm and include me nigger
>a nigger thinks starving to death is a peaceful way to suffer
>gtfo our countries WHITIE
>help us white peepo!
Jokes aside, I'd agree with this nigger if western governments would stop giving aid to africa.
Don't give a fucking cent or a bushel of grain, let their population collapse.
But this won't stop and everyone knows it.
Also if they starve the western pozzed governments would just bring them in because muh starving refugees.
Then eventually the west would run out of crops to feed all the niggers.
Then white farmers would have to go back to africa to Make Africa Great Again.
Jesus Christ niggers are as short-sighted as they are stupid.
>it will go unnoticed among msm
>the white farmers will be guilted to provide gibs for billions of niggers while the niggers rape their wives daily.
oh wow, its fucking nothing. Probably another white cuck attempt at feeding the chimps at their own expense.
>You're one of the gays
That's pretty hot fire my dude
plz post to nig twitter to mine salt
lmao swedes on suicide watch... so I guess the usual
Why the fuck would they want to return?
This right here should become a meme!
No, this isn't what happens. Sally Struthers will create a new NPO, and confiscate donations as they roll in to supply her fat ass with calories. Trust me, I'm an 80s kid. I've seen this scenario play out, and it's the harsh reality of the world.
>Let the people suffer in peace
White people are such absolute cucks.
If this is what shitposting will become in the future, we truly live in the best timeline.
Wew lad
Africa is being neo-colonized by China anyway because Africa contains the most unexploited farmland in the world. Likely this is why China wants to combat climate change and the US doesn't, because chances are if massive climate change happens, the US will still have lots of good farmland, but Europe, Canada, and possibly China will suffer. I'm convinced at this point the jewish strategy is to use the US to induce climate change to cause world devestation to crush populations. I don't mind, whites will be alright, we already know how to be sufficient in winter without gibs.
How long till the niggers turn agains the Afrikaners?
Because we know they will
i hope this becomes a meme
your ability to produce such intricate rhymes in such a short period of time is uncanny
I've missed you
You dont sound Swedish, you sound like a shitskin desu
>we're running out of people to murder, pls send us more whites
So tell me Timbuktu, where are you really from?
top tier shit posting.
Why in the fuck would they EVER come back?
Now if only Sup Forums was as grateful to the intellectual giants that the Jews have gifted our species.
But we wont the population of Africa has exploded in recent decades because of aid. Africa is literally the single mother living on welfare.
This. Boers get sympathy the first time they get genocided. Not the second when they go back to their killers.
there must be a cuckold gene in whites
>Africa is literally the nigger single mother of twelve living on welfare
This is truly next level. That Hiroshimoot cryptokike should allow sound webms on Sup Forums.
pol devolves to trash talking rap webm's
becomes overrun with niggers
I've been watching you post since early this morning dude, don't stop
No you shabbos goyim, you are supposed to wait until they all die of starvation and then take the land for yourselves! This way you ensure that that you don't get run out town again because you appeased them for a short time until they say fuck whitey, you have to go because we kangz and this our land!
great now i have cofee all over my desk
Its good land, just need to follow through with the justified genocide of the pests overrunning it
troll a libtard epicstyle
ur so clever and funny lol.... and thats coming from a comedian
funny f ace
Can nobody find something on this nigger Tariq? I wish somebody would drag him behind a truck.
shut the fuck
>not knowing the word 'uncanny'
It means unreal, supernatural, fantastic. Jesus fucking Christ, fucking retarded burgers.
Tariq confirmed dragged behind seven trucks, five times.
I wish we did Nahseed.
Niggers deserve to starve.
Hottest girl I ever fucked was only in America because her family farm was invaded by mugabes nigger squad
No. White countries will just compensate them with tons of gibs.
You should have wife'd that shit. I bet she was racist as fuck.
If you had told me that there existed such a man in this world that would make a rap video responding to my shitpost on Sup Forums, I would never have believed you.
But now I have witnessed this miracle. 10/10 pure keks, user.
I'm Stupendo the psychic this is what I see in my crystal ball:
>White farmers return
>Spend years making farms productive
>Make lots of food, every nigger is fed
>Farmers start exporting extra food for money
>Niggers get jealous, want food AND money
>Niggers steal farms
>Niggers starve to death
>Niggers beg whitey to return
cuck 'em. kek
we have been blessed
I think the Zimbabweans can manage themselves they just need some education, some Europeaan education.
Personally i think Africa is the trial of the Europeans, can we make it a paradise, wealthy, human friendly and ... i would not mind visiting Africa it looks so warm and so exotic.
In answer to that nigger, likely because they are bleeding heart christfags
I hate swedes, I really do.
the minute their stomachs are full those retarded low iq niggers will start slaughtering white farmers again as if they never had just went through all this.
Whites should let them fucking starve for good
Fucking kek my sides, next level shitposting
poo in loo
It just has to be fucking leaf
Just let them starve. It proves the point just as effectively and gets rid of them for good. Also, why are you interested in trying to teach these maniacs anything? They can't learn.
Whites can't resist going to other countries and farming. It's just what white people do. Liberals cry that we colonized the world but we were just trying to farm. We literally dindu nuffin
then you come back with a bun in the oven from the heart of africa that your husband will support unconditionally, right?
tits or gtfo, you are clearly a woman
god. damn. those are some huge feet
>let them suffer in peace
Man Tariq Nasheed is really a piece of work.
It's actually a Japanese user
I had a big raims is a big taims
Cause Mario might be super
But I'm super duper
With a big tuper
Kek welcome back.
Fuck this shit. He's going to help them multiply and then they will overflow to Europe. All whites need to stay out of Africa.